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Messages - Gregg Young

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Applications / lSwitcher v 2.94
« on: May 14, 2024, 07:17:31 pm »
lSwitcher v 2.94 has been released.

New Features
  • Text Size
    It now uses the system fonts in most places so it should work with the XWP/Styler text size feature.
    A big thanks to Rich Walsh and Alex Taylor.
  • Large Icons
    Both the widget (requires XWP 1.0.16 or higher) and stand alone exe now support large icons.
Updates and Bugfixes
  • Dialogs
    Improved the layout of some of the dialogs.
  • Other Changes
    • Fixed a trap that sometimes occurred when opening the sub-menu on a button group.
    • The hook is now unloaded from memory on exit.
    • Refactored parts of the widget code to reduce its memory foot print.
    • Changed the increments used for auto hide delay from tenths of a second to seconds.

Utilities / Re: touch?
« on: November 27, 2023, 09:48:34 pm »

You must be using 4OS2. It has an internal touch command which returns the error you reported. To use the touch.exe from the coreutils use the command touch.exe filename. If you are interested in having the touch command in 4os2 behave like touch.exe put in a feature request at and I will look at it. Thanks


Applications / Re: Java applications
« on: August 12, 2023, 08:36:56 pm »
If I remember correctly 2.0.7 was the last SmartGit that worked with our java. Version 3 changed the front end that was used to one we don't have. Version 2.1.8 opens but I haven't been able to get passed the git version check. Our version is newer than the minimum required but the check still fails.

Programming / Re: Qt6
« on: January 15, 2023, 09:18:21 pm »
You can download from :

Hi Tellie

I tried them all and they all seem to work. I did find that running them full screen greatly improves the menu problems.

Hi Paul
I also tried the latest dooble drop and it rendered every page I tried. The splash screen is crop at the top and on the right.   


Applications / Re: 4OS2 Location Discussion
« on: January 15, 2023, 08:42:01 pm »
Searching my emails I found that the last time I checked out from perforce was around 24.04.2020. I've nothing newer than that (which could be useful for others). So most probably Steven has the same or newer.

Tagging - I like it when properly done. But when it's not easy to tag exactly the released version it's better you wait and tag when you make the next 3.12 release (or some intermediate version distributed with ArcaOS).

github is fine cause both of you seem to have arranged with it. I mean do what you like as you're the main contributor during the last years. I don't have plans to contribute much as my work on a graphical overlay (to overcome 8k screen buffer) stalls since years anyway. I only prefer to have a common place with current sources accessible to others. In other words keep it open source :-).

I thought Steven is working on including old commit data before he wanted to create a new git repo (or did we discuss this for openwatcom?). Do you know anything about that? I fear it's impossible (to hard to do) without the help of Perforce. At least that's what I understand back then.

I favor proper tagging also but it didn't work out this time because of the repo issues. 4OS2 will remain open source. I think this discussion was about openwatcom.

Applications / Re: 4OS2 Location Discussion
« on: January 14, 2023, 11:31:23 pm »
Gregg, I think you're latest 4os2 sources are in, right? Have you tagged your 3.11 release there? I'm not very experienced with git/github but currently I see no release tags or releases.

Yes the latest sources are in I have not tagged the release and probably can't tag it exactly because of how the updating of the repo was done. If you wish I will tag what is there now since it is close to the 3.11 release. 

I wasn't aware of the bitbucket repo. Do you have code that isn't in the git repo? I'm sure Steven would give you access to the git repo. My vote is to go with github for this. Thanks


Applications / Re: 4OS2 Location Discussion
« on: January 13, 2023, 11:10:16 pm »
Gregg, Andi B, Dave

Can we agree that the latest open source version of 4OS2 is:
- Binary: (2022/01/22)
- Source:

If so, I can update the wiki page pointing to that resources.


All the current tickets are at just as they were when the source was a We currently have no plans to stop using


Please feel free to update the wiki.



Applications / Re: Software Wishlist for 2023
« on: January 09, 2023, 08:29:28 pm »
You're not using the fork on Github are you? Don't use that, it was forked a while back and is missing a bunch of various recent fixes, high memory, linker having HLL debug symbol support etc. The maintainer is kind of reckless with commits (not enough testing).
Unluckily is still down and has been for too long. There's a recent build at I guess the source needs a new host or at least the latest checkout posted somewhere.

Hi Dave

The latest source for openwatcom from is at  The OW 2.0 beta 4 is at This is my build from the latest sources. This should be either identical to or very close to Frank's last build. 4OS2 is at My understanding is that Perforce decided not to continue providing a license to for free. 



Hardware / Re: Hardware Compatibility Wishlist for 2023
« on: January 01, 2023, 11:02:40 pm »
Working with a new monitor, I find I'm wishing that we had support for HDMI, DisplayPort and USB-c video interfaces with audio. I know this is a big ask, since it sort of confuses the boundary between video and audio. I'd like to be able to set display resolution to numbers I like, instead of relying on those few that the VESA interface provides.

I use a TV as a monitor and it only has HDMI support and no way to attach from audio out. The computer only has VGA. I found a VGA to HDMI adapter. The adapter also has UBS audio. Using the AN USB audio driver I have sound through the TV speakers and have up to 1920x1440 (1920x1080 is it standard res) resolution using panorama.

Programming / Re: Qt6
« on: December 08, 2022, 09:21:04 pm »
I rebuilt qt-creator with the newer cmake, which took care of some of the DLL naming conflicts, and it also includes some fixes for path related issues.

It's still not terribly useful, as trying to tell it the path to a qmake.exe (for example) leads to a long delay, followed by a message "The qmake executable .... could not be added. Cannot start ...."

There's a (possibly related) console message:
Code: [Select]
[launcher] "qtc.utils.launcher: \"Socket error: QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Unknown error 49 (Can't assign requested address)\"\r\n"

(edited, added .zip to url)

Hi Paul

I tried this but got: The path is correct.
Code: [Select]
Failed to load core: V:\Download\qt-creator-8.0.1-os2-20221207\qtcreator\lib\qtcreator\plugins\Core.dll:
Cannot load library V:/Download/qt-creator-8.0.1-os2-20221207/qtcreator/lib/qtcreator/plugins/Core.dll: (dlopen rc=2 extra=AGGREGAN)

Programming / Re: Qt6
« on: December 08, 2022, 09:02:11 pm »
Hi Greg

I see in my cmakecache.txt

//The directory containing a CMake configuration file for DBus1.

//Path to a file.

//Path to a library.

But i have also a dbus-13_dll.a

I have the following files:


When I tried to link with J:\usr\lib\dbus-1_dll.a it failed (not found). It compiled when I tried J:\usr\lib\dbus13.dll.

My cmakecache.txt was the same as yours.  If it worked for you I will try reinstalling Dbus and see what happens. Are you using the i686 or the Pentium4 version of Dbus? Mine's the Pentium4.



Programming / Re: Qt6
« on: December 08, 2022, 05:00:37 pm »

Do you have an autoninja too?

Hi Paul

I have ninja.exe. You probably do to if your qt5 web engine build got far enough U:\QT5_Workspace\qt5\qtwebengine\src\3rdparty\ninja\ninja.exe.

I got QT6 base to build. It had a problem with QDbus.dll because the lib name was wrong Dbus_1-NOTFOUND. It should have been Dbus13.dll. I fixed the CmakeLists.txt for QDbus.dll do you want a patch for it?

I am also working on adding the ability to open links and files where opening a different (child) app is required.

Programming / Re: Qt6
« on: December 06, 2022, 07:44:25 pm »

Sorry to be late to the party but I've been traveling. I installed the latest QT6 drop and installed Tea. I see that the drop down boxes don't work. They show the list of choices but you can't select any of them. Using the arrow keys or scroll wheel allows you to change the selection except for the drive letter. I found that by typing the drive letter in I could change drives and I can successfully change to the boot drive. I see this error message which may be related.
qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect: No such signal QComboBox::currentIndexChanged (QString)

I also see the high left menu corruption. Several of the edit boxes are too short for even a single line of text and they don't seem to be resizable.

I think -lcx not being added is a defect and think that 
should be added to os2.cmake

I will give some additional apps a try and try building QT6.



Programming / Re: Alternatives to compiling Rust in Firefox port OS/2
« on: June 06, 2022, 12:30:14 pm »
Hey Gregg,
I use your newer GCC builds also. Thanks for all your efforts.
Thanks for confirming, presumably they are working ok for your needs?



Hi Paul

Yes. I have not encountered any issues. If I do I will let you know. Thanks


Programming / Re: Alternatives to compiling Rust in Firefox port OS/2
« on: June 05, 2022, 10:05:18 pm »
Hi Paul

I use your newer GCC builds also. Thanks for all your efforts.


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