As in, I can't find any activity on the Warpstock site about 2025, and I'd like to see more activity and thought going into the next one. Issues, actions, etc.:
1. update the Warpstock site ... it shows Warpstock 2023 still !?!?
- put something up about 2025
- put something up about the "process" (board has various open or closed meetings, etc.)
- is it just me, or is the Warpstock site slow (as in molasses slow)?
It is just you. Current information has been up for some time now. I'm not sure why you can't see it.
Warpstock 2025 is likely next fall. We have time.
We could use a volunteer to keep the website fresher.
2. call for ideas, early, and often
- start to flesh out the sessions/tracks sooner, to build "sales" and enthusiasm
I notice that you published your comment here, not on, where there is a forum to discuss ideas.
We have fewer presenters every year. It's not because we don't ask.
Warpstock 2024 had fewer presenters than the time slots.
This may represent a slowing of OS/2 development.
3. have a remote-in capability, just as valuable as in-person (I'd pay for this)
We have had a remote-in capability for several years. But it's free. Charging for it would be a lot of work. Ideally we'd need a new volunteer to run it.
4. how can we help?
And so on ...
If you want to help, you can join the team -- use the forum on the site.
If you want to see more presentations, maybe consider preparing one yourself.
And thanks for your comments. Warpstock is a volunteer effort. With more volunteers, it could be better.