Applications / Re: Installation of Open Office 4.1.11
« on: August 14, 2024, 07:48:57 pm »...
Uninstalled. Rebooted. No problem.
Re-installed. Shut down. No problem.
Restarted, Got the IFX error...
Looks like you may have some other INI problems, and perhaps the uninstall/install process simply highlighted them?
Are you able to get back to a working config?
If YES, I would recommend running checkini to see what it finds.
For my part, that is pretty much the approach I take to each significant App upgrade:
1) clean existing INIs
2) save backup of INIs
3) execute the upgrade
4) save backup of INIs
5) clean new INIs
...yup, a bit tedious and time consuming but for the most part that has proven itself to be a reliable approch to producing a good outcome.
From a more specific hints/topics perspective, how about tossing this into your CONFIG.SYS if you don't have this already:
where: 'x' is your boot drive.