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Topics - jacco123

Pages: [1]
Setup & Installation / Ecomstation 1.0
« on: March 26, 2024, 07:56:55 pm »
Hello . I found this https://xxxxxxxxxxx

But it ask for a serial number by the end of instalation fase 1 . Without a key i cannot further.
Have somebody a working key?
The ecomstation 1.0 is now a old system . I cannot buy it anymore . The company does not exist.

Applications / Themes
« on: January 29, 2024, 07:23:30 pm »
Hello . I found many themes for ecomstation on the internet but how can i use it with arcaos ?
Is there a easy way to install them ?
Must i use a special program ?

Hardware / Os/2 warp 3
« on: December 08, 2022, 07:00:47 pm »
Hello . I have a old server computer a compaq prosignia . I have first created the boot floppies from warp 3.0 . Then i starts the installation . After reading disk 2 it tells me that it cannot find a crom device .
In the computer there is a cdrom device . A scsi cdrom device.
How can i install os/2 warp 3 with a scsi cdrom player ? I must creating a updated disk but what for driver must i put on the disk to recognise the scsi cd rom player?

General Discussion / os/2 cd
« on: May 29, 2022, 05:09:23 pm »
Everything is ok . thx

Networking / No files in network folders workplace shell
« on: May 19, 2022, 05:53:21 pm »
Hello . i have os/2 warp 4.52 installed on a old computer . everything works except the network shares folders. I have the warp pc connected to a windows xp laptop . log in with my username and password . After that i see the networkshares with the folders from the windows xp laptop but when i click on these folders i get no files . everything is empty. but when i goto the os/2 command shell i see the files in the folders . But not in the workplace shell . What can i do to fix that ? strange that it works only in the command prompt .

Pages: [1]