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Messages - Neil Waldhauer

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 72
Networking / Re: Sharing WSeB Server drives to Win 10/11 Clients
« on: December 12, 2024, 03:20:32 pm »
For all its faults, SAMBA networks pretty well with Windows. Also with Mac, Linux, iOS. I was kind-of hoping you would get SMB1/NTLM working in a recent Windows, but I'm not surprised that it isn't.

Hardware / Re: OS/2 on ARM64 CPU - No Problem! - Surface Pro 11
« on: November 25, 2024, 05:05:50 pm »
Thanks for testing with X86Box. I am curious about some things.

1. Is there a mouse/keyboard integration issue? Can I move the mouse between host OS and guest OS?
2. OS/2 Warp 3 is promising. The website also shows OS/2 Warp 4. Can it run ArcaOS?
3. Is this also a possibility for the Mac? If so, which Mac CPU is supported?

Setup & Installation / Re: TCP/IP 4.3 patches
« on: November 25, 2024, 01:52:34 am »
I can find it in here:

but of course, that is just an addon patch to TCP 4.3.

The good thing is that it also contains all the relevant protocol and socket drivers and the other DLLs that work together with TCPIP32.DLL (for example TCPIPDLL.DLL that I seem to remember is the interfacing DLL for 16-bit apps using the older BSD Version 4.3 API and TCP32DLL.DLL is the interfacing DLL for 32-bit apps using the older BSD Version 4.3 API, see also the TCP/IP Version 4.21 Programming Reference that comes with the OS/2 toolkit: "Introduction to Networking Services).

I have now tried to replace TCP/IP 4.3 with ic27649. Doing so allows the VirtualBox Additions to load and shared folders work as well as the do on ArcaOS - several bugs, not likely to be fixed, but does transfer files.

Unfortunately many TCP/IP features, like resolving network names, do not work. Installing TCP/IP 4.3 over ic27649 makes networking work again, so ic27649 cannot be used as a free version of TCP/IP 4.3. TCP/IP 4.3 was a Software Choice offering. I may need to rethink how to install VirtualBox Additions.

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: November 12, 2024, 09:11:05 pm »
The monitor and your display hardware will negotiate to offer a set of display resolutions. It's difficult to predict what that set might be. You may want to try several monitors with your hardware and buy the best one.

Setup & Installation / Re: TCP/IP 4.3 patches
« on: November 12, 2024, 03:13:45 pm »
Thanks, Lars. The pages on Alex Taylor's website that you provided show clearly what needs to be done, and which packages are Software Choice or Passport Advantage.

I did find TCPIP32.DLL in TCP/IP 4.3, but I wonder if it is also in one of the freely available fixpaks.

Setup & Installation / Re: TCP/IP 4.3 patches
« on: November 12, 2024, 05:29:25 am »
Thanks for the links. Of course, the fixes are a messy mixture of public, Software Choice and Passport Advantage. I was able to figure out that installation of TCP/IP 4.3 had failed due to missing prerequisites. I may not have the latest of everything yet, but VBoxService is working and therefore shared folders.

Setup & Installation / TCP/IP 4.3 patches
« on: November 11, 2024, 09:48:18 pm »
I'm installing Warp4 from 1996 on a VirtualBox environment. I'm trying to install all the fixes.

I've installed TCP/IP 4.3, but VBoxService wants TCPIP32.DLL, and I'm not seeing it where I expect to see it, in C:\MPTN\DLL

What installs TCPIP32.DLL, and what fixes or patches are available?

Setup & Installation / Re: Switch from CSM to UEFI
« on: October 29, 2024, 02:40:33 pm »
Perhaps it isn't that hard. I think you could do this experiment.

Install ArcaOS 5.1 on the system you have now.
Install the new graphics card and switch to UEFI
Install ArcaOS 5.1 on a different volume.
Compare the Config.sys. I think only a graphics has changed.
Make that change and copy the files it refers to to the first ArcaOS installation config.sys
See if the first installation now boots under UEFI

Make sure you have space to make the new boot volumes and also the EFI volume.

Setup & Installation / Re: Switch from CSM to UEFI
« on: October 29, 2024, 01:23:21 am »
Check the Arca Noae Wiki for that.

Programming / Re: VisualAge C++ 3.6.5 (+ Fix2) - WarpIn or RPM?
« on: October 24, 2024, 10:46:05 pm »
While I don't know about VAC 3.6, I know you should use the one from OS/2 for VAC 3.08.

This is almost certainly incorrect. Over the years I've seen numerous warning that installing VACPP would backlevel SOM unless you took steps to prevent it. In any case, v3.65 (which doesn't include an IDE) makes no use of SOM, so it isn't even needed for this package.

The only "valid" version of SOM.DLL is the one in CP2/AOS5.x:  size= 92,009  timestamp= 99/06/30 16:33:04

That is why I recommend the one from OS/2 rather than the one from VAC.

Programming / Re: VisualAge C++ 3.6.5 (+ Fix2) - WarpIn or RPM?
« on: October 24, 2024, 03:28:34 am »
While I don't know about VAC 3.6, I know you should use the one from OS/2 for VAC 3.08.

By the way, what is the legal status of Visual Age C++?

Hardware / Re: Troubleshooting GenMAC/GENMU
« on: October 17, 2024, 03:04:45 am »
I used the 5100 a long time ago. In every computer that had a 5100, I had to power up the computer with the card off, then turn it on. On my computers, a WiFi LED would light up if the 5100 was going to work.

Now, a travel router attached to an Ethernet port does so much more, I've abandoned the 5100 for my own use.

I have opened a thread on the VirtualBox forum, and have received some advice

They say it's much better to use file sharing. To me, that means using SAMBA server to share OS/2 virtual hard disk. That way, the native browser, word processor, etc can use the OS/2 storage and my OS/2 programs can get at the resulting files.

Shared folders would be easier to use, but making them work fully seems to be difficult. Both versions of the OS/2 Additions are open source. The one Valery created is on Netlabs, and the Oracle is presumably available from Oracle.

Using VBoxAddtions-os2-x86-5.0.51.r217, I found the following

I can drag and drop files. If I do, it moves rather than copies files. If a file conflict, it behaves correctly.

Resulting file dates are garbage. Copying a file results in the file in the shared directory with a file date in 2099.

Creating a folder on a shared drive results in a Folder with unusable permissions. You must return to Linux and set the group permissions to read+write to use the folder from OS/2. Dates are screwed up as listed above for files.

Deleting files and folders works.

Lots of warning that extended attributes are not supported.

copying from command line works, even if overwriting, but file dates are still wrong. Both directions seem to work.

Internet / Re: HTTPS server?
« on: October 04, 2024, 03:50:29 pm »
I used to run Websphere 1 with Lotus Go. The lack of documentation for OS/2 made it difficult. Supporting https is probably possible. Finding out how to do it might be pretty hard. Would a 20 year-old https still be compatible with today's web browsers?

With a current apache port from Paul, why would you look at anything else?

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