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Messages - David McKenna

Pages: 1 ... 49 50 [51] 52 53 ... 56
Applications / Re: yum check problems
« on: March 13, 2015, 10:28:22 pm »

  I would start by doing 'yum reinstall coreutils', then try yum check again (after rebooting) and see if the error for coreutils goes away. If it does, try doing that for each package listed with an error. If it does not, report this on the Netlabs Yum bugtracker.

Multimedia / Re: Playing DVD
« on: March 13, 2015, 10:20:57 pm »
 Yes, I can play commercial DVD's with the new VLC and the fix. Using the DVD menu is definitely flakey. Try opening by Open File... and navigating to the drive and video file and playing directly, skipping the menu. That has worked for me on several occasions. I do have one video set (Lord of the Rings) that I can play but not watchable because it is out of sync and pixellated... maybe there are issues with our port of libdvdcss.

Applications / Re: AOOo 4111GA does not start
« on: February 21, 2015, 10:44:16 pm »
 This: is also a great page for updating Warp 4. The 14.104a kernel is there. Get the one 'safe for Pentium Pro' and SMP (in order to be able to use ACPI).

Applications / Re: AOOo 4111GA does not start
« on: February 20, 2015, 06:43:31 pm »

  As Andi B. notes, maybe you are using up all your shared memory? If you have the version 14.106 OS/2 kernel, you can try loading all the OpenOffice dll's into high memory using the script in the 'Extras' folder.

Applications / Re: AOOo 4111GA does not start
« on: February 20, 2015, 02:44:15 pm »

  EDITENG.dll and XO.dll are both part of the OpenOffice package and should be located in your OpenOffice.4\program directory. If they are missing then something went wrong with your install. They are also dependent on gcc1.dll, gcc473.dll and libc066.dll. There is a great little app called PMDLL (at that you can use to figure out these kind of things...

Utilities / Re: Multiple "." breaking association
« on: February 19, 2015, 11:07:46 pm »

  You could try Henk Kelder's Association Editor ( file From that you can add associations like *.*.*.zip or *.*.*.wpi etc. to your favorite Unzip program or WPI viewer.

Applications / Re: Status of NetDrive?
« on: February 10, 2015, 11:59:16 pm »
 I've seen that problem using the 2.2 beta versions of ndpsmb.dll. Also happens with MP3 and WAV files. The 2.1 GA version works fine here. I'm attaching to an OS/2 Samba server.


Interestingly enough, the gs.exe in your zipped version of cups is not a symlink but a copy of gsos2.exe. I replaced it by a symlink and can now print the test page again. Still no luck printing from os/2, "filter failed"

  Strange.... gs.exe somehow got replaced in the zip process. If the test page prints, but apps don't, than the issue must be in the printer driver. I assume jobs show up in the CUPS queue. It might be interesting to try using the 'Generic Postscript Printer (Enhanced)' in Alex's PSPrint package and see if you get anything from that. If you do, then I would suspect the PPD file imported into PSPrint has directives not supported by PSPrint. Finding those directives is tricky, but can be done.

 One thing to be careful about.... there is the file \cups\bin\gs.exe that is a symlink to gsos2.exe. Unless your ghostscript is setup exactly like mine, this file is almost certainly wrong for you. You will need to recreate it (first delete the old one) from the command prompt like:

ln -s /gs/gs9.15/bin/gsos2.exe /cups/bin/gs.exe

  Point to the ghostscript you want to use (hopefully it is on the same drive as CUPS).

  Once you can print the test page, you have CUPS working. Next is to get the CUPS ppd file into PSPRINT.


  Sure.... what ftp address?


  Yes, I thought so myself - but something is different between your system and mine. Here CUPS 2 works fine with everything I've tried (don't have SmartSuite though), both socket:// and usb:// connections (using the usb.exe I posted) along with Alex's latest PSPRINT driver.

  One other thing I wonder about... I use YUM extensively, and have UNIXROOT=C: in my CONFIG.SYS. I also installed CUPS on C:. Do you have a UNIXROOT set? If so is it set to the same drive that CUPS is on? Not sure how it would work if not installed on the UNIXROOT drive... or if it matters.


  Not sure if it makes any difference, but instead of 'localhost' I always use '' in my output port settings. Might be worth a try...


  What printer driver are you using? Make sure you copy the CUPS 2.0 lpr.exe to C:\TCPIP\BIN\cupslpr.exe and add C:\cups\lib to your LIBPATH if you are using the cups.lpr output port.

 No problems here so far....

Applications / Re: OpenOffice 4.1.1 GA - pre-requisite uninstall?
« on: January 25, 2015, 06:22:54 pm »

  In your OpenOffice folder there should be an 'Extras' folder that has a couple of scripts for setting the dll's high and low. You can also manually use highmem -u *.dll to 'unmark' the dll's from loading high. My understanding is that only code should be loaded high (highmem -c *.dll). It has worked well here so far.

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