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Messages - Tom

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 14
General Discussion / Re: EDM/2 Wiki Issue
« on: August 27, 2024, 11:08:37 pm »
And yet again EDM/2 is offline, as is :(

Applications / Re: Cannot create archive
« on: August 25, 2024, 12:48:02 am »
FTR, if all else fails, there's \os2\archinst.exe.

Isn't it \os2\arcinst.exe ? (without the 'h')

Internet / Re: Dooble releases-Qt6
« on: August 24, 2024, 04:07:29 pm »
Thanks for remembering Lars, and thanks Tom for the link! It does indeed work with the QT5 version of Dooble, so don't need to be moving things around - great! The file is gigantic - I wonder if it could be Lxlite'd? Here's hoping Paul can add this to the QT6 version too...


It was a test version, so probably contains debug information. That could explain the large size. Rebuilding without debug information should take care of that.

Internet / Re: Dooble releases-Qt6
« on: August 24, 2024, 04:14:44 am »
Hi Lars

Where is the updated Qt5WebC.dll available?



Although I am not Lars:
(as mentioned by Paul in

Applications / Re: Cannot create archive
« on: August 23, 2024, 12:35:33 pm »
Right-click on an empty place of the Desktop, and choose Properties --> Archives tab --> uncheck "Archive Desktop".
Standard it is checked, and 3 generations of archives are kept.

Could it be that you are are running out of free space for a new archive that is larger in size than the one about to be replaced?

Utilities / Re: YUM Issue - Error: database disk image is malformed
« on: August 06, 2024, 11:30:54 pm »
Silvan already answered that in the thread "ANPM database error"

Hello all, I "regularly" check for updates with ANPM, but today it does not want to display me anything (see screenshot as attachment).

I tried the options to clean and to redo the rpm database, to no available. I could find some old web mention of that error on (dating from 2019 IIRC) but without definitive solution (I tried what was suggested there).

Anyone has an idea on how to fix that problem?

Thanks for any idea !

it seems the database file on the netlabs server is broken. I contacted Adrian already. Lets hope he can fix it soon

General Discussion / Re: EDM/2 Wiki Issue
« on: August 02, 2024, 11:45:54 pm »
The EDM/2 Wiki is back:


And unfortunately offline again (cannnot contact the database server).


I just wanted to test it too. Indeed on the VM (ArcaOS 5.0.7 ), the unzip.exe hangs when you boot with Alt+F1 and F2 for command line.
(It also fails here)

I don't recall which was the config.sys for that F2 boot. config.1 or config.x ?

For what I see on the F2 boot the %LIBPATH% is not recognized, but the config files looks fine. Is there any elegant way to see full the enviroment variables on the command line (image LIBPATH_F2.png )?


For a F2-boot ?:\os2\boot\config.x is used (read the description on the line that starts with F2 when you have used Alt+F1).

LIBPATH is not an environment variable (in config.sys there is a line that starts with LIBPATH=..., but not a line that starts with SET LIBPATH=...).
So trying to use %LIBPATH% does not work.

Seeing all environment variables is easy: on a commandline type

SET | more

(or pipe the output of SET to a file: SET >

As I said, the used LIBPATH is the same for the commandline boot and the operational boot. I also do mot get an error on missing DLLs.

Is there an entry in \popuplog.os2 ?
Unfortunately it is not possible to use PMDLL when booted to a commandline, and I don't know about an existing VIO-equivalent.

I recently had the need to boot to a commandline (hitting F2 on boot) and to use UNZIP to overwrite a couple of files that would prevent proper system operation.
However, when I called the "unzip.exe" version 6.00 that is installed via YUM, the bootup commandline would hang and the unzip help screen would never show up.
When I instead used the "unzip.exe" version 5.52 that is still in my ECS\BIN subdirectory, it would properly work without such a problem. I am sure it is not a DLL loading problem as the LIBPATH setting is the same as for the regular boot, but of course, the newer UNZIP uses different DLLs (gcc, libcn0) than the older version (which directly uses the OS/2 API).

Anyone knows what's going on or how to fix that ?


When using the commandline boot with Alt+F1  --> F2, the system boots using ?:\os2\boot\config.x instead of ?:\config.sys .
I would compare config.x and config.sys .

Hardware / Re: F Keys Altenartives on OS/2 - ArcaOS
« on: June 22, 2024, 11:27:01 pm »
ISTR that key combos like "Alt+F4" were part of a command set introduced by IBM called "SAA" ("something-something-Architecture"), (...)

System Application Architecture

General Discussion / Re: smp.inf - Adendum
« on: May 09, 2024, 02:51:31 am »
And according to's_New_in_the_Developer's_Toolkit_for_OS/2_Warp_Version_3_SMP_Update

it should be located on CD 3 of DEvCon12. And indeed: there is also a file SMP.INF with file date 22-oct-1996 (11:07:30) and file size 983712 bytes. Location: \toolkits\smptkv3\toolkit\book.

Networking / Re: [SOLVED] Networking not working In Virtual Box
« on: April 04, 2024, 04:43:11 pm »
Do you have 2 network cards installed in the VM? Can you post your x:\mptn\bin\setup.cmd?
I even have 4... First one I keep for NAT, the others for bridged mode - second one for docking station wired, third for laptop's wifi, fourth for laptop's internal wired. I swap second and fourth when I have wired ethernet on the go, without my docking station.

Contents of setup.cmd:

route -fh
arp -f
ifconfig lo
REM ifconfig lan0 nil metric 1 mtu 1500
REM ifconfig lan1 nil
REM ifconfig lan2 nil metric 1 mtu 1500
ifconfig lan3 netmask metric 1 mtu 1500
REM ifconfig lan4 nil metric 1 mtu 1500
REM ifconfig lan5 metric 1 mtu 1500
REM ifconfig lan6 metric 1 mtu 1500
REM ifconfig lan7 metric 1 mtu 1500
dhcpstrt -i lan1
REM ifconfig sl0
ipgate off

You might want to add "-d 0" (without the quotes) at the end of the line with dhcpstrt. That parameter specifies the maximum time dhcpstrt waits for an IP address from the DHCP server. Specifying 0 (zero) makes it keep on trying in the background (so effectively no maximum wait period after which it gives up).

Code: [Select]
dhcpstrt -i lan1 -d 0 (note the space between d and zero)

Networking / Re: [SOLVED] Networking not working In Virtual Box
« on: April 03, 2024, 02:52:37 pm »
Starting DHCPSTRT by hand after getting to the WPS works, but why the heck is it not started during boot-up time? Could anyone tell me exactly how their DHCPSTRT line looks like in their config.sys ?[/li][/list]

dhcpstrt is not in config.sys but inside ?:\mptn\bin\setup.cmd:

dhcpstrt -i lan0 0d 0

Applications / Re: Test build of dooble with qt5
« on: March 25, 2024, 12:26:58 pm »
like to learn where can I find its latest version, better if in rpm.

Dave Yeo uploads his buidls to the ftp server of os2voice: for a zipfile, and for a rpm-version

You will be asked for a password when using the above - just fill in a/your own email address.

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