As already announced a user meeting will be held in Cologne on the 29th of November 2014.
The last meeting was somekind of surprise concerning the topics, as we did not know who and how many users would take part.
This time we know that quite a lot people are interested in this meeting and different users already declared that they very much would like to come. So for this time we would like to do a little organization in advance.
Some of the participants of the meeting in 2013 declared last time, they would like to do a presentation of something they are working on. We very much appreciated this announcement and do now ask to renew this commitment.
So Sigurd's and my (Thomas) questions are:
- who is willing to do a presentation and on what kind of topic?
- what kind of topics are the visitors / users interested in?
- who intends to visit the meeting?
- do you have any suggestions to be considered by us?
- ...
The meeting will be held in consider to do your booking in time.
So far for now.
We are curious for your suggestions, comments, ...
Thomas and Sigurd