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Messages - Mentore

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15]
Applications / Re: TeXStudio and POPP46.DLL - missing?
« on: October 08, 2014, 09:40:58 am »
I'm SO dumb. I downloaded Qpdfview, copied the dll and voila, it worked.

Time to get back TeXing.

Applications / TeXStudio and POPP46.DLL - missing?
« on: October 07, 2014, 08:57:16 am »
Hello all,

another question related to TeXStudio.

I was able to fire up TeXStudio (didn't have the time to give it a serious try, I admit, but I have some work in TeX and LaTeX which I want to complete) until the last three versions.

Now, if I try to launch it from WPS or Larsen Commander, only the Properties page opens up. From the command line, the system states it wants POPP46, which I suppose is a part of the popplr library.

Still I can't seem to find it anywhere. Yesterday evening I tried to surf all the Netlabs pages for Qt 4 but without success (even if I was able to download some other interesting software, but this is another story).

Is there some solution? I surely did wrong somewhere but now I'm stuck and with little to no time to experiment...

Thanks in advance.


Applications / Re: Heavy issues with PSI/2
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:12:01 am »
Indeed, it seems I definitely *have* some problems with uniaud. For one, even if Unimix does its work correctly (identifying all the controls and modifying them) I don't have any sound. LBMix doesn't even recognize a Master output.

Seems I'll have to revert to an older uniaud version.

I solved PSI/2 problems by turning all audio off, which is another symptom of my driver problems - rather strange though, MAME/2 works without any problem: no sound at all but not a single crash (the same goes for SDLMAME).

Applications / Re: Heavy issues with PSI/2
« on: September 25, 2014, 12:01:54 pm »
Yes Martin, everything is updated. There's still to try. Yesterday, though, I disabled sound completely and it seemed working fine.

I need to fine-tune something and maybe it will work without problems. (And I still have to understand why unimix claims audio is fine, but I don't have any sound. Puzzles me, and there's not enough time :( )


Applications / Re: Heavy issues with PSI/2
« on: September 24, 2014, 11:59:43 am »
Yes, this is one thing to consider. Thanks, I'll try ASAP.


Applications / Heavy issues with PSI/2
« on: September 24, 2014, 09:49:31 am »
Hello all, I searched the forum for a similar argument but found nothing, so here I am.

I installed the latest PSI and gave it a try, still it has the same bad behavior of the earlier releases: suddendly it hangs the WPS, with or without Firefox running.

I'd like to use PSI for my chat sessions, which usually I do at late evening, but this PSI problem is puzzling me.

Did someone of you notice some strange behavior of this software? (needless to say, the Windows version works fine) I have little time to fiddle with its settings, but I feel it could be something like incoming message notifications or something similar.

Thanks in Advance.

Programming / Re: Doxygen and XWorkplace
« on: August 28, 2014, 09:00:23 am »
ISTR Doxygen is used to document a number of big projects, like OpenSG (I'm using it at work).

Still, it is a (albeit good) starting point: I feel that a real documentation needs to explain not only the class structures but many other things.

For one, the same OpenSG I'm using is thoroughly described by the Doxygen pages over the web, but still is poorly documented and fairly difficult to use.

General Discussion / Re: EDM/2 - What is next?
« on: June 25, 2014, 08:29:04 am »
As a developer, I would like to see the OS/2 API documentation project enhanched. But first things first: I think that a Config.sys complete and updated documentation is more useful to the majority of users.


Applications / Re: A-Oo 4
« on: June 11, 2014, 09:06:52 am »
I'm running a 2 month old 4.1 build. It works very good so far.


Hello Silvan,
where did you find this release? I seem unable to fetch one.


Applications / Re: A-Oo 4
« on: June 11, 2014, 09:06:12 am »
I would be very interested in giving it a try under Warp 4.52.
Do you think this could be possible?


This shouldn't be a problem. I don't remember if I had good results (maybe not, but then again, I had a clumsy OOo install).
If you're trying the Yuri Dario build, just follow his instructions regarding the needed DLLs.


Applications / Re: TexMaker
« on: June 04, 2014, 10:36:51 am »
Thanks for the response.  There are quite a few programs on Hobbes.  I will have to investigate them. 

I do like the Qt port of TexMaker very much.  It is a Tex IDE and runs the Tex to PDF tools if you supply it with the appropriate names.
My problem is I don't have any documentation identifying the binaries distributed with VTex.  I am hoping someone here has some information on how to identify the various tools in VTex and Ghostscript to TexMaker.

I have written a thesis in MS Word and I find Tex far superior is ease of use and flexibility.

Tex is a formatting language similar in concept to Html especially well suited to academic paper preparation.  The Tex distribution , in my case VTex, contains compilers that take the Tex source file and render PDF files, among other types. 

I appreciate any help I may receive.

AFAICR, VTex has a fairly good documentation, but I don't remember very good if the technical side is thoroughly covered (i.e. executable names).

Most of the LaTeX / TeX processing in VTex is done via CMD files, and I think (although I didn't tried until now) TexMaker should be easy to reconfigure for those command files. I suggest you to go and search for VTex documentation in PDF - it should be present into the VTex distribution.


Hardware / Re: eCS on an Asus X55U?
« on: May 27, 2014, 10:01:57 am »
Sounds good. Please let us know your progress!


Internet / Re: Flash and qt4 browsers?
« on: May 07, 2014, 09:50:10 am »
Hi Dave

The os/2 port does not seem to support html5 but I think qupzilla does generally support html5 - otherwise why have options for html5 in the preferences dialog?

I think I am using the latest qt4 files from

From reading the post that you referred to I would say that Mentore got qupzilla working rather than got flash working in qupzilla.



Hello all, finally I got back to the forum :)

It's correct. I had an old QNetwork.dll which stopped every Qt network application from working. Now I can start PSI, Facebook, QupZilla and Dooble apparently without problems. Didn't try flash or HTML5, though.


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