Using the AOS 12.4 prerelease driver, the serial number of my USB sticks does show, it's blank on my Logitech unified receiver.
I have one stick that when inserted make the tree view of the Hardware Explorer redraw every or 3 seconds (2.5 seconds?) with the text seeming to jump slightly which doesn't look good. Other sticks are fine, this one is formatted EXT4 but partitioned by our LVM if it matters. Currently using the OS4 kernel, I'll test with the AOS one later.
Here's the properties of it, it's labeled a Duracell 128GB stick/
Manufacturers often do not indicate the serial number in the strings of a USB device.
The twitching tree problem has already been solved; this will be included in the next version 0.0.6.
Interestingly I tried the OS4 kernel yesterday and Hardware Explorer displayed the correct video card etc in the VGA properties under the PCI Info tab. With the AOS kernel, this tab doesn't exist.
Under OS/4, the system Resource Manager provides more meaningful information in a logical way. Hardware Explorer uses all these features.
We would have had more information about PCI cards if all the driver developers were not too lazy to indicate things like PCI_DevFunc in their products.