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Messages - Neil Waldhauer

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 73
Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« on: January 06, 2025, 03:37:18 pm »
The source code led me to my installation of PSPRINT.DRV. I think I installed it correctly, but when I try to create a printer, PSPRINT adds this to POPUPLOG.OS2

Code: [Select]
01-06-2025  06:28:59  SYS3175  PID 0022  TID 0002  Slot 0042
P1=00000001  P2=00000007  P3=XXXXXXXX  P4=XXXXXXXX 
EAX=00000000  EBX=00535d6c  ECX=1cb80c80  EDX=00000007
ESI=1a34a7f0  EDI=00535ed4 
DS=0053  DSACC=d0f3  DSLIM=7fffffff 
ES=0053  ESACC=d0f3  ESLIM=7fffffff 
FS=150b  FSACC=00f3  FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000  GSACC=****  GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1ef407c7  CSACC=d0df  CSLIM=7fffffff
SS:ESP=0053:00535978  SSACC=d0f3  SSLIM=7fffffff
EBP=00535c00  FLG=00012202

PSPRINT.DRV 0002:000107c7

Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« on: January 03, 2025, 04:55:10 pm »
I found Cups Wiz is getting the driver location from OS2.INI


Unfortunately, I cannot set a value that evades the syntax error message from VX-REXX. Probably I should look at the source code for Cups Wiz on Net labs.

Comments, Suggestions & Questions / Re: OS/2 Licensing
« on: January 03, 2025, 01:34:31 am »
The copyright seems to be 120 years for a commercial product like OS/2. Software written by one person would be copyrighted for 70 years after the end of his life.

Oddly, it looks like a private person downloading a copy of OS/2 and using it may be OK legally. Offering a copy of OS/2 for download from a server in the USA is probably not OK.

Comments, Suggestions & Questions / Re: OS/2 Licensing
« on: January 02, 2025, 03:44:23 pm »
If someone wants to try OS/2, and downloads a copy from the Internet, I doubt they can get in trouble with IBM, even if they are violating license terms.

It's different for someone who wants to offer OS/2 software. IBM may have issues with someone distributing OS/2 parts and fixpaks. Here on OS/2 World, we don't even give links to unofficial OS/2 media and fixes. But OS/2 has been off the market for 18 years.

Is there some time limit after which OS/2 licensing doesn't matter?

Have we already reached that time?

When can a business or other organization offer OS/2 parts without licensing restrictions?

Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« on: December 30, 2024, 01:14:33 am »
I think I have PSPRINT installed. The installation routine does not actually notify you of success or failure. Cups Wiz does select PSPRINT in the screen before the Error.

Here is a fragment of error_log from my attempt to create a printer

E [29/Dec/2024:16:02:29 +0800] Unable to get hostname: Function not implemented
E [29/Dec/2024:16:06:01 +0800] [CGI] Unable to execute ippfind utility: No such file or directory
E [29/Dec/2024:16:06:27 +0800] [CGI] Unable to execute ippfind utility: No such file or directory
W [29/Dec/2024:16:06:31 +0800] cupsdDoSelect: select() returned 4 (Interrupted system call)... pause and retry select()

Also, CUPSWIZ thinks my local driver repository is D:\OS2IMAGE, while I think it should be C:\OS2\DLL\PSPRINT or maybe C:\OS2\DLL. I don't know how to tell Cups Wiz otherwise.

Comments, Suggestions & Questions / OS/2 Licensing
« on: December 29, 2024, 08:41:26 pm »
I'm looking at how people use OS/2. I think people want to try something different, and I see a lot of copies that can be downloaded.

OS/2 is not abandonware. No version of OS/2 is “free”. ArcaOS is based on an IBM licensed OS/2. It's still for sale.

That said, you can freely download any number of OS/2 versions. If you are a licensed OS/2 user, you can legitimately use these downloaded versions.

These are the license classes I recognize

OS/2 Warp 41996 release, without Software Advantage
OS/2 Warp 41996 release including Software Advantage
MCPone of the Merlin Convenience pack releases, 1, 2, 2R
MCPwith Arca Noae software
eCSeComStation release, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.2R, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 beta
eCSwith Arca Noae Software
ArcaOSversions 5.0.x, 5.1
ArcaOSwith Software Subscription

While running under VirtualBox, Warp4 needs TCP/IP 4.3 from Software Choice to implement Shared Folders
While running under VirtualBox, Warp4 and MCP both need Arca Noae Software to implement Power Off
Warp 3 probably has the same restrictions as Warp 4
Earlier versions of OS/2 probably cannot run TCP/IP 4.3

Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« on: December 29, 2024, 03:52:12 am »
I created an icon in the startup folder to start the CUPS daemon. I gave cupswiz.exe a command line containing the parent cups directory, C:\usr in my case. Now I get a list of printers.

I can select my printer, scan the local network and discover the printer, but when I go to create the printer object, Cupswiz displays an error (see attached). No printer is created.

Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« on: December 27, 2024, 07:46:25 pm »
Thanks, Pete. While running cupsd made no difference to cupswiz, it made a difference for lpinfo.

The output from lpinfo is attached.

Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« on: December 27, 2024, 04:20:31 pm »
Well, that helps!

Version 1.18

System boot volume: C:
Local CUPS directory: C:\CUPS
Local driver repository: D:\OS2IMAGE

which lpinfo

lpinfo -m
lpinfo: bad file number

which cupsd

set unixroot

Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« on: December 26, 2024, 04:01:50 pm »
The cups daemon wasn't running. If I start it, and then run cupswiz, I still don't see any printers.

Setup & Installation / Installing CUPS on MCP
« on: December 25, 2024, 05:55:22 pm »
Well, the short answer is to install rpm/yum on MCP, then cups.

But I like the interfaces for Printman and Cupswiz. It makes configuring printers so much easier. I can download these from Alex Taylor's website, and, after installing the prerequisites, I can get Printman to start. Cupswiz initially starts with an error in DosLoadModule, but can be corrected by fiddling with UCONV.DLL and friends.

But, after that, Cupswiz comes up empty. I have both cups and hplip installed, but where did the printer models go? (see attached screenshot)

Hardware / Re: CH340 serial
« on: December 24, 2024, 03:37:55 pm »
The usbcom driver supports a lot of devices already. What is your output of this.

Device=C:\os2\boot\usbcom.sys /v

If nothing is found, maybe you need a different USB serial port converter?

Also, even the newest desktop computers still seem to have serial ports.

Networking / Re: Sharing WSeB Server drives to Win 10/11 Clients
« on: December 12, 2024, 03:20:32 pm »
For all its faults, SAMBA networks pretty well with Windows. Also with Mac, Linux, iOS. I was kind-of hoping you would get SMB1/NTLM working in a recent Windows, but I'm not surprised that it isn't.

Hardware / Re: OS/2 on ARM64 CPU - No Problem! - Surface Pro 11
« on: November 25, 2024, 05:05:50 pm »
Thanks for testing with X86Box. I am curious about some things.

1. Is there a mouse/keyboard integration issue? Can I move the mouse between host OS and guest OS?
2. OS/2 Warp 3 is promising. The website also shows OS/2 Warp 4. Can it run ArcaOS?
3. Is this also a possibility for the Mac? If so, which Mac CPU is supported?

Setup & Installation / Re: TCP/IP 4.3 patches
« on: November 25, 2024, 01:52:34 am »
I can find it in here:

but of course, that is just an addon patch to TCP 4.3.

The good thing is that it also contains all the relevant protocol and socket drivers and the other DLLs that work together with TCPIP32.DLL (for example TCPIPDLL.DLL that I seem to remember is the interfacing DLL for 16-bit apps using the older BSD Version 4.3 API and TCP32DLL.DLL is the interfacing DLL for 32-bit apps using the older BSD Version 4.3 API, see also the TCP/IP Version 4.21 Programming Reference that comes with the OS/2 toolkit: "Introduction to Networking Services).

I have now tried to replace TCP/IP 4.3 with ic27649. Doing so allows the VirtualBox Additions to load and shared folders work as well as the do on ArcaOS - several bugs, not likely to be fixed, but does transfer files.

Unfortunately many TCP/IP features, like resolving network names, do not work. Installing TCP/IP 4.3 over ic27649 makes networking work again, so ic27649 cannot be used as a free version of TCP/IP 4.3. TCP/IP 4.3 was a Software Choice offering. I may need to rethink how to install VirtualBox Additions.

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