« on: October 02, 2020, 04:32:33 pm »
I'm using FreeRDP also on my OS/2 box at work. It's kind of the control center from where I connect to everywhere via VNC or FreeRDP.
In general I DO like the FreeRDP client for OS/2 as it is quite stable, captures key combos (even when NOT in full screen) and most importantly it DOES simply work as expected... while linux clients like Remmina tend to "loose" their ability to map-through key combos to the remote system. Like for instance pressing ALT+F4 to close a window on the remote side.. works.. next time I do this.. it closes the remmina client, EVEN THOUGH I am in full screen .... >_< WOAAH!
So with the current Remmina release you'd always have to check, if the remote machine or the local machine is being targeted, by pressing WINDOWS + R to see if the remote machine either displays the "Run box", which is the proof that it currently works, OR nothing happens (as the local system cannot do anything with WINDOWS + R).. then you know.. it's broken currently, and you need to go out of full screen, and reenter full screen... and theeeere it works again... until it decides to stop working the next time you try it... or the 2nd to next time.. you never know.
This NEVER happened to me with FreeRDP on OS/2. Appears to be very stable and does the job just right.
Excellent stuff that!
The benefit (for me) also is, that connections to remote hosts (or applications) come as a WPS icon, which visually shows if connected or not.
Imagine a situation like that:
10, 15 or even 20 hosts, all connected at the same time via FreeRDP, showing they are connected via the WPS icon.
Now somebody connects to one of these hosts, disconnecting your session.
On a windows machine... you'd now start to find out which RDP session got disconnected.
On a OS/2 machine you see that right away, since the WPS icon shows, it's not in use anymore!
AWESOME. This way you can save time and can connect right back.
But, where there is light, there are shadows also, and so I DO have one complaint:
FreeRDP on OS/2 somehow cannot manage the third level key assignments on DE keyboards.
As for example when I want to type a \ backslash, I'd usually do ALT_GR + ß
ß alone does work...
But ALT_GR does not work over FreeRDP.
So, as a workaround I always need to use CTRL + ALT + ß to send the \ backslash to the remote machine.. which is a bit odd.
This is not critical, but becomes annoying, when you constantly are reminded that ALT_GR is not properly supported by the FreeRDP port to OS/2.
Besides that effect, FreeRDP is AWESOME and needs to be supported. : )