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Messages - guzzi

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 23
Applications / Re: PMMail Where to buy
« on: February 05, 2021, 08:30:49 pm »
If you have been a voice sponsor for 2 years in a row you get a free licence.

Networking / Re: patched AFINETK.SYS: anyone willing to test ?
« on: November 09, 2020, 04:13:56 pm »
I have had the occasional trap in afinetk.sys, but they are few and far in between. So few that I'm not sure if testing is useful.

Hardware / Re: AMD Ryzen 2nd generation processors
« on: October 27, 2020, 10:16:12 pm »
Hi guzzi,

Maybe, maybe not.  The Mem output is similar to what I had with my first Ryzen processor before I started tweaking the mass of junk related to memory usage in the UEFI Bios, most of which is not documented.  Doing that I was able to get:
[C:\]mem -v

Total physical memory:      7,906 MB
Accessible to system:       3,311 MB
Additional (PAE) memory:    4,595 MB

Resident memory:              185 MB
Available virtual memory:   3,944 MB

Available process memory:
  Private low memory:         216 MB
  Private high memory:      2,240 MB
  Shared low memory:          152 MB
  Shared high memory:       2,178 MB

With the built in video and I expect I will get something like that with this 2nd gen processor which is supposed to have superior graphics.

With the B450 M S2H I'm running the memory does become available.

Hardware / Re: AMD Ryzen 2nd generation processors
« on: October 25, 2020, 08:04:13 pm »
With an add-on video card you will get around 3.5 gb available.

Comments, Suggestions & Questions / Re: OS/2 Trademarks
« on: August 27, 2020, 10:09:09 pm »
A logo is not just protected by trademark but also by copyright.

Really bad news. I think I'll rather stick to my 2 GB FM2+ mainboard.

I put an old X800 in and now have:
C:\sys\install\DETECT>mem /v

Total physical memory:      8.162 MB
Accessible to system:       3.567 MB
Additional (PAE) memory:    4.595 MB

Resident memory:              185 MB
Available virtual memory:   2.920 MB

Available process memory:
  Private low memory:         315 MB
  Private high memory:      1.344 MB
  Shared low memory:          212 MB
  Shared high memory:         957 MB

I have 8 GB ram, only 6 is seen. I hope, perhaps in vain, that choosing the external video adapter in BIOS will free the memory.

P:\>mem /v

Total physical memory:      6.114 MB
Accessible to system:       1.519 MB
Additional (PAE) memory:    4.595 MB

Resident memory:              157 MB
Available virtual memory:     342 MB

Available process memory:
  Private low memory:         303 MB
  Private high memory:      1.344 MB
  Shared low memory:          200 MB
  Shared high memory:         357 MB

Hi Guzzi, is that running AOS 5.0.5?

Yes. And it is exactly the same with a B450 mb and the same processor. Next weekend I'll plug in an old video card and set the bios to use that to see if it makes a difference. If it does, I'll just buy a modern cheapish video card, if it doesn't I'll change the processor for one without built-in video.

Hi Rene,

I have in total 16 GB and aound 12 GB is set to ram disk.

Yes network and sound is working. Is a replacement for a 10 year old HP desktop that is showing its age.

PC is working very well.

thanks. I meant the RAM that's seen by OS/2, without the RAM disk. In ArcaOS, there exists the "mem" utility that shows the RAM available to the system. (I hope it's more than 2 GB.)

That mainboard has an old chipset, but is still available, what makes it so interesting.

Hi Andreas,

it shows 3.5 GB to ArcaOS.

This mb is working very well and has bought a another PC with simular HW.


I just bought the same motherboard and have only 1519 MB available to the system.
The difference is in the processor, I use a Ryzen 3 3200, you a 1200. The 3200 has integrated graphics and the bios seems to reserve 2 gb for it. Which graphics card fo you use?

USB 12.6 has just been released by AN.

Internet / Re: Web Browser. which/where/how ?
« on: May 03, 2020, 02:04:54 am »
And of course there will be a new QT5 based browser that isn't quite finished yet but close. At you may contribute,

Internet / Re: The new browser / QT5
« on: May 03, 2020, 01:40:10 am »
The root of all evil, but we need more of it.....

We are a bit behind schedule, but work on the QT browser is progressing steadily. It's very near completion but it is at this moment it is hard to fix a date. There are still a number of build breaks to address. Basically, to get everything to compile fixes are needed. A fix might solve one build break, or 35. That makes it hard to guesstimate exactly where we are. One thing is sure, we are very close. To finish, we still need more funding. I know, especially now, people may be having a hard time. For those of you who still have a few bob to spend, please consider donating to the browser development. I will transfer yet another 200 euro, bugger the retirement fund). We are so close, draw your wallets, let's get it to the finishline!

Applications / Re: Shared storage
« on: April 29, 2020, 12:35:05 am »
Hi Remy,

I might make sense to use the same parameters as the mozturbo programs, i.e. -l to load dll's instead of -c

Usage: q:\var\temp\FC#37.0\ffturbo.exe [-h] [-l | -u] [-p path]
       -h display this help
       -l load modules
       -u unload modules
       -t turbo function, implies load, uses more memory
       -p specify fully qualified path to directory where the DLLs are located
       -v output version

Hardware / Re: New pc
« on: April 13, 2020, 07:03:26 pm »
So about 2GBs below the 4GB boundary are vanishing. You should open an issue at Arca Noae.
Be interesting to try SNAP on the machine.

Tested, SNAP only offers 640x480 resolution so reverted to Panorama..

Hardware / Re: New pc
« on: April 13, 2020, 12:15:27 am »
Hooked up my speakers and can now test audio. No sound at first, added a swatch to uniaud32.sys to use the second sound adapter. Have sound now but...
On startup the sound repeats. I think this is an old problem but I forgot the solution.

Edit: Sound now works thanks to the aOS autofix utility (well, actually I rebooted and lo and behold)

Opening a dos window hangs the machine, as does a win-os/2 one. The difference is that in the latter case I see an hourglass.

Dos full screen works partly. Skyglobe works, Commander Keen runs but the display just flashes vague coloury screens.

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