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Messages - Thomas Fauster

Pages: [1]
Applications / Re: GS adding text to pdf's
« on: March 04, 2023, 07:18:34 pm »
You can't make the modifications in the ghostscript files or fonts.
(At least I don't know how to do that.)
Use sourcenc.txt  (possibly adjusted) in place of your source.txt

Applications / Re: GS adding text to pdf's
« on: March 03, 2023, 03:48:25 pm »
GPL Ghostscript 9.55.0 (2021-09-27) version on Linux

The adjustments are made via the encoding vector which maps the character codes entered on the keyboard to the character names known to postscript.
In the example /scandvec maps 8#362 to aring = å
The attached table from the Postscript Red Book shows that aring is not mapped in standard encoding and in ISO it would be mapped to 8#345.
If your keyboard uses the ISO-8859-1 (Western Europe) character set
then you would have to modify the entry to 8#345 aring, add lines 8#346 ae and 8#370 oslash
and you should be able to enter the text as you type it on the keyboard.

Good luck, Thomas

Applications / Re: GS adding text to pdf's
« on: March 03, 2023, 11:39:02 am »
Hi Per,

attached is a modified version of your source.txt including the reencoding of the character table of the postscript font.
(Note that you have to apply ReEncodeSmall to each font you want to use.)
It is copied from the Postscript Language Tutorial & Cookbook (a.k.a. BlueBook, can be found in the internet).
If the octal codes are adjusted to match the character encoding of your system
you may use the characters as you type them on your keyboard.

Good luck, Thomas

Applications / Re: GS adding text to pdf's
« on: March 02, 2023, 01:02:24 pm »
The problem is not OS/2 related. The example gives the same result on Linux.
To get it to work, you have to write the special characters as octal escape sequencies: Blab\361rsyltet\371y
However "å" (aring) is not in the standard encoding vector. The solution would be to reencode the font (see Postscript green book).
With a properly reencoded font you may use the standard keyboard encoding of your system, but it might not work on other systems.
/NimbusSanL-Bold is the Ghostscript replacement for the Postscript standard font Helvetica-Bold.

Utilities / Re: Insert text on pdf's
« on: June 04, 2019, 09:59:22 am »
One way would be to convert the files to postscript using pdftops from the xpdf utilities.
Then Insert before the showpage command at the end of the postscript file the text e.g.
/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont 1 0 0 setrgbcolor
490 755 moveto (TEXT) show
Finally convert the postscript file back to PDF using ghostscript..
You could write a rexx script to automate the process.

Edit: Ghostscript provides command files pdf2ps and ps2pdf for file cenversion

Applications / Re: VTex and Beamer
« on: February 08, 2015, 03:18:13 pm »
I have filed a bug report on tikz/pgf@sourceforge. Lets see what happens.

TeX and LaTex is indispensable for scientific and mathematical publishing and runs on most platforms. The beamer package can generate presentations and the pgf package provides support for generating graphics. Here are some comments on TeX systems for OS/2:

VTeX has not been updated since 2005, but it is afaik the only TeX system supporting direct PDF output on OS/2 The possibility to include many graphics formats, postscript and PDF makes it superior to the standard TeXLive distributions avaliable for windows or linux which support only jpg, png and PDF or alternatively only postscript. I have never tried the 2007 TeXlive port for OS/2
There is also the ancient emTeX distribution for OS/2, but that supports only postscript graphics.For PDF conversion Ghostscript is needed and I am not sure that it fully supports navigation in the PDF output as implemented in the beamer package .

EPM can be configured to support TeX systems similar to an IDE. I used EPMTeX TeX front end based on NEPMD is an alternative. On Linux I use TeXStudio now which is certainly more advanced than an EPM extensions. An OS/2 port is available.

Applications / Re: VTex and Beamer
« on: January 31, 2015, 10:24:20 am »
I got it working now with the modified and attached pgfsys-vtex.def
Just added three \immediate as described in the discussion there:

Could someone verify the fix, so it can be fed to the pgf project on sourceforge?

Applications / Re: VTex and Beamer
« on: January 17, 2015, 04:07:53 pm »

I just verified that the beamer example works with pgf 1.18 using VTeX/2 8.44d (see attachment). With pgf 2.00 or 3.00 I can reproduce the error you reported. The error appears when GeX is started, so it seems to be VTeX related. On the MicroPress website it says
VTeX 8.6 is here. New features include support for Beamer and PGF packages
. This indicates that something was changed in VTeX for the newer pgf versions.
With VTeX/2 8.44 we have to stick with pgf 1.18, but I am not aware of any serious limitations regarding the beamer package.

Applications / Re: VTex and Beamer
« on: January 09, 2015, 06:30:11 pm »

the manual for the recent pgf version 3.0.0 says it requires vtex >8.46 and we are at 8.44.
pgf 1.18 works for me and may be found here:

Applications / Re: VTex and Beamer
« on: January 07, 2015, 04:49:55 pm »
You could try to copy the /pgfe definition from this file to to improve the hack:
I think it should be done automatically when pgfsys-vtex.def is loaded,
but I am not familiar with the interaction of the pgf system layer with vtex.

Could the navigation symbols be invisible due to the unsupported opacity by vtex?

The error with \languagename is not in beamer.nav (parenthesis closed after file name and it has no line 18),
but after \end{frame} in beamer.tex (line 18, column 11)?
One suggestion would be to check/update the babel package.

Good luck, Thomas

Applications / Re: VTex and Beamer
« on: January 06, 2015, 04:47:05 pm »
The problems seems to be related to the variable /pgfe which is apparently not defined in

Your logfile shows some pgf-files dated 2013.
I suspect at some point the VTeX support was broken or dropped in pgf.
Try to locate an older version of pgf.

Alternatively, you could add to vtex pro a line with a dummy definition
/pgfe {} def
and see what happens to the error messages.

Applications / Re: VTex and Beamer
« on: January 06, 2015, 11:09:39 am »
Both examples compile flawless here.
Log file and PDF output attached.

Applications / Re: VTex and Beamer
« on: December 29, 2014, 09:33:56 am »
pgf works with VTeX.
I found an example in my old files from 2008:
Code: [Select]
\usepackage{tikz} % which requires pgf
The PDF gives the following information:
Producer: VTeX v8.44 (OS/2), PDF backend with GeX
Creator: LaTeX with beamer class version 3.07
I do not remember that I had to do a lot of tweaking to get beamer working with VTeX.
Maybe it is the missing option [vtex] in \documentclass in your test example?

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