Applications / Re: Thunderbird - SM email makes system trap in Warp 4.52 but ok in Arcaos5
« on: Today at 07:50:02 pm »
While SeaMonkey and Thunderbird share much of the same code, strictly speaking they're different programs.
Long shot, I see you're using the W4 kernel. Perhaps try changing to the SMP kernel if it is in your 4.52 install.
Look in x:\os2\install, should be a SMP directory. You need to change the kernel, OS2LDR and DOSCALL1.DLL with the ones in the SMP directory.
DOSCALL1.DLL will need unlocking before swapping and a reboot after. For the kernel and os2ldr, you might have to change their attributes, then move them out of the way and replace both. These are all connected and need to be changed as a group before rebooting.
Long shot, I see you're using the W4 kernel. Perhaps try changing to the SMP kernel if it is in your 4.52 install.
Look in x:\os2\install, should be a SMP directory. You need to change the kernel, OS2LDR and DOSCALL1.DLL with the ones in the SMP directory.
DOSCALL1.DLL will need unlocking before swapping and a reboot after. For the kernel and os2ldr, you might have to change their attributes, then move them out of the way and replace both. These are all connected and need to be changed as a group before rebooting.