Although answered numerous times here again what I can say from the top of my head -
3) no, yes
4) no
5) 3 dirs are created at root. AFAIR /usr /etc /var
Might it be possible to answer this easy question with an easy YES or NO? - > Thanks in Advance!
No. As you see above I needed a little more for 5)
I could give here links to the netlabs rpm sites and readmes, but this is would be more than YES or NO too....
Thanks you very much, Andi! I know that I am a bit annoying sometimes
For 3 your answer is: 3) no, yes
-> that leads me to my initial conclusions:
During install I have two possibilities: install YUM/RPM on bootdrive or on another drive
-> If I want to install it on another Drive this drive has to be already created and formatted before the "real" installation starts, otherwise I will not be able to install ODIN and so on...
-> If the Drive is not present or if I am "Just" a simple user (like me
) and I have no deep information about it while installing I will choose the installation drive. In this case I have to have in mind to have more than 2GB at hand, otherwise - as all the executables of future YUM/RPM programs will go into the bootdrive as well - I will soon run out of space.
It is a pitty that I can not use my mother tongue to explain what I want to stress, but this time I will just write a few sentences in German and am sorry for this
-> Ohne entsprechende Hinweise vor oder während der Installation wird Otto Normalverbraucher nicht realisieren können, welch wichtige Entscheidung er zu treffen hat, WO genau YUM/RPM installiert werden soll. Folgt er den Hinweisen von Mensys wonach für die Installation insgesamt 2GB Platz genug wären und ist er sich nicht im klaren, dass bei Installation von YUM/RPM auf dem Bootlaufwerk sein Plattenplatz evtl. zügig zur Neige geht (weil große Teile aller Folgeprogramme ebenfalls dort abgelegt werden), wird er oder sie nicht lange Freude an seiner Installation haben.