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Messages - Igor

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Hardware / Re: [Solved] Iomega ZIP 100 IDE
« on: May 13, 2023, 12:45:56 pm »
Hi Pete,

I don't see this as a problem. I have installed /REMOVABLES:2 - this is 2 disks. Another one is either a USB CDrom or a blank for ZIP 100. But the trouble is that when the floppy disk is inserted, this blank is not filled with real media data.

Hardware / Re: Problem usbdrv248 - 10.248
« on: May 13, 2023, 12:36:06 pm »
Hi Lars,
As always, if you use AN stuff: you have paid for it, you are entitled for support.
AN support required me to delete all OS4 files from disk. I even recognized this requirement and fulfilled it. I sent them reports from a clean system. After that, they simply stopped responding and closed the ticket concerning USB, saying that "everything works for them."
Another ticket about ZIP 100 was also ignored.

Hardware / Re: [Solved] Iomega ZIP 100 IDE
« on: May 12, 2023, 07:35:27 pm »
I guess I don't see how to add LVM information. The disk doesn't seem to show up.

Not quite true, there is an inaccessible ghost disk in LVMGUI that has the right size.

lvm.exe /query

You will see something like the following:
Code: [Select]
Disk                 Size (MB) Free Space:  Total Largest
[ D1 ]                  114470                  0       0
   Disk Partition       Size (MB) Type     Status       Logical Volume
   OS2                      12001 Primary  In use       OS2
   Program                   9999 Logical  In use       Program
   Web                       9999 Logical  In use       Web
   DB                       15003 Logical  In use       DB
   Data                     67458 Logical  In use       Data
[ D3 ]                  114469             114469  114469
   Disk Partition       Size (MB) Type     Status       Logical Volume
   [ FS1 ]                 114469 Logical  Available
[ D2 ]                  381551                  0       0
   Disk Partition       Size (MB) Type     Status       Logical Volume
   [P 0]                   169998 Primary  In use       V 0
   V 1                     211551 Logical  In use       V 1
[ D4 ]                      96                 96      96
   Disk Partition       Size (MB) Type     Status       Logical Volume
   [ FS2 ]                     96 Logical  Available
[ D5 ]                      96                 96      96
   Disk Partition       Size (MB) Type     Status       Logical Volume
   [ FS3 ]                     96 Logical  Available
[ D6 ]                      96                 96      96
   Disk Partition       Size (MB) Type     Status       Logical Volume
   [ FS4 ]                     96 Logical  Available

I see 3 fake disks at my place.

Hardware / Re: Problem usbdrv248 - 10.248
« on: May 12, 2023, 07:23:56 pm »
Hi Igor,

Your setup sounds very odd indeed but I have a question - What mother board is it?  I ask because most have a connection for a floppy drive unless you have something like a third generation Ryzen board.

Other than that is there a possibility of you getting an add in card for a full floppy drive because, in my experience, USB floppy drives are not very reliable.
Hi Ivan,

I am using ASRock B85 Killer.
This motherboard does not have a floppy disk controller.
I could not find separate floppy disk controller boards for PCI or e-PCI. Chipsets for building such boards exist, but I have not seen an implementation in hardware.
I understand that the USB interface is not so reliable, but nevertheless this design works successfully in Windows and it's not very clear to me why they don't want to do it at least at the same level.

Hardware / Re: Problem usbdrv248 - 10.248
« on: May 11, 2023, 07:54:33 pm »
I have a USB floppy drive installed permanently connected inside the computer case.
Thus, it is always connected to USB at the time of booting the system.
I have permanently connected a KVM-41ua 4 USB Port 2.0 Switch + A USB WiFi Keyboard with mouse (which has never worked well, the kvm)
I don't have Lars's USB drivers installed
But when up to the last version of ACPI drivers, the computer start stopped. Disconnecting the KVM cables from the USB and leaving only the monitor cable, with the usb wifi keyboard + mouse, it works well.
I tell you this in case the problem can be from the aci distric and not the USB Driver.
Thank you for the comment. I am not using ACPI from AN in this configuration. I use OS4 kit. For me, this kit works more quickly and steadily, including because it has a separate interrupt for each physical device. This avoids many problems.

Hardware / Re: Iomega ZIP 100 IDE
« on: May 11, 2023, 01:29:09 am »
This may be a stupid idea but... your zip drive has a full ide interface so you could try attaching it to an IDE to USB adapter and see what the response is.  I have used IDE to USB and SATA to USB adapters to read disks that won't attach to the onboard interfaces.
I tested this idea. Unfortunately, Chinese converters do not know how to work correctly with AHCI (controller on the motherboard). If you use a separate controller and DANIS, then nothing fundamentally changes.

Hardware / Problem usbdrv248 - 10.248
« on: May 10, 2023, 02:09:27 pm »

First of all, I want to thank Lars Erdmann for working on the drivers.
The driver version 248 freezes at boot.
I have a non-standard configuration of hardware and software.
I have a USB floppy drive installed permanently connected inside the computer case.
Thus, it is always connected to USB at the time of booting the system.
I also use AN drivers to use USB3. But I use USBMSD from Lars Erdmann to access the floppy drive.
I have two wishes:
1. If possible, make USBMSD support USBXHCD.
2. Version 248 I have when booting accesses the drive and freezes. Perhaps because the drive is empty. I would be glad if you fix it.

Hardware / Re: [Solved] Iomega ZIP 100 IDE
« on: May 04, 2023, 12:05:01 am »
I got a machine with the IOMega Zip-250 drive, but I'm having trouble with the instructions to getting it to work.


Gives me

When I insert a zip disk, and refresh removable media, no drive letter appears.

Unfortunately, my ZIP drive is not working stably. There was one hardware configuration (controller, interrupts) in which I managed to make it work.
But alas, I updated the system on ArcaOS and everything stopped working. I opened a ticket, but no one could help me.
I have an assumption that the device letter assignment is incorrect when the disk is inserted. It worked for me in the ecs system when clicking on the USB device update icon (crazy). It doesn't work in any way at the moment.

Remove the -g0 from the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS. You should also change the -Zexe to -Zomf.

I came across the fact that in the executable file a large amount of space is occupied by textual information of about this type:
Code: [Select]

What keys does the compiler need to set so that this information is not added to?
Now I use such a command file:
Code: [Select]
gcc.exe -O2 -g0 -fcombine-stack-adjustments -fexpensive-optimizations -ffunction-cse -fgcse-las -finline-small-functions -march=i686 -Wno-write-strings -DNO_SWE_GLP -c *.cpp
gcc -Zexe -g0 -o myexe *.o

Storage / Re: Invalid code for JFS 0000:0000 (ArcaOS 5.0.7)
« on: April 19, 2023, 01:44:40 pm »
From my point of view, this is due to an error in the bootloader on the USB-stick. When removing the USB-stick, everything loads normally.
Perhaps switching to the BIOS boot order so that the loading from the hard disk is a priority.

Storage / Re: Invalid code for JFS 0000:0000 (ArcaOS 5.0.7)
« on: April 18, 2023, 11:34:30 pm »
Solution. Before loading the system, remove from the connector the USB stick.
And quickly insert back after the start of the WPS. Requires dexterity.

Storage / Re: Invalid code for JFS 0000:0000 (ArcaOS 5.0.7)
« on: April 18, 2023, 02:54:12 pm »
What is the hardware you are trying to install on CPU, Mainboard, and hard drive type and size etc.?
I use emachines eM350 series. Intel Atom N450, hard drive SATA WD1600BEVT in IDE mode. I use DANIS hd driver. AHCI driver do not working correctly (not show drive C) on this hardware.
I install ArcaOS from USB stick.

Storage / Invalid code for JFS 0000:0000 (ArcaOS 5.0.7)
« on: April 17, 2023, 04:26:10 pm »
ArcaOS 5.0.7
After passing the first phase of the installation and after the first reloading, the compiler freezes after the display of the message screen: Invalid code for JFS 0000:0000

Please help me.

Hardware / Re: USB32 USBMSD problem of re-read diskette
« on: January 24, 2023, 04:48:08 pm »
Of the known problems of USB devices, I only faced with the problem of electrical contact in the connection. David pointed to me a large number of USB errors and I really found bad contact in the connection. Windows reacted to him with an unstable definition of a floppy disc drive. I eliminated poor contact and now the equipment is determined stably.

When loading the driver, he gives a command to rotate the drive engine only if the diskette is inserted. Your driver performs this operation regardless of the presence of a diskette. This is a significant difference at the time of loading.
Subsequently, the AN driver does not track the fact that the diskette is removed and does not conduct the "Drive Ready" check when addressing the diskette.
If timeouts affect the work of equipment, it would be the best decision to give the user the number of repetitions, for example, through the command line key.

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