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Messages - G. M. Anchieri

Pages: [1] 2
Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: September 09, 2024, 03:43:45 pm »
Hi Paul,
I'm testing your last QT6 release with the last of DOOBLE QT6, all of site visited function almost as espected
but can you visit this site in OS/2-eCS-ArcaOS General New :
   -  ARCAOS NLV (National Language Version) POLL
if you enter and then push the button to show result, DOOBLE close immediately, no exceptq in C:\VAR\LOG\APPS.

Thank you for your work to mantain our OS/2.

G.M. Anchieri

Applications / Re: DB/2 7.2
« on: December 03, 2023, 10:28:21 am »
Hi Christech,
I have DB2 version 7.2  installed on ecomstation near year 2002 and now it's installed on
ARCAOS v. 5.1  always on a JFS formatted partition.
I never  had a problem with installing it.

This for your convenience:
[H:\]cd sqllib

[H:\sqllib]dir db2exits.* /s

The volume label in drive H is DISCO-H.
The Volume Serial Number is 2EC0:75C0.

Directory of H:\sqllib\INSTALL

18/05/05 15:13        435.300     61 ----  db2exits.dll
16/04/01 17:58          7.290      0 ----  db2exits.hlp
        2 file(s)     442.590 bytes used
Total files listed:
        2 file(s)       442.590 bytes used
                   59.229.093 K bytes free

Applications / Re: Test build of dooble with qt5
« on: November 23, 2023, 11:34:06 am »
Hey Dave,
I have installed your last update of dooble file: Dooble_20112023.7z and tested it, this is my impression:
after a lots of test with vary url I have noted this strange behaviour, if I use the new google to translate a page, this page is rendered in two different way that I attach as two picture captured using PMVIEW:
- 2023-11-captured002.jpg   original         without image
- 2023-11-Captured001.jpg  processed by GOOGLE translate    with image 
How this can happen ?
Thank for your work Dave.
G.M. Anchieri

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: February 22, 2023, 06:16:38 pm »
Dear Roberto,
thank you for your help, but now I have this new message:
- sys1804: the system cannot find the file vpx113
How can I find this file?

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: February 22, 2023, 02:18:59 pm »
Dear Paul,
I have installed a month ago, your version of QT6 and all of your update to this file
-     2291814
-                               90182159
then run this FILE : DOOBLE.CMD
that contain this statement:

 *    lancia il programma Dooble QT6                            *
if RxFuncQuery('SysLoadFuncs') then
   rc = RxFuncAdd('SysLoadFuncs','RexxUtil','SysLoadFuncs')
   rc = SysLoadFuncs()

'@ECHO On '


'SET QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS="--ignore-certificate-errors ignore-ssl-errors --log-level=1" '


rc = endlocal()

Immediately I receive this msg of error:
- sys1804: the system can not find the file: QT6POSIG (.DLL)

Applications / Re: Test build of dooble with qt5
« on: June 18, 2022, 04:29:13 pm »
Hi Paul,
I have installed your version of Dooble, for rendering page as you have to open
a second tab end entering your url without the "https://" preceding it, if inserted in the first tab open, in many case the page is not rendered.
This mistake is present also in the first release of Dooble. 
G.M. Anchieri

To all that has replied to my question,
I want explain what I have in mind to do:
1) my PC is an ASUS PRIME B250M-A with 8GB of ram, one SSD of 500GB and one sata disk of one TB
2) on SSD I have: a primary partition with Win7 Pro 64bit and a ARCAOS5.06 primary partition and other four
    partition formatted in JFS used by ARCSOS, and one partition formatted in FAT32 that I use for passing data
    from the two system.
3) normally I work with ARCAOS because I was an ancient user of OS2 my first pc was equipped with OS2 1.2
4) on ARCAOS I have installed VBOX 5.071 that run Win7 Pro 32bit and I can execute some task that I can do only
    using Windows
5) In some circumstance I start Win7 pro 64bit for Work that request  many more ram then that supported by
    VBOX-5071 on ARCAOS
    in this situation I want to be able to do some task using ARCAOS, that I have installed under VBOX 6.122 that run
    on Win7 pro, to do so I have the necessity to have my JFS DISK attached to VM on Windows.
6) Final, it's this possible?.

Thank you all very much,
Regards G.M. Anchieri   

Thank to all that responded to my question, but VBOX under Windows, if I can't attach a disk formatted in JFS using shared folder, is useless for me, because I have more than a TB of data to copy to more VDI disk using a disk formatted in fat32 with use of parameter /eas very dangerous in ARCAOS, and It's very difficult if I want to keep it  in line.

G.M. Anchieri

Hi all,
I have recently installed VBOX version 616, under my WIN7 Pro and than I install ARCAOS.506 over it.
The install come to end successfully then I installed: VBoxAdditions-os2-x86-5.0.51.r218.iso as specified in reame.txt.
Now I want attach a couple of disk formatted in JFS as shared folders to work on, but I can't attach it because
in the shared folders window of VBOX this disk is not viewed as normal disk by Win7 and if attach one of disk presented, I receive the window error that tell me that the disk is not properly formatted and give me the option to format it or cancel the mount.
If I insert for example: H:
in the second row I receive: H_DRIVE
I can set the disk R/W or only R and also if it is a permanent disk
but when I push the button to save the data inserted I receive a Window error from Vbox that there is a argument error.
How do I can  resolve this problem?
Thank to all that can give me a hint.
G.M. Anchieri

Applications / Re: OS/4 (technical details only)
« on: March 27, 2021, 10:13:50 am »
To all user of os4kernel,
BWW is porting the new QT5 TO OS2, but QT5 new Web Engine e/o Chrome, contain AVX instruction that inhibit  program compiled with GCC 9.2 to work with OS4KERNEL, I have tested 3 program: FFMPEG, (last version in RPM/YUM), QT5WEB and also card game HEARTS, all give immediately a trap (in OS2 Kernel all run).
Do Can the BWW resolve this issue? If not the user of OS4KERNEL has to face a dark night.

G.M. Anchieri   

Applications / Re: OS/4 (technical details only)
« on: January 20, 2021, 11:42:34 am »
2) I use frequently my Lotus Smart Suite  (last version 1.73), but I can't open or use a Spread Sheet
    with your kernel, because the system hang almost immediately, and I have to reboot manually CAD
    don't function.
    I can use WordPro (from the same suite) without hang the system.
I have resolved this  question, after lined up my config.os4 to config.sys, I can use my Lotus 123 without great problem, but in some case using mouse block the system, I have to test it with one CPU as suggested by Igor.
G.M. Anchieri

Applications / Re: OS/4 (technical details only)
« on: January 15, 2021, 09:49:31 am »

I have some problem using your Kernel, I install a new version of your SVN.... every two or three month to test it (last version installed is SVN5971).

1) during the loading of CONFIG.SYS file don't accept anymore this statement on line 186 of it:
    this statement has been installed by IBM DB2 for OS2 version 1.72 (last version for OS2),
    previous version of SVN58.. and part of SVN59.. accepted it, it's a regression?.

Great, this bug has been resolved in a few day in SVN5976,
thank very much to the Team of OS4
G.M. Anchieri 

Applications / Re: OS/4 (technical details only)
« on: January 11, 2021, 10:22:16 am »
first question - my VNETAPI.OS2 is dated 10-10-2001 and is of  24167 bytes. 
second question - spread sheet is never functioned with every version of kernel that I have tested before.

I have write on this forum because now this kernel work with all other program that I use to day
inclusive of VBOX vers. 5051 (with running Win 7 pro) and Lotus that is a must to have for me.

my hardware is a:
ASUS PRIME B250-A with four core in Hypertrading and VT-x instruction 8GB of RAM.

Thank you very much for your response to my question if you want other information I can give you my
eMail :

G.M. Anchieri 

Applications / Re: OS/4 (technical details only)
« on: January 10, 2021, 03:39:11 pm »

I have some problem using your Kernel, I install a new version of your SVN.... every two or three month to test it (last version installed is SVN5971).

1) during the loading of CONFIG.SYS file don't accept anymore this statement on line 186 of it:
    this statement has been installed by IBM DB2 for OS2 version 1.72 (last version for OS2),
    previous version of SVN58.. and part of SVN59.. accepted it, it's a regression?.

2) I use frequently my Lotus Smart Suite  (last version 1.73), but I can't open or use a Spread Sheet
    with your kernel, because the system hang almost immediately, and I have to reboot manually CAD
    don't function.
    I can use WordPro (from the same suite) without hang the system.

Please, do you can investigate, and possibly, resolve this two question?

Thank you very much for your great work done,   G.M. Anchieri

Utilities / Re: MeShell commandline frontend timetable
« on: August 31, 2020, 05:39:43 pm »
I have installed for testing meshell 0,82 but it block immediately  with window msg:   
German language (Deutsche Sprache?)
and two button:  yes   |   no       
but I was unable to push any of two.
my system is: ARCAOS505 and language in config.sys is: SET LANG=it_IT_EURO

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