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Messages - Sigurd Fastenrath

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Setup & Installation / Re: eCS 2.2 YUM/RPM question
« on: February 02, 2013, 10:47:12 pm »

I thought I answered these about two weeks ago on the eCS mailing list.  However, I'll answer again.

Sorry, but this informations unfortunately never reached me. Thanks though.

And once again - my Intention is not to blame someone or something, it is just that I want to point the developers to - in my opinion - some theoretical but important problems users might have or face while trying to install ecs 2.2.
Theoretical because unfortunately it is not possible to test a beta as it is reschedulded and therefore delayed from month to month.....

Setup & Installation / Re: eCS 2.2 YUM/RPM question
« on: January 30, 2013, 12:37:21 pm »
Although answered numerous times here again what I can say from the top of my head -

3) no, yes
4) no
5) 3 dirs are created at root. AFAIR /usr /etc /var

Might it be possible to answer this easy question with an easy YES or NO?  - > Thanks in Advance!
No. As you see above I needed a little more for 5)  ;)

I could give here links to the netlabs rpm sites and readmes, but this is would be more than YES or NO too....  :)

Thanks you very much, Andi! I know that I am a bit annoying sometimes  ;)

For 3 your answer is: 3) no, yes

-> that leads me to my initial conclusions:

During install I have two possibilities: install YUM/RPM on bootdrive or on another drive
-> If I want to install it on another Drive this drive has to be already created and formatted before the "real" installation starts, otherwise I will not be able to install ODIN and so on...
-> If the Drive is not present or if I am "Just" a simple user (like me  ::)  ) and I have no deep information about it while installing I will choose the installation drive. In this case I have to have in mind to have more than 2GB at hand, otherwise - as all the executables of future YUM/RPM programs will go into the bootdrive as well - I will soon run out of space.

It is a pitty that I can not use my mother tongue to explain what I want to stress, but this time I will just write a few sentences in German and am sorry for this  8)

-> Ohne entsprechende Hinweise vor oder während der Installation wird Otto Normalverbraucher nicht realisieren können, welch wichtige Entscheidung er zu treffen hat, WO genau YUM/RPM installiert werden soll. Folgt er den Hinweisen von Mensys wonach für die Installation insgesamt 2GB Platz genug wären und ist er sich nicht im klaren, dass bei Installation von YUM/RPM auf dem Bootlaufwerk sein Plattenplatz evtl. zügig zur Neige geht (weil große Teile aller Folgeprogramme ebenfalls dort abgelegt werden), wird er oder sie nicht lange Freude an seiner Installation haben.

Setup & Installation / Re: eCS 2.2 YUM/RPM question
« on: January 30, 2013, 11:09:30 am »
Thanks for all the answers, but I still have no idea about my questions:

1. there is a minimum space of 6GB required for a "full" install of eCS 2.2? +
3. has YUM/RPM to be installed on the boot drive or is it possible to install it on a seperate drive?
(as these depend on each other)

2. will the installer quit if there is less or deselect RPM/YUM applications (JAVA, ODIN, QT I guess)
4. or do one have to have two partitions for the installation (one for OS one for YUM/RPM) allways?
5. If it is necessary to install YUM/RPM on the bootdrive - does it will go in a seperate folder or "mess up" the whole boot drive with the needed folder structure?

Sorry, but I am not able to find the answers to that - "simple" - questions.

As far as I understand the whole YUM/RPM is needed to install ODIN and QT - as JAVA and Flash are not ready....

The most important questions of these are to me:

Does YUM/RPM hast to be installed on the Bootdrive and will it go in a seperat folder?

Might it be possible to answer this easy question with an easy YES or NO?  - > Thanks in Advance!

Setup & Installation / Re: eCS 2.2 YUM/RPM question
« on: January 18, 2013, 08:08:27 am »
Andy, thank you for trying to answer the questions but it would be nice to have definitive answers to those questions from the developers.

Sorry for this "double posting" at ecomstation yahoogroup as well, I wanted to start there but my first text there seemed not to reach the group, but then it appeared about half an hour after I wrote it.
So there is some more information here:

Thanks for all the answers but it is still not clear to me.

Setup & Installation / eCS 2.2 YUM/RPM question
« on: January 16, 2013, 02:57:16 pm »
I am not interested in a debate wheter it makes sence or not to include YUM/RPM in eCS, there are several other places do discuss this.

Some questions came to my mind related to this:

The readme of YUM/RPM advice to have a partition with at least 5GB space for it

If so needed, does that mean

1. there is a minimum space of 6GB required for a "full" install of eCS 2.2?

2. will the installer quit if there is less or deselect RPM/YUM applications (JAVA, ODIN, QT I guess)

3. has YUM/RPM to be installed on the boot drive or is it possible to install it on a seperate drive?

4. or do one have to have two partitions for the installation (one for OS one for YUM/RPM) allways?

5. If it is necessary to install YUM/RPM on the bootdrive - does it will go in a seperate folder or "mess up" the whole boot drive with the needed folder structure?

Thanks for bringing some light here.


This is what it looks like -> works  8)


A First quickshot of the first modified Video.

Have Fun!

General Discussion / Re: Censorship and SPAM =
« on: January 06, 2013, 08:40:04 pm »
Message from eComStation.RU:

If publish all materials, this will make damage to the health of Sigurd and damage to eComStation.

Well, as I wanted to stop before,  every one for himself can get an idea of what is all about now. This speaks for its own.

General Discussion / Censorship and SPAM =
« on: January 06, 2013, 11:14:57 am »
Here for those not reading ecomstation yahoogroup my final answer on this topic there (I hope this will pass the Forum rules here):

I will stop this discussion here as it already leads to the goal I wanted to point out: and therefore Eugene himself are trampeling personal rights under his foots - I wanted to have people to notice this, as it was clear for me from the beginng - a lesson of the last years - that there will not change something nor come some kind of usefull answer or explanation nor he is willing to delete my files. It was clear from the beginnig that this would be something like Don Quichote against windmills ;-)

But for me it was most important to say - here is a barrier that has been passed, and even if there is no real chance to change something there was a need for me to just to spread this and inform people.

For me (by the way my IP is blocked via Blacklist at now - ;-)  )  I will edit my videos as told, will edit new videos as told and thats it, with this I can reach far more people than with anything else, and yes - it will not have an effect on Eugene but the information than is out. And it takes not much time for me as I do not want to invest more time than necessary in this.

Have a nice Sunday (here it is rainy since years, I guess  :-)


General Discussion / Re: Censorship and SPAM =
« on: January 04, 2013, 10:33:58 am »
Unfortunately: as long as my files are not deleted I will launch some actions there  ::)

General Discussion / Censorship and SPAM =
« on: January 03, 2013, 04:55:04 pm »
This is just to inform:

Weeks ago I insisted to delete all the related files and stuff of mine from their website. This was a direct result of the ongoing censorship there, and - besides - the ongoing SPAM coming from there.

Nothing happened.

I wrote this as a comment there today again and this comment was - surprise surprise - deleted there, again. But as being aware of this I took a screenshot before (see attached file)

Sorry, as I may get on some users nerves I just want to stress the fact that I still want to have everything related to me deleted there.

Applications / Re: Gimp on OS/2
« on: December 31, 2012, 01:01:45 pm »
Great, Paul!

Do not miss the new year  ;) and all the bests for you and your family so to all the OS/2 - eCS users!

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