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Messages - Remy

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Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 21, 2025, 10:52:31 pm »
You have checked where the setting is used but is there no code using hires while it should not ? (setting ignored, missing code to ignore the const  ::))
Placebo  ::)  just tell it to my system which I have to reboot 2 or 3 times per day using Dooble.... (frozen, hung)

* Firefox is outdated for many sites *


Note: I have no skills into this code. Doing several searches on internet, I found some qt developers using webengine having resolved hires timing issues using process cycles instead (is it possible ?)   

Even if qt6 on OS/2 *is* using hires timing (I have NFI) I cannot understand how that webengine flag is making any difference. The link I posted is where qtwebengine interprets flags - it cannot interpret the flag on OS/2, so the flag is ignored.

I am also *not* a programmer. I can barely write a hello world in C without googling it. How about you inject a deliberate typo into the flag you;'re using with hires and see if you still see the same 'improvements' - that might confirm Dave's thoughts on timing.

Will give it a try and post back

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 21, 2025, 11:23:08 am »
May it be possible this constant isn't well taken into some parts of the codes ?

I searched the entire code base, that link I posted is the only place where webengine flags are interpreted, and the timer variable is only interpreted on Windows.

I have no idea how this could possibly make any difference, other than the placebo effect.



Hi Paul,

You have checked where the setting is used but is there no code using hires while it should not ? (setting ignored, missing code to ignore the const  ::))
Placebo  ::)  just tell it to my system which I have to reboot 2 or 3 times per day using Dooble.... (frozen, hung)

* Firefox is outdated for many sites *


Note: I have no skills into this code. Doing several searches on internet, I found some qt developers using webengine having resolved hires timing issues using process cycles instead (is it possible ?)   

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 20, 2025, 08:43:56 pm »
Hello Remy,

Ok, read it.
I don't understand why when adding this switch, Dooble is more stable while it should have no effect but it has here !
(adding this switch, I'm able to use Dooble without setting priorities. Without it, I need to add priorities settings)
May it be possible this constant isn't well taken into some parts of the codes ?

Could it be that this SET statement impacts other apps on your system which in turn have an impact on the QT stuff?

I have a few apps here that would fit the bill:
1) FF - where I no longer have this set, while in earlier versions I did
2) PUMONITOR - by default I'm using the hires timer to gether runtime statistics
3) DISKIO - the version I am currently working on is using this approach

Now of course if you are running/testing the QT apps w/o anything else on your OS/2 box currently running, that would at least limit that spillover effect that other apps might have.

Hi Dariusz,

I did a try removing auto started application and just left as is from a new install.
Same Dooble result here!

One time, I could see a blocked named pipe established by webengine (Theseus) just before system hung (reboot required)
Many troubles about sound (sound no more working, sound issued into a short loop etc... uniaudio installed)


Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 20, 2025, 02:59:16 pm »
It looks like disabling hires timer makes QTwebengine more stable.
Could it be possible a problem exist into C++ about hires timer ?  (under windows, they had to increase precision)

This switch is doing nothing on OS/2.


Ok, read it.
I don't understand why when adding this switch, Dooble is more stable while it should have no effect but it has here !
(adding this switch, I'm able to use Dooble without setting priorities. Without it, I need to add priorities settings)
May it be possible this constant isn't well taken into some parts of the codes ?


Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: January 20, 2025, 01:17:34 am »
I wonder why passing an NSPR4 argument has an effect on Dooble? It is an OS/2 thing and as far as I remember only the environment variable has an effect.
Dooble --help 2> dooble.hlp gives this for the list of dooble specific arguments,
Code: [Select]
 --executable-current-url PROGRAM
 --load-url URL
 --reload-periodically 15, 30, 45, 60

Chome has a huge list of arguments, which I assume the Qtwebengine also has, see
They can usually passed in the environment set QTWEBENGINE_FLAGS=

What do you think about:

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 19, 2025, 11:43:39 pm »
Hi Paul,

It looks like disabling hires timer makes QTwebengine more stable.
Could it be possible a problem exist into C++ about hires timer ?  (under windows, they had to increase precision)

Thanks and Regards

Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: January 19, 2025, 11:24:16 pm »
Hi Dave !

The test you can try:
Start Dooble, open this os2world web page and then clic on above FTP link ...
Always start my default browser firefox.

That is weird. Here it opened a new window in SeaMonkey, my default browser, which was running. Tried the link too, opened a new window in SM with the request for password. Very strange bug or I guess feature especially with ftp kind of broken in the web engine.
Tried with the simplebrowser, as expected the Qt5 one failed, the Qt6 one worked the same as dooble

I found some information about FTP no more supported under Chrome since 88... like current firefox windows 64 no more supporting it.
Is it the case for Dooble ? If yes and at least, I expect a popup menu to select external ftp compatible program to use and route the link to it  ::)


Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: January 19, 2025, 10:29:26 pm »
That's strange and doesn't happen here. Looking at the documentation, we have,
Code: [Select]
Supported Schemes
Dooble supports the FILE, FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S), and JAR schemes.
So Dooble should open the FTP//: links.

I tried again:
Firefox is closed

Start Dooble (QT6)
put link + enter
The page goes blank !
Waiting a few more seconds, firefox is starting showing files from !
It looks like Dooble is opening ftp link but not into its browser nor into a new tab and cmd is resolved as system browser to open

Have your default ArcaOS set to firefox and firefox not started
then, start Dooble and give a try to the link

Doing a test starting Dooble with the link provides a different result (blank page and nothing more):

Hi Dave !

The test you can try:
Start Dooble, open this os2world web page and then clic on above FTP link ...
Always start my default browser firefox. 

I found some information about FTP no more supported under Chrome since 88... like current firefox windows 64 no more supporting it.
Is the case for Dooble ? If yes and at least, I expect a popup menu to select external ftp compatible program to use and route the link to it  ::)


Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: January 19, 2025, 07:23:34 pm »
That's strange and doesn't happen here. Looking at the documentation, we have,
Code: [Select]
Supported Schemes
Dooble supports the FILE, FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S), and JAR schemes.
So Dooble should open the FTP//: links.

I tried again:
Firefox is closed

Start Dooble (QT6)
put link + enter
The page goes blank !
Waiting a few more seconds, firefox is starting showing files from !
It looks like Dooble is opening ftp link but not into its browser nor into a new tab and cmd is resolved as system browser to open

Have your default ArcaOS set to firefox and firefox not started
then, start Dooble and give a try to the link 

Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: January 19, 2025, 06:21:17 pm »
Yes, something seems broken with the ftp protocol. Here with the Qt6 dooble, I got a blank page, Qt5 dooble closed.
Tried too, Qt6 dooble kept reverting to about:blank, Qt5 dooble gave me an error about the site not being reached.
Tried and got a popup to enter user and password, after entering the info, dooble-qt5 vanished., dooble-qt6 gave a blank page.
These failures also don't get saved in the history, just the with the not found error got saved.
I'd guess the ftp problem is in the Qtwebengine.
OTOH, gopher works, eg gopher://

Strange !

I installed QT 6.2.11 using latest end december QT6 Dooble
I tried the link again under Dooble.
A blank page.... waiting more, my default system browser (firefox) opens with the link from Dooble displaying all files !
Oh! Dooble opening system default browser in this case...

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 19, 2025, 03:55:57 pm »
Info: Since adding qt webengine parameter  " --disable-highres-timer" into my starting process, I could remove my priority setting and have a working dooble with QT6.2.10  (faster youtube start and more stable during video change)
Current parameter I'm using:
"--disable-gpu --ignore-certificate-errors --ignore-ssl-errors --log-level=1 --disable-highres-timer"
And into config.sys

Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: January 19, 2025, 03:29:07 am »
An other issue where rendering is very very slow !
I compared firefox and Dobble (QT5 or QT6, similar result)
Using following link, page flip is very slow !

Do you have (into config.sys) ?

Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: January 18, 2025, 04:50:59 pm »
Hi !

(silent close)
I tried several times to open link:

Dooble QT5 as well QT6 are closing ! 


Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« on: January 17, 2025, 05:39:39 am »
Do you have the unlock command into path  statement ?

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