Virtualization / Re: Very poor performance of ArcaOS on VirtualBox 7 on Intel Mac
« on: February 02, 2025, 12:07:04 pm »
I have avoided VMWare in the past for this since it was not supposed to have as good integration with OS/2 as VirtualBox, however I have installed the latest version and did a fresh install of ArcaOS 5.0.8. To my surprise it is running much faster than VirtualBox does - and has very, very acceptable performance. (Whereas a similar fresh install on VirtualBox is still very slow.) However the only VMWare Tools that I can find are from https://github.com/wwiv/os2-guest/releases/. These work well, but only provide mouse/pointer integration and clipboard synchronisation. This is a great start, but not as good as what VirtualBox provides, especially custom resolutions and shared folders.
As I am very pleased with VMWare as well but could not get Sound working, regardless wich OS/2 Version and VMWare Version combination and wich emulated Sound driver or Hardware I would like to know if you have been able to get Sound support for OS/2 inside VMWare? Thanks!