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Messages - Doug Clark

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Setup & Installation / Dynamic Icons help
« on: September 06, 2024, 06:36:59 am »
Is there documentation somewhere for Dynamic icons - like how it works, what the Reset Icon button does and when it should be used, how to uninstall Dynamic Icons, etc.?

Thanks in advance


I am guessing the issue is somewhere in APCI, and/or maybe usb in because I see the problem with both SNAP and Panorama.  I do have a ticket opened for this.  I can only imagine how difficult this will be to track down because I am guessing AOS will have to have copy of the actual machine having the problem to track it down.

I will say how amazed I am that ArcaNoae got AOS to run on UEFI machines, and that I can run 32 year old 16 bit software that is important to me on modern hardware - even if some of those programs have to be run in full screen.

Ivan - excellent suggestion - I also have multiple machines for compatibilty reasons - and that was the main reason for switching to thin-client type machines: much smaller size and much less power consumption.


In my experience eCS, and earlier versions of AOS, run windows and dos applications better than 5.1 on some machines.  Depends on the machine.  I am running AOS v 5.1 on three different machines (Ryzen R5/MSI motherboard, Thinkpad T530 and HP EliteDesk 800 G4).  The Thinkpad runs Win-OS/2 and Dos programs perfectly on AOS v 5.1 but would not run Win-OS/2 with earlier version of AOS.  The EliteDesk runs Win-OS/2 but in full screen mode only.  The Ryzen appears to run all Win-OS/2 programs in full screen, but some programs will freeze the machine in seamless mode - QuattroPro for Windows being the worst.  I also have problems with ReportSmith - and sometimes FrameMaker v 5.1 will freeze after awhile in seamless.  But again they all appear to run fine in full screen - many programs run fine in seamless mode.

I think it is both hardware and software.  I had a couple of earlier AMD  (FX4350 socket AM3+/ASUS motherboard) machines, one with eCS installed and one with AOS 5.02 installed.  Windows and Dos programs ran fine in on both machines.  When I upgraded the AMD AOS from v 5.02 to v 5.06 I started to have problems with Win-OS/2.

To test the theory I did a fresh install of AOS v 5.02 on a new hard drive on the AMD machine and transferred it to the Ryzen machine. (AOS v 5.02 will not install in the Ryzen machine). To get it to work I had to switch to a serial mouse and PS/2 keyboard because USB would not work and the network card stopped working - but the problematic windows programs (like Quattro Pro for Windows) ran fine.  So I think it is both the version of AOS and the hardware it is running on.

To run Win-OS/2 programs on the Thinkpad (before AOS v 5.1 came out) I ran my windows programs in a WIndows XP virtual machine running in VBOX on AOS.  That worked pretty good for me - although there is a trick to getting vbox to start without a hitch.

Applications / Re: Drive drop-down empty in Win-OS/2 apps
« on: August 29, 2024, 11:55:18 pm »
I THINK the issue is one of the Windows applications I installed copied a different version of COMMDLG.DLL to C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\SYSTEM.

Copying an original version fixed the problem.

You should be able to find the original version on the AOS/eCS/OS/2 install media.  Although my quick search did not find it - so I think it is bundled into a package.

I have attached COMMDLG.DLL - to save you from searching for the original.

Repeating Dave Yeo's excellent advice:  zip up the contents of c:\os2\mdos\winos2 and all subfolders before installing an Windows application.  Makes it easier to recover if something goes wrong.

Programming / Re: Increasing MDOS Environment limit
« on: August 21, 2024, 04:07:10 am »
Lars - thanks for the DOS_SHELL setting.  It seems so obvious, after you pointed it out.

So the conclusion is:

1) According to multiple sources, the maximum length of a fully qualified path and file name, i.e.  path+file name+ extension, is 80 characters.

2) According to my testing, using the attached program, the maximum length of the PATH statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT  is 122 characters; 128 characters if you include the PATH= in the total.

3) It appears that the default max size of the environment is larger than 160 characters - but not much more.

4) it also appears there is a maximum for a single environmental variable of 128 characters, including the name and equal sign

5) You can change the max size of the environment with the DOS_SHELL setting. For example I specified a size of 4096 for testing, as shown below


It appears the system reads the AUTOEXEC.BAT file from top to bottom, placing items in the environment as it reads them, and truncates everything past the max limit.

Thanks everyone for your help.

The attached program runs in Win-OS/2 and lists the environment variables in a list box, displaying the contents of the selected variable on the screen.  It comes from Charles Petzold's Programming Windows 3.1 book

Programming / Re: Increasing MDOS Environment limit
« on: August 17, 2024, 07:12:05 am »

There is the /E:x  switch you can use with COMAND.COM for increasing the environment size upto 32768 when running the DOS command processor - and the lowest value you can set with /E:x is 160 - which is the DOS default.  I was just hoping there was some setting in the DOS properties that I was missing that would act like /E:x does for COMMAND.COM.  Plus it appears that COMMAND.COM only works for DOS sessions - my concern is for Win-OS/2 sessions.

The limit for PATH in DOS is 80 characters.  The default AUTOEXEC.BAT for AOS 5.1 has a path that is 75 characters. So there is no way to add an application to the PATH without taking something out of the default PATH - like for example C:\SYS\MDOS\BIN\

And when the PATH is at 80 characters that leaves just 80 characters for everything else in the environment.  So, for example, if you have a number of drives, unREMarking the SET DELDIR=  line will throw you over the 160 character limit.

I was just hoping I was missing something here, or there was some magic setting I was unaware of.


Programming / Increasing MDOS Environment limit
« on: August 17, 2024, 12:56:28 am »
I believe the maximum for all environment variables in DOS, and hence Win-OS/2, is 160 characters.

Is there some setting that I am missing to increase this limit in DOS and Win-OS/2 sessions?

Applications / Re: VLC v 3.0.21 not starting
« on: August 05, 2024, 01:19:22 am »
I am using AOS 5.1,

I have 3.0.18 installed in e:\programs\vlc3018
and 3.0.21 installed in e:\programs\vlc2

To start 3.0.18 I use the cmd file
set beginlibpath=e:\Programs\vlc3018\usr\local\lib;e:\usr\local\lib;e:\usr\lib;

and to (not) start 3.0.21 the cmd file
set beginlibpath=e:\Programs\vlc2\usr\local\lib;e:\usr\local\lib;e:\usr\lib;

I really don't need the e:\usr\local\lib;e:\usr\lib;
that is at the end of the BEINGLIBPATHs, but it is there to be redundant

Applications / Re: VLC v 3.0.21 not starting
« on: August 05, 2024, 12:46:47 am »
Further info:

As for the YUM problem

I tried
yum clean all
yum clean metadata
yum clean dbcache
yum makecache

which returned
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/@unixroot/var/cache/yum/netlabs-rel/959a5

Applications / Re: VLC v 3.0.21 not starting
« on: August 05, 2024, 12:36:26 am »
Thanks Dave,

popup log says

08-04-2024  16:33:18  SYS2070  PID 006c  TID 0001  Slot 00db

08-04-2024  16:33:18  SYS2070  PID 006c  TID 0001  Slot 00db

08-04-2024  16:33:19  SYS2070  PID 006e  TID 0001  Slot 00db

08-04-2024  16:33:19  SYS2070  PID 006e  TID 0001  Slot 00db

and when I try to run YUM or AOS package manager I get the message
database disk image is malformed

so I can't check any libraries.

Applications / VLC v 3.0.21 not starting
« on: August 05, 2024, 12:15:27 am »
I can run vlc 3.0.18 just fine, but I cannot run any version of VLC past 3.0.18

Some type of window flashes on the screen and then goes away.

I suspect that some new library, or change in a library, has happened since 3.0.18 but I cannot figure out what.

Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks in advance

Networking / Re: Samba groups are broken
« on: July 23, 2024, 06:23:29 pm »
Thanks Dave and Paul for your help.

I copied over the group and password files from the working ECS machine to the new AOS machine.  I can see the groups from the AOS machine in the Groups tab of the Local Samba Users and Groups application, so I know it is using the file I copied over.  But I still get the message
"Samba groups are broken, only 0 instead of 9 groups found"

When I select an entry in the Groups tab/page and click on Delete I get the message
"Lookup of 'Domain Enterprise Admins' failed
which is the group I selected to delete

If I try to add a new group I get the message
"Failed to add group 'NewTestGrp' with error: Access is denied"
and then
"Samba groups are broken, only 0 instead of 9 groups found"

'NewTestGrp' is the one I tried to add.

I can successully unmap a group without an error message.

The good news, for me at least, is that even though I get these error messages about the groups, I can still connect to the new Samba server running on AOS from other Windows machines (haven't tried connecting from any Macs yet)  So my workaround is making user/group changes on the ECS machine and copying the files to the AOS machine.  That probably is not a viable solution for Neil.

For anyone else installing the Samba server, I offer these suggestions.

1) For AOS users there is a Selective Install for Networking in the System - Install/Remove - folder.  Try that first.

Since I did not know that existed I installed samba.wpi from CID/serversamba.

If you install that it will complain about missing runtime libraries (Chris Wohlgemuth's and Dave Bolls, among others).
Those are contained in the file rxlib4smb.wpi.  However my version of that file installed the libraries in C:\ECS\DLL
Which is OK I guess as long as C:\ECS is on the libpath, but AOS users will probably want to copy the stuff rom C:\ECS to C:\SYS

Again - thanks Paul and Dave for your suggestions.  At least I now have a process for updating users and groups - clunky as that is.

Networking / Re: Samba groups are broken
« on: July 22, 2024, 04:58:00 pm »

I copied the group and master.password files from unixroot\etc on ECS to AOS machines.  Same problem.

Yesterday I tried copying the installed samba files from ECS to AOS machines - that didn't work out well.  Perhaps 'cause I didn't get all the locations?

Since both ECS and AOS machines are running WSeB, I tried mapping a drive letter on AOS machine to unixroot on ECS machine and changing UNIXROOT on the AOS machine to the mapped drive letter.  SMBUSERS.EXE complains that Samba isn't running - even though it is.

I also tried just ignoring the samba groups error and seeing if I could connect to Samba on the AOS machine from Win10.  Win10 says the server does not exist on the network.

I guess I COULD install ECS on a virtual machine running in the AOS machine and install Samba on that virtualized ECS system - but that seems ... clunky.

--- a haiku to Samba -----
Unix ported app
the serenity and love
does not fill my heart

edit: first line because unix turns out to be 2 syllables

Networking / Re: Samba groups are broken
« on: July 22, 2024, 05:57:08 am »
To expand on this:

I have Samba server 3.6.25 running on eComStation that runs pretty well.  I can connect to that machine from Win7, Win10, and various Macs.  In order to connect from Win10 I had to add a line to smb.conf
max protocol = SMB2.  Win10 was nice enough to tell me what the problem was.

I have tried installing 3.6.25 on AOS 5.1 using the *.wpi from the AOS ISO, and using the *.wpi from Netlabs. 

I get the error of "Samba groups are broken..." with either the *.wpi from the AOS  ISO or the *.wpi from Netlabs.  The version numbers of both say they are the same but it looks like there is a 5k difference in size - the one from the AOS ISO being larger.

If I had to guess I would guess that the problem is a difference in one or more of the unix-y DLLs and such between the two machines: AOS 5.1 and ECS 2.? beta

Networking / Samba groups are broken
« on: July 22, 2024, 12:53:55 am »
I am trying to get samba server 3.6.25 installed on a new machine.

I am getting the message

Samba groups are broken, only 0 instead of 9 groups found.

Any ideas for how to get past / fix this?

Thanks in advance

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