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Messages - Paul Smedley

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 158
Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 05, 2025, 09:19:54 pm »
  Gave this 6.7 build a try and I get pretty much identical results with the examples I got with 6.6. dbus examples don't work, anything with 'rhi' doesn't work, drag and drop doesn't work, no systray, no screenshot, no touch, http crashed, torrent doesn't download. Everything else is good. Some apps (soduku, media-downloader, tea) worked with it fine. Others would either give an error about missing libraries, or hang the system (very annoying, why would that happen if a library is missing?).

  For fun, I then dropped this build on top of the 6.6 tree to see what would happen. Most apps worked, but 2 that did not were Dooble and LibreCAD (Dooble silent exits, LibreCAD moans about mixed versions of QT components).

Thanks for confirming :) I have te following DLLs so far from 6.8.1:
Code: [Select]
  5/01/25  19:33         321,108      0  Qt6Concu.dll
 5/01/25  19:33      12,111,026      0  Qt6Core.dll
 6/01/25   6:50       1,434,724      0  Qt6DBus.dll
 6/01/25   6:48       3,586,446      0  Qt6Netwo.dll
 5/01/25  19:34         686,304      0  Qt6Sql.dll
 5/01/25  19:34         961,479      0  Qt6Xml.dll

If I get 6.8.1 base working, with examples working similar to 6.6/6.7, I'll build out the remaining 6.8.1 modules and we can see if we can get the 6.2 webengine working with it :)

However, I'm back at work this week, so progress will likely slow down....

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: January 05, 2025, 08:48:43 am »
I'll also try and test.... cloning and adding a worktree *sometimes* work on SMP, even with default stack size...

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: January 05, 2025, 07:14:11 am »
That's encouraging! Is this on a machine running in SMP?

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: January 05, 2025, 05:27:48 am »
from the directory you checked out qt6-webengine-os2:
Code: [Select]
git worktree add ../qt6-webengine-os2-6.5.x 6.5.x to check out the 6.5.x code into a different directory.

I'm also testing this in a VM now with the bww git.exe where I've modified the stack size.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 05, 2025, 03:19:30 am »
qtbase *only* updated to 6.7.3 -

eventdispatcher_os2.cpp needs updating - see

The couple of examples I tested seemed to work ok. I'll now try and merge 6.8.x and if that works, will port all the other modules (excepting webengine).

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 05, 2025, 02:45:31 am »
Thanks Paul - this is a big improvement. All network examples work here except 'http'(SIGSEGV) and Torrent (seems to work, but doesn't actually download anything, but no crash now). The qmlchartsgallery, quick, and quickcontrols examples mostly run but don't work right and see a lot of 'Maximum stack size exceeded' errors, but no crashes now (even when I move the 'shared' folder to the root and update the qmldir file). The ones without a 'shared' subdirectory seem to work.
I probably need to investigate a better fix than :)

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: January 04, 2025, 08:23:28 pm »
Adding a worktree of a branch would be a good test to confirm that it was just the executable stack size.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 04, 2025, 05:39:21 am »

sharedmemory example now works
quick/qml examples now work, not withstanding the known issues in

Off to look into the networking examples now... OK tried a couple, I might have 'accidentally' fixed these. threadedfortuneserver (for example) works.

re: http I get the same error - will investigate, but 6.2.x has the same crash.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: January 04, 2025, 05:20:42 am »
All ready built, it is install that fails
Weird - as the log you posted looked like it came from running the cmake configure process - nothing abnormal in it.... Are you sure that was the output of 'cmake --install .'?

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: January 04, 2025, 04:19:02 am »
That configure looks fine to me, it ends with:
Code: [Select]
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: C:/work/qt6-os2/qt6-base-os2/build

Now run:
Code: [Select]
cmake --build . from c:\work\qt6-os2\qt6-base-os2\build

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 04, 2025, 03:49:42 am »
OK it was trying to use sysv_shm and sysv_sem - I've now worked how how to properly disable these on OS/2 and an rebuilding qtbase.
Took a lot more time that I expected, mainly cos OS/2 API is foreign to me :) but I have QSharedMemory working now. Some bits are a bit hacky, but time to move on to some of the breaks in the networking examples....

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: January 03, 2025, 10:30:41 pm »
Hey there,

Fill your boots if you want to try this. But our git port sucks on large repositories. I'd rather spend time fixing actual issues with qt6 that restructing the git repo. Building each module separately really isn't that difficult.

What's the sucking point of git on large repos ?

As Dave has also mentioned, try cloning

The clone will more than likely hang part way through. I've had slightly more success changing acpi.psd to use MAXCPU=1 to get a successful clone.

NB: I haven't tried this with your latest git, just the ones from netlabs and an older port of yours.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: January 03, 2025, 08:29:25 am »
Perhaps I'll try it...

Fill your boots if you want to try this. But our git port sucks on large repositories. I'd rather spend time fixing actual issues with qt6 that restructing the git repo. Building each module separately really isn't that difficult.

Also, afaict from looking at isn't a straight clone of the qt repo, dmitry imported specific versions or the code....

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: January 03, 2025, 07:46:16 am »
qt5-os2 != qt6-os2

If I had my time over, and knew/understood more about git, perhaps I could have structured things differently, but now, it is what it is.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 03, 2025, 07:24:32 am »
OK it was trying to use sysv_shm and sysv_sem - I've now worked how how to properly disable these on OS/2 and an rebuilding qtbase.

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