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Messages - Dave Yeo

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 331
Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: Today at 02:05:48 am »
  The priority change is definitely what helps here - without it I get the usual hangs and silent exits regularly.  Much rarer with the priority change - any idea why that might be? Related to the processor optimization maybe? Or an interaction between that and the processor I'm using? Wish I knew more about the settings too - maybe it can be tweaked even more....

I think it's some issue with thread priorities - perhaps how they're mapped to the OS/2 API results in too low a priority and timing issues. Some of the silent exits Steven and I investigated a while back appeared to be due to variables having been freed whilst another thread was still expecting them to be valid.

I'll have to ask Steven for his thoughts. It's a fantastic discovery - we just need to work out *why* it's required and see if we can fix it in the codebase.

I tried adding PRIORITY=ABSOLUTE to config.sys to see if it helped not giving the foreground app a boost. Didn't help.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: September 11, 2024, 05:34:29 pm »
I tried the youtube url,
It start playing, then video stops and 2 to 4 seconds later, audio sound stops, I was able to click on an other video immediatly, the new one started to play and then system hung (power off/on to recover)

When playing youtube, the system hung generally occurs a few seconds (or starting an other video) after sound goes off while playing the selected video
It looks like something goes wrong between OS/2 audio and Dooble !  (how will ffmpeg chromium work with pthread disabled ?)     

When a kill just before the hung, saw something strange into the trps !
00AFFF5C  00010027   DOOBLE    0001:00000027  crt0.s#90 __text + 27 0001:00000000 (D:\Temp\cc7CpCIv.s)
00AFFF6C  00010030   DOOBLE    0001:00000030  crt0.s#94 __text + 30 0001:00000000 (D:\Temp\cc7CpCIv.s)
00B8FF58  00010021   DOOBLE    0001:00000021  crt0.s#94 __text + 21 0001:00000000 (D:\Temp\ccqVZDcA.s)
00B8FF4C  00010018   DOOBLE    0001:00000018  crt0.s#90 __text + 18 0001:00000000 (D:\Temp\ccqVZDcA.s)
00B8FF5C  00010021   DOOBLE    0001:00000021  crt0.s#94 __text + 21 0001:00000000 (D:\Temp\ccqVZDcA.s)
But not only Dooble !
00B8FFD4  9FE3004B   QT6CHRTS  0001:0000004B  dll0.s#99 __text + 4B 0001:00000000 (D:\Temp\ccvnLdQd.s)


Why and from where did it get this information for a drive D:\  ?   I have no D: drive

That's from Paul's system and perfectly normal.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: September 10, 2024, 06:08:21 pm »

Maybe a stupid question, but how to use that script from Remy, save it as a sh or cmd
A cmd file, here I have it as dooble.cmd

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: September 10, 2024, 05:22:40 pm »
Hi Pete, what is your VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT set at? Marked most of the needed DLL's to load the code high? Tried a new profile?

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: September 09, 2024, 11:46:12 pm »
Hi Paul!
ill ffmpeg be usable if adding --enable-pthreads option ?

FFmpeg will automatically enable os2threads, less over head then pthreads.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: September 09, 2024, 07:14:54 am »
Remy's cmd seems to work fairly well, on the 2nd try youtube works as expected for a while then the UI gets kind of stuck needing to close Dooble.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: September 09, 2024, 02:32:57 am »
Might be an idea to try rebuilding FFmpeg with --disable-avx --disable-avx2 --disable-avx512 --disable-avx512icl.
I find the newer GCC's are way to quick to enable AVX, though if targetting old CPU's, it shouldn't be a problem.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: September 06, 2024, 07:41:16 am »
Are you running out of memory on these builds? When I built the Qt5 webengine, I had to periodically reboot to defrag the memory.
Even with Mozilla, just building SeaMonkey to test a patch and got,
Code: [Select]
25:53.50 cc1plus.exe: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes after a total of 0 bytes
With a popup with a sys0147 which blocked until I allowed it to kill the program (cc1plus.exe I think)
Code: [Select]
SYS0147: Not enough resources are available to process this command.
The process for which this pop-up is displayed will end.

EXPLANATION: All available memory is in use.  If segment swapping is
active, the swap file may be full.

ACTION: Do one of the following and retry the command:
o  Reduce the number of running programs.
o  Reduce the value of the BUFFERS=, TRACEBUF=, DISKCACHE=, THREADS=,
   RMSIZE=, or DEVICE=VDISK.SYS statement in the CONFIG.SYS file and
   restart the system.
o  Remove unwanted files from the swap file disk and restart the system.
o  Install additional memory on your system.
o  Contact the supplier of the application.

An error with its roots in 16bit land.

Now the VIO window I was building in is frozen so have to reboot eventually to continue on.

Setup & Installation / Re: How to get rid of the second boot menue?
« on: September 04, 2024, 10:09:00 pm »
Add the drive letter as an option? My rEFInd menu entry for AOS 5.1 on drive M:
Code: [Select]
# This is an entry for ArcaOS 5.1 in UEFI mode
menuentry ArcaOS-5.1 {
    icon \EFI\refind\icons\os_aos.png
    loader \EFI\OS2\OS2LDR.EFI
    options "M:"

You might want to test with only one cpu enabled. Add /MAXCPU=1 to the PSD=ACPI.PSD line in config.sys.
As for LibreOffice, one of the first things they did when they forked from OpenOffice was remove the OS/2 stuff and since then so much development has happened that re-adding it would be very hard. Even building OpenOffice is next to impossible without the right environment which I understand only one person has.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: September 01, 2024, 06:07:59 am »
Can't you do things like win32|os2 to follow that path on win32 or os2?

I was wondering the same, will test.

And yes, that works fine.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: September 01, 2024, 03:03:53 am »
Can't you do things like win32|os2 to follow that path on win32 or os2?

I was wondering the same, will test.

The MDOS(WinOS2) subsystem in OS/2 is not an emulator, but actual PC-DOS 5 running in ring2. Not quite bare metal but closer then most user programs that run in ring3. You can actually load and run most DOS device drivers with some such as disk, mouse and keyboard getting trapped by the kernel and replaced by the OS/2 driver. So DOS programs can run on HPFS and JFS but you can't easily do something like supporting long file names.
The hardware itself has changed enough that DOS applications just don't run as well as they used to do.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: August 30, 2024, 08:38:35 am »
Cmake install is used to package things. I'll take a look at the scripts - it's possible there are different install paths depending on platform...

Good point, I simply replaced win32 with os2 as a quick hack.
Looking at (basically at the beginning), the main differences seem to be between libexec and libexec/qt6 or in the case of win32, being on the PATH depending on platform. Seems no support for building them on Qt5.

Internet / Re: Dooble releases-Qt6
« on: August 30, 2024, 07:07:24 am »
Hi Pete, Hunspell uses the myspell dictionaries and I believe most have hunspell installed, Firefox and Thunderbird require it, SeaMonkey I accidentally used the intree version and then decided to leave it that way.
Anyways the ones I posted are likely more up to date and already converted.

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