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Messages - andreas

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Applications / Re: ArcaOS 5.0.7
« on: January 20, 2022, 08:36:08 pm »
while on AN5.06 the new pmmerge.dll works fine it causes a trap on AN5.07 here.
I am using the version of the PMMERGE:
10/04/07 18:26      1 270 275    124 ----  PMMERGE.dll
I have not had any trap.
I do not know what you and os4user mean? with a trap.


this dll works with me also. trap happened with the new one:

this one:  9/05/21 17:35   pmmerge.dll

sorry, don't have any sceenshot of the trap.

Applications / Re: ArcaOS 5.0.7
« on: January 19, 2022, 11:30:59 pm »
You could populate the previous version of the libicu
and restart the system.
I just insplanted it and my experiences are similar to yours
I think it improves with this change, but ....

while on AN5.06 the new pmmerge.dll works fine it causes a trap on AN5.07 here.

Applications / Re: patched PmMerge
« on: July 06, 2021, 09:16:30 pm »
I tried your patched. It failed the teststart2 test with an out of resources message. The pmerge with the stack overflow patch mention by David ran this test to completion. The pmmerge 6111 also clips the dialogs in eFTEPM (see attached).

could you try the same on not patched IBM pmmerge ?

tried. have the same problem with the old pmmerge. so may problem is not related to the new version. sorry for my wrong assumption.

It is ok :) .  Tnx for testing.

not only testing, using your version now. thanks for programming!

Applications / Re: patched PmMerge
« on: July 02, 2021, 04:40:17 pm »
I tried your patched. It failed the teststart2 test with an out of resources message. The pmerge with the stack overflow patch mention by David ran this test to completion. The pmmerge 6111 also clips the dialogs in eFTEPM (see attached).

could you try the same on not patched IBM pmmerge ?

tried. have the same problem with the old pmmerge. so may problem is not related to the new version. sorry for my wrong assumption.

Applications / Re: patched PmMerge
« on: June 25, 2021, 12:12:13 am »
i'm not sure if it's related to pmmerge, but recently i have repeatedly the same strange problem while moving files from one folder to another. 
in my folder i have around 200 text files. i wanted to move some bundles (each around 10 files) to different folders by drag and drop.
This works fins 3 or 4 times. then - without having changed anything - my next round fails. i get that blocking sign.
when i now try "pickup" i can only chose "cancel drag".
next strange thing: i now tried to use FM/2 to do the job. But FM/2 just doesn't start.
Wanted to check it with pm-dll, but that one alsp refuses to start.
Both programs (and drag and drop) work after a reboot.
But i had that strange effect now 3 times in a row..

when this happens not only the files from that folder won't be able to get moved, but any object on the wps (folders, programs and data-files)

Never realized that before i installed the new pmmerge ...


The dream will be to add "OS/2 personality" to a microkernel project. Instead of suffering for our own kernel, lets grab it from some stronger community that worries about that. Some people says the kernel made the OS, I believe that the "OS experience" is the OS.
I would prefer Zircon, based in LK (made by the same guy from HaikuOS), since it is an open source kernel where Google is investing and creating a community for it.  It will stop being OS/2, since compatibility will be interpreted over a different kernel, but it may open the doors for a better future for the platform.


Martin, i agree with you. I don't really care, where the kernel comes from, as long as it work and I can keep the "OS/2-feeling".
From the technical side i have no clue which kernel is the best. But having Google in the background would be a huge advantage. Maybe they could even revive OS/2 (or whatever they might call it then).
I think in the end it's just a matter of money. Google has it. The OS/2 community doesn't. And it seems ReactOS is pretty the same.

This has been spoken about quite a bit, even in the most recent Warpstock it was stated to be wishful thinking.

i know this might be wishful thinking. i just wonder what the obstacles might be.
It was possible to run 16-bit-programs from another OS on OS/2. So i wonder what is the difference now.
Maybe we could even use an existing 64-OS like Linux and adjust it to that concept.

Have there ever been any trials to get OS/2-programs running seamless on Linux? If we achieved that, we would get out of wishful thinking towards a more realistic option. Of course i know that would still be a hard way to go from there though.

I know this might not be realistic (as i mentioned before, i'm not a programmer), but i just would like to know if this could be a way to get a 64-bit system:

Can there be some sort of merger between a host and a virtual machine? Maybe similar like WINOS/2 that got part of OS/2?

Maybe we could get a basic new 64-OS with only everything that is necessary to load our 32-bit-OS/2 in some sort of virtual machine in some way that you don't even realize, that we have a virtual machine.
Then we'd also need some sort of connection between that host and the guest - also in some way, that the user wouln't even realize we have actually 2 systems.
Would that be feasible or are there any technical restrictions?
Since i know, we have virtual machines worlking on 64-bit platforms, this might work. I'm just not sure, if an interaction between both worlds can be achieved...

I think AN do well the way they do.
An OS that only works in a virtual box is not really an "OS" anymore.
It would be just an interim solution for its own death.
I guess I don't see an OS loaded into a VM as not an OS. How do you see it so?
I have windows vista in a VM for some windows programs I have. If anything it's keeping the OS alive for me :).

An "OS" that cannot work on its own and needs to be installed on another OS is more or less just a program or add-on for this other OS...
ok, it's just a matter of the definition. But i still think an "operating system" should be capable to operate some hardware by itself...

I think AN do well the way they do.
An OS that only works in a virtual box is not really an "OS" anymore.
It would be just an interim solution for its own death.

I agree that the future might be 64bit. But to be honest, for me I don't see any need for 64bit as long as i can do all i need to do with my "old" 32bit system. I am not a programmer and using my pc mainly for writing and organizing office stuff. What I try to say is, that it always depends what you need an OS for and what you expect from it. I really enjoy OS/2 since it is so very comfortable to work with it and i wouldn't want to miss it. And i am really happy that AN is doing a great job to keep it alive as an OS....

thanks for your kind response.
i just wonder if it's possible to create a log-file for all opened or pre-defined opened filed.
aen't there any tracking programs already available that might be used for that?
if you have this you'd "just" need to find a routine to create shadows into a specific folder, something like "create shadow *.lwp X:\history" (maybe something like that already exists?)

i'm not a programmer. and maybe my idea is stupid.
but maybe it's possible to create a folder that automatically collects shadows of every opened document (maybe just some types of documents - recogniced by the data-type or -ending, like *.txt).
additionally you'd need a routine to automatically delete the older shadows.
not sure if that is possible though..

at least it would be nice to have an option for each file or folder to create a shadow into a certain folder with one click (manually)..

Applications / Re: gImageReader - qt5 OCR application
« on: February 12, 2021, 11:27:44 pm »
finally managed to get the program running and also setting german as a language. last part was quite difficult.
i just put all language files in every possible folder:
Home\.config\enchant - not the right one
Home\.config\hunspell - not the right one
GImageReader\....\ - not the right one
usr\share\myspell - not sure - after removing them i got a trap (waiting wich chkdsk right now ...)

i set: D:\tessadata\share\ and D:\tessadata\share\hunspell

it seems that they are actually the right places to put the language data (maybe also usr/share/myspell is neccessary)

OCR itself worked fine.
strange: Copying to clipboard does not work, clipboard remains empty first time. With the next scan
i can see the text of the previous scan in the clipboard.

getting so far cost me quite a few traps. still happy to have it running now.

unfortunatelly i was celebrating too early. for some unkown reason i now get constantly a trap, when using the program, though i haven't changed anything..

Hardware / Re: USB Scanners and ArcaOS
« on: February 11, 2021, 09:24:08 pm »
sorry again for the late reply.
meanwhile i installed/updated all the relevant rmp-packages.
running your scropt i get now a positive result. is says:
device 'genesys:libusb:001:001' is a Canon Lide 210 flatbed scanner.

the debug log says some dlls are missing: v4l1.dll, qcam1.dll, pint1.dll, mu_usb21.dll, mustek1.dll, hpsj5s1.dll, den_net1.dll, coscan31.dll,arus48u1.dll
are these files imprtant for me in any way? if so, where can i find them?

Maybe the missing of these dll lead to a problem with not beeing able to ioen the lighttavle folder and also the OCR tool.

though my scanner does not appear in the program a an option to choose, it works when i choose "lide 60"

followed some hint i found here in an other thread, i copied scanner.dat to scanner.ini. with the use of an ini-editor i copied the application Canon Lide 60 and named it Canon Lide 210. Now i can see my scanner on the display...

thanks for your help

probably the source was included with the program, but since i'm not a programmer i always delete these files. sorry. but glad you found it. hope you like the program as i do. accorfing to the information you posted there seem to exist a version 2.1.  i only have 2.0. maybe anybody knows where to find ver. 2.1... still 2.o works fine here

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