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Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« Last post by Martin Iturbide on January 17, 2025, 10:20:03 pm »
Hello Dave

OK, please test also need

I tried Dooble on Qt5 and works here as expected. I'm running it with the replaced files from "". What improvement does "" has? I just ask this because if it is working fine, it would be great to put those on the Qt5 rpm if there are no complains.

Hello mauro

I'm not a SeaMonkey user, but I wanted to give it a try.
I have an ArcaOS 5.1 VM on Virtualbox. I got " ", unziped it on C:\Programs\SeaMonkey, and it run on the first try.  I have Qt5 and Dooble running on it.

I'm missing to test Warp 4.52 on VirtualBox to try to replicate the issue. I will try to find the VM and test.

I tested 86Box for Windows on ARM 64 on my Surface Pro 11 (Snapdragon CPU) and it runs wonderfull!

I have three complete virtual PCs running at the same time, and do not even have to change the Surface status, it is still in Power Safe Mode.

Almost perfect!! What a fun!!

Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« Last post by Neil Waldhauer on January 17, 2025, 04:25:49 pm »
With unlock.exe provided from HobbesArchive, the printer creation now fails this way. It's an HP Color Laserjet Pro M252, which works pretty well under ArcaOS. My goal is to get Manage Printers, CupsWiz and PSPRINT to work under MCP, and eventually under Warp 4.

(The screen shot says see CupsWiz.L1. Scroll down to the end of CupsWiz.L1 to see the most recent errors.)

I see ArcaOS has a more recent unlock.exe than HobbesArchive.
made all what suggested, no improve.
Seamonkey.exe opens the browser, if start composing a new message (FILE menu) it let me do it, but goes in system trap as I try to open the Mail & Newsgroup window (WINDOWS menu) see message in the attached picture.
Repeat, it has worked OK since time ago, unfortunately I ignore after which software/installation has stopped to work properly.
I feel something related to QT5 stuff introduced for Dooble installation, but however made same on ArcaOS and no issue there
Thank you
Programming / Re: DOSBox-x - infinite loop in configure/make
« Last post by j on January 17, 2025, 12:46:49 pm »
Thank you Mentore, fingers crossed!
Programming / Re: DOSBox-x - infinite loop in configure/make
« Last post by Jochen Schäfer on January 17, 2025, 10:14:31 am »
Cool, so the latest dosbox-x works fine on Arca then?
Certainly not, because DOSBOX-X adds a lot native GUI, which has to be programmed.
Programming / Re: DOSBox-x - infinite loop in configure/make
« Last post by Mentore on January 17, 2025, 10:08:22 am »
Cool, so the latest dosbox-x works fine on Arca then?

Hey J,
currently I haven't still tried again with Dosbox-x. As Dave said, there are many other problems with it so this is just one of them (and only on my VM, I'm fairly sure Dave has his PC's clock running fine).

I'm in the process of reorganizing all the source code I have on my personal Github repository, together with some sponsoring information to keep going with OS/2 related software (ports and native).

Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« Last post by ivan on January 17, 2025, 09:07:52 am »
What printer are you trying to get to work with cups?
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