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Programming / Re: DOSBox-x - infinite loop in configure/make
« Last post by Mentore on Today at 10:08:22 am »
Cool, so the latest dosbox-x works fine on Arca then?

Hey J,
currently I haven't still tried again with Dosbox-x. As Dave said, there are many other problems with it so this is just one of them (and only on my VM, I'm fairly sure Dave has his PC's clock running fine).

I'm in the process of reorganizing all the source code I have on my personal Github repository, together with some sponsoring information to keep going with OS/2 related software (ports and native).

Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« Last post by ivan on Today at 09:07:52 am »
What printer are you trying to get to work with cups?
Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« Last post by Paul Smedley on Today at 08:13:52 am »
Teaser screenshot.... Still need to get plugins working....
Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« Last post by Dave Yeo on Today at 07:45:25 am »
Hi cbx, welcome.
Problem is that the Qt5 build of Dooble is based on an old Chromium, the Qt6 build is slightly newer but still old.
I uploaded the translations to password an email address.
Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« Last post by cbx on Today at 07:15:03 am »
Dooble QT5 2024-12-31 does only show the mobile ersion of Google Calendar. If I switch to the desktop-version, there are only the frames on the sides.
Where can I get the languages-files?
Thank you for your work!
Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« Last post by Remy on Today at 05:39:39 am »
Do you have the unlock command into path  statement ?
Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« Last post by Neil Waldhauer on Today at 05:26:18 am »
I installed PSPRINT using Manage Printers, and now I get an entry in the presentation drivers list.

When I create my printer, I get a new error message; screenshot is attached.
Applications / Re: AVxCAT
« Last post by Remy on Today at 05:22:55 am »
Hello Remy

Do you plan to update our website?

I was going to post the 2.2 update as a OS2world news, but I don't know if it is formally released yet, or you want to wait?


Hello Martin,

I made a WPI including an updated alpha prereqs tools (for missing packages links list/get missing pakages)

You can add this link for the WPI full install (add the missing " : " into the link name)

For only latest updates, check for filename and its MD5 checksum >  https//

note1: update files are under the same path as WPI's
note2: for zip files uncluding @unixroot as first directory level, creating a @unixroot symlink makes the unzip easy.
            e.g. on the unixroot drive, a few usefull commands
            ln -s . @unixroot'    /* ln cmd to create symlink */
            unzip    /* file will be unzipped ignoring @unixroot */
            rm @unixroot       /* remove symlink */

I didn't update my webpage yet and I will done in a few weeks (working more on prereqs)     
Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« Last post by Neil Waldhauer on Today at 04:49:42 am »
You may need to add the path to the correct CUPS install as a parameter to cupswiz.exe.

Regarding the trap, the only thing I can think of is the PSPRINT install is broken somehow. 

If you go into PrintMan and choose File -> Manage presentation drivers, what does the entry for PSPRINT report? In particular the Version and Status columns.  Next, if you double-click on the PSPRINT entry, does it pop up its list of supported printers?

I think you are correct about the path to the cups install. If I give CUPSWIZ C:\usr as a parameter, I get a list of printers.

The process goes well until I say create printer, then I get the VX-REXX error shown earlier in the thread.

If I select Manage presentation drivers, then the list is blank. So something is wrong with PSPRINT install.
Applications / Re: OO v3.18
« Last post by Doug Clark on Today at 12:49:42 am »

The log file message you posted makes it look like somehow you are executing something from OO v 4 instead of from version 3.  Either that or you perhaps are reading the wrong log file?

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