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Messages - Doug Clark

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General Discussion / Re: The Mainframe Kid - and OS/2
« on: March 09, 2018, 03:09:00 pm »
On the home page of WWW.IBM.COM there is a picture of Conner Krukosky and an article about him buying the mainframe and now working at IBM. They call it a "passion project."

Applications / Re: File Open dialog not resizable?
« on: March 07, 2018, 04:38:03 pm »
Sorry guys - I guess I posted this issue too soon.  After Eugene's reply I checked other applications and it does resize with the other ones I checked.

Where it is not resizing is in LxPM  (the editor that comes with VisualAge C++  v 4) when run outside of the IDE .  And after checking, it resizing if you select File - Open from the menu, but does not resize if you click on the file open icon on the icon bar, although it does assume the last size it was last sized at when opened from the icon. And when you resize the FOC LxPM adds some widgets to the lower left corner of the dialog that overlays that portion of the dialog.  Thanks for the help guys.

You also answered what was going to be my next question: what the heck is FOC?  I saw the tab on the Workplace Shell object in xWorkplace setup folder and had no idea what it was.

I think it is an excellent addition to ArcOS and eComStation; kudos to the developer(s).

But there are times I wish I had xFile back - the file open dialog that had a button for each drive along the top and clicking that button brought that drives directories on the left. The issues for me with FOC are:

1) sometimes it takes a very long time for the hierarchy to build on the left side of the dialog and the dialog is basically frozen until that is done.
2) if I am looking for a file on a different drive than what I was working with previously, I have to scroll down (and perhaps collapse the previous drive/directories) to get to the drive I want.

On the other hand it is very complete and an easy to understand layout. And this layout/design is the only one that makes sense if you were to add access to network drives that aren't assigned drive letters.

Thanks again for the help - and thanks to the people that developed FOC.


Applications / File Open dialog not resizable?
« on: March 06, 2018, 11:44:42 pm »
New install of AraOS 5.02. The Open File Dialog box is no longer resizable.

Is there a setting somewhere to allow it to be sized?

Applications / Get removable media widget back
« on: March 06, 2018, 11:36:56 pm »
I installed AROS 5.02, which has a very nice removable media widget in xcenter.

I missed some of the features of the full version of xWorkplace, so I uninstalled the existing XWPS via WarpIn so that I could install v 1.011.  Unfortunately the removable media widget is gone. Anyone know how to get that widget back?

Setup & Installation / Re: A tool to setup LAN server on ArcaOS...
« on: March 01, 2018, 06:28:11 pm »
Thanks to Alex Taylor for making the utility and releasing it.  I have used it twice over the years to install the Warp Server for E Business sever stuff on eComStation; the last time on eComStation 2.2 Beta (ArcaOS wasn't out yet.)

And thanks Roderick for getting the app posted and notifying us.

My notes from my install are:

 eComStation 2.2 beta install hangs if "File and Print Sharing" is not selected during the install.

So install with File and Printer Sharing selected. Then after
the installation is complete, run c:\ibmlan\install\laninst.exe,
select the Tailored option, and remove the LAN Services. LEAVE
MPTS on the machine.

Reboot and make sure C:\IBMLAN and C:\MUGLIB are gone.

Then start SERVINST.EXE from the zipped file  (I assume that is still the name of the server install program.)

Networking / Re: RTL8211CL DRIVER
« on: February 26, 2018, 04:23:57 am »
Thanks for the update on SNAP guys. I will have to try it out.

Comments, Suggestions & Questions / Re: Censorship complaints
« on: February 26, 2018, 04:07:33 am »
The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger. It is his glory to overlook an offense.

And we should all remember the differences in languages and cultures represented here can make statements come across harsher than perhaps intended.

Networking / Re: RTL8211CL DRIVER
« on: February 25, 2018, 06:36:13 am »

" If anything, consider that their last release of SNAP video drivers finally put to bed the nasty SMP bug...I only wish they could fix the poor performance so that I could actually retire the original SciTech SNAP drivers."

Does this mean that SNAP now works OK on SMP systems? And could you please explain the comment about performance comment and original SciTech SNAP drivers?


Storage / Re: Low level format error with JFS
« on: February 09, 2018, 07:29:19 pm »
I am sorry I used the wrong terminology - I should have said long format instead of low level format.

From what I have read on line since posting the question I am siding with Doug B. that a long format is probably not necessary.

Part of my motivation on doing a long format is so that strange things will not be "recovered" with a chkdsk /F:3 - although on a brand new drive there shouldn't be anything previous to be "recovered" that shouldn't be recovered.

But in any case, it would appear to me that FORMAT /FS:JFS /L has some issues with new(er) Toshiba drives and newer Seagate drives. I did a long format on a new Toshiba which returned errors in JFS on Windows 7 and saw no errors.   I don't know if this is a JFS issue, or a driver issue, or if all the drives I have from different makers are bad and I simply didn't see the error message(s) in Windows.

Storage / Low level format error with JFS
« on: February 03, 2018, 08:43:28 pm »
I have couple of new Toshiba 1 TB hard drives that I am trying to format. I used

format x: /FS:JFS /L

and a few seconds later receive the error

Internal error: devices.c(532): Write error 87 (INVALID_PARAMETER)

This happens with 2 brand new drives, so I don't know if it is a software issue, problem with both drives, or what.

Does anyone else low level format spinning hard drives anymore?

Storage / Re: Extended Attributes - OS/2 only thing?
« on: February 03, 2018, 08:39:31 pm »
Extended attributes are supported in NTFS. Some years ago I was working on a program for storing and searching information in extended attributes on NTFS. However extended attributes appear to be rarely used on Windows. If you search for extended attributes they seem to be used most by malware writers.

I am not sure of the max size of EAs on NTFS, but one article I read said 64k - which is probably a good limit to use.

PMview runs on Windows as well as OS/2 and it uses thumbnails; I assume it is storing those thumbnails in EAs - on Windows as well as OS/2

Setup & Installation / Re: Laptop advice please
« on: June 13, 2017, 05:18:46 am »
So no wireless connectivity then? ouch

Setup & Installation / Laptop advice please
« on: June 08, 2017, 01:05:16 am »
My T43P is nearing the end of its life - my it rest in peace.

I am looking to replace it with a Thinkpad T530 or some such, and for an excuse to purchase BlueLion. I notice that Doug Bissett is using an L530, which is similar. So questions:

Does the accelerated GRADD for Intel work with the Intel HD4000? (Doug you have an HD3000 - what is your experience?)

Suggestions on which PCIe Mini Card I should get that will work with GenMac?

Any other issues that should steer me to a different machine or I should be aware of?


Doug Clark

Setup & Installation / Re: ArcaOS keeps rebooting
« on: June 08, 2017, 12:57:58 am »
I have to ask the question: are you running SNAP or Panorama? (I am guessing you are not since you are on a laptop.)

My experience with SNAP was that it freezes during when starting the desktop - at various times, a problem I never have with Panorama. If I can get the desktop populated and not frozen the machine would run pretty well for hours. But getting past the startup was painful.

Applications / Re: ArcaOS - How to enable SMP
« on: May 18, 2017, 02:08:50 am »
This is a stab in the dark since I haven't installed Arcaos2 yet, but I suspect multiple CPUs are controlled with ACPI. Check your CONFIG.SYS file for the line


If there is more on the line, meaning any switches (for example PSD=ACPI.PSD /MAXCPU=1)

then you are probably limited to a single cpu. 

On ECS the install turns off the extra CPUs during the install but then updates the CONFIG.SYS to turn SMP back on at the end. If Acraos2 is similar then it might simply have not made the change in the CONFIG.SYS.

You can probably find documentation on ACPI on your boot drive. Try searching for PSD_EN.INF or looking for an ACPI directory and scan that for the read me or other help.

Another alternative is to install the latest version of ACPI and let it update your CONFIG.SYS.

BTW - once ACPI is working correctly you can then use the CPU monitor to turn on or off the CPUs. But ACPI has to be working correctly.

Hope this helps.

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