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Messages - walking_x

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Write speed to our RAM drive is slower than to one of my SSDs. Even when formated with JFS.
It can be switched to ancient strat1 mode by adding /1 to the HD4DISK.ADD command line. BUT JFS and FAT32 do not support this mode and old (eCS) versions of FAT32.IFS just hang on it. So it`s only for HPFS (or FAT16), but on the other hand it will be fast. Suitable for the swap file, actually.

General Discussion / Re: eCoSoft software availability
« on: September 29, 2022, 11:30:23 pm »
Well, the truth is that everything can simply be bought in China, so all this is just a headache for all normal people.

Once every 80-100 years, the "great powers" start to divide the world ... It`s not funny that none of these "elites" takes the damage, everything falls on ordinary citizens ... we can just see it again in real time.

Setup & Installation / Re: Installing ArcaOS on QEmu
« on: September 11, 2022, 09:42:42 pm »
Try 2.4.x or 2.5.0... 2.5.91 is already broken...

Who knows what they "optimized" to achieve this result, but qemu has a lot more bugs than VBox (which is famous for them ;))

Storage / Re: DISKIO - updated version in need of TEST
« on: December 20, 2020, 08:26:56 am »
Well, about the ramdisk.
All delays in it are produced by the i/o subsystem. The smarter i/o you use, the worse speed you get :)

Problem is that the fastest method is supported only by FAT and HPFS. JFS, HPFS386, FAT32 - all will fail with it (older FAT32 versions even cause a trap).
Try adding /1 to the HD4DISK command line and test the speed, especially when copying files to "nul" - this is the real value.

Applications / Re: About bldlevel
« on: September 14, 2019, 07:35:31 am »
Be careful with various versions, because original bldlevel has a limit on searching string in a file.

Not sure about the exact limit, but looks like only first 500 or 512kb of file is scanned. Signature placed after this position is just "invisible".

Setup & Installation / Re: RAM disk and temp folders...what else?
« on: April 18, 2018, 08:38:19 am »
This is a stand-alone format of a ramdisk as a HPFS filesystem, I can only imagine one would want to perhaps use it in some situations, but I do not think this is necessary in any way, is that correct?

Actually, this is just a "format" command ;) You can mount a hard disk partition in QSINIT and format it. No JFS format, but HPFS, FAT & FAT32 are available. Some kind of additional tool for trouble times :)

Setup & Installation / Re: RAM disk and temp folders...what else?
« on: April 17, 2018, 06:16:34 pm »
You can try File i/o test in sysbench :) I found one, was launched on HPFS386 too. Something crazy a bit (may be, because of "lazy = v: OFF" in hpfs386.ini):
 File I/O - Drive V:
   4Kb seq.   Uncached w :    32837.920    Kilobytes/second
   4Kb seq.   Uncached r :   723265.941    Kilobytes/second
   4Kb random Uncached w :    10788.018    Kilobytes/second
   4Kb random Uncached r :   652518.493    Kilobytes/second
   4Kb seq.   Cached   w :    33585.820    Kilobytes/second
   4Kb seq.   Cached   r :  1252849.141    Kilobytes/second
   32K seq.   Uncached w :    44419.361    Kilobytes/second
   32K seq.   Uncached r :  2136524.963    Kilobytes/second
   32K random Uncached w :    44644.568    Kilobytes/second
   32K random Uncached r :  2346214.469    Kilobytes/second

Disk i/o subsubsystem adds a delay, any way. Real transfer speed on large block sizes is not far from PC memory speed.

Setup & Installation / Re: RAM disk and temp folders...what else?
« on: April 17, 2018, 07:48:22 am »
I do not understand the cause, but somehow the suggested '/1' parameter for use with HPFS formatted ramdisks does not work here. Playing with the 'useallmem' setting in HPFS386.INI does not help. Could be the size of my HPFS386 cache (only 64Meg), or it could be due to some difference between regular HPFS and HPFS386.
/1 forces system to use ancient STRAT1 method. This is fatal for most of file system drivers. Actually, only kernel's FAT implementation and HPFS.IFS able to use it.

HPFS386 looks more advanced as well as JFS. Nothing to do here.

Another bad thing with HPFS386 is that is may be slower, than common HPFS driver - on the RAMDISK. Because of smart caching, probably.

Any way, ramdisk may save your SSD, when used as TEMP. Also, there is a setting in seamonkey - path to cache location, it can point to the ram disk (nice thing for security too). Better than nothing ;)

Article Discussions / Re: Speedtest - broadband speed
« on: February 16, 2017, 01:01:38 pm »
It depends on many factors. I never saw more, than 55Mb/sec (440Mbs) in both systems. Often - OS/2 to OS/2 works much better, than OS/2 with Windows. May be some Netbios settings should be adjusted?

Sometimes OS/2 drivers even better (and faster), than Windows: Veit`s 8139, new Intel (e1000e) driver.

In addition, Realtek is really slow, up to 360Mbs (in Windows too), I never saw more, even on NETBEUI transfer which is a bit faster.

440Mbs i got on Intel<->Marvell connection, between OS/2 & Windows, on NETBEUI. Marvell driver is also fine, but it is hard to find it now (after DLink replaced Marvell to Realtek in later DGE-530 revisions).

Ok, this is all about network with simplest DLink home switches.

Setup & Installation / Re: Need help with QSINIT
« on: June 13, 2016, 12:09:36 pm »
Nothing special - QSINIT does not depend on disk presence.
At least itself, it requires a source to boot OS/2, of course - ramdisk or real disk.

Setup & Installation / Re: Need help with QSINIT
« on: June 13, 2016, 08:44:58 am »
This is PXEOS4 own handling, just comment it out with #, this should force it to ignore hard disk:

#device-id=128 # first HDD
#device-part=0 # 0 - non partitioned, 1-4 - primary, 5+ - extended
#drive=K # boot drive letter

And make sure you are using the latest PXEOS4 version (08.2013, probably) - in earlier versions disk was demanded in any way.

Setup & Installation / Re: Need help with QSINIT
« on: June 04, 2016, 10:13:24 am »
Yes, "min" parameter is, practically, memory size, which cut off from memory below 4Gb - to create disk with guaranteed size.
And "max" - will cut usage memory above 4gb (to stay in FAT 2Gb limit).

Ramdisk can be compounded from both memory types, actually - if you ask min=1000 on 4Gb PC, where only 700mb is mapped above 4Gb limit.

Setup & Installation / Re: Need help with QSINIT
« on: June 04, 2016, 08:52:06 am »
Read the last section of PAEDISK.TXT.
This is a good advice, I think ;)
Actually, you need something like this:

    RAMDISK Q: min=100 max=1900
    echo unzipping...
    unzip /q /boot FATOS2.ZIP c:\

"min" parameter should be larger, than your unzipped data size (i.e. it guarantee such disk size, even if no memory above 4Gb for it).

Unzip command here will download and unzip archive to ramdisk. Since this point you can modify disk data in QSINIT (for ex., edit config.sys in QSINIT`s text editor).

additional line into OS2LDR.INI

and additional line into CONFIG.SYS in zip, it must be ABOVE all storage drivers (danis, ahci, scsi) - to get priority in drive letter assignment (in case of conflicts).


Put your FATOS2.ZIP to tftp and try.

Setup & Installation / Re: Need help with QSINIT
« on: June 02, 2016, 08:49:47 am »
"Pause" will, actually, makes pause.
So, your cmd file should print directory, yes.

This means file in wrong place (or, still, name case troubles on linux server? I'm using OS/2 hosted tftp). May be I need to add check for QSSETUP.CMD in pxe case, not only for "qssetup.cmd" ;)

Setup & Installation / Re: Need help with QSINIT
« on: June 01, 2016, 01:46:38 pm »
No, this is PXEOS4's own ability to simulate boot from hard disk.
It provides OS/2 loader and kernel from tftp and then changes boot type to HPFS from selected partition.
Initially, it was developed for easy kernel swapping during tests, but suitable for using PXE as source in other custom ways.

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