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Messages - Martin Iturbide

Pages: 1 ... 310 311 [312] 313 314 315
Programming / Re: A little help with OS/2 Warp Architecture Components
« on: March 18, 2013, 02:24:53 pm »
I'm getting some help from Michal Necasek to improve the diagram.

Here it is the latest change:

Networking / Re: Wireless
« on: March 18, 2013, 03:49:22 am »

I think this ones are on .zip files.

I'm checking  -
I'm not sure if what you are looking is NETwLx32.sys or NETwxn00.sys.

If by any chance you make "NETwxn00.sys" work, I think that the same one for my "Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205". I'm crossing my fingers.

Networking / Re: Wireless
« on: March 18, 2013, 03:45:53 am »
Hi Eirik.

Is there a way/procedure to do own our test? I have a "Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205" and I really want to try to see if it can work with genmac.


Well, betwen the benefits/features I can tell you:

  • Once it is tunned is very stable. I had seen systems running since Warp 3 and Warp 4 that the only reasson to have problems is because the hardware started to fall into pieces. ATMs used OS/2 a lot, turned on 24/7 and didn't give software problems.
  • Not native virus
  • The kernel is "microkernel", it means the device drivers are not in the kernel. I think the kernel was so good architectured that it is the reasson why it keeps running today. For new hardware you just require to develop a new driver and just works together with the kernel.
  • I think that the OS/2 architecture is amazing, At 1994, it was outrageus to have so many layers that asked for 4MB of RAM, but today that same architecture keeps running.

Sure, other users has their different points of views, lets see if someone else posts something :)

Hi Larry, welcome.

From a Business point of view, eComStation is being sold to the companies that requires to run OS/2 legacy application, and that will be too expensive to migrate to other software or platform. So Mensys strategy is to update OS/2 to run on newer hardware for that customers.

From the community point of view, we like OS/2, we have been using it from a long time and it is our personal preference. Maybe I will be lying if I say that eComStation is the best of all operating system, but I'm not lying when I say it is my personal choice.

I understand that it is very hard to attract new users to this community with the costs that eComStation currently has, but it can not be free of charge. The code still belongs to IBM and Mensys has to pay royalties. I even tried to convince Mensys to make an eCS VM free of charge, without support, AS IS, and only for non-commercial use, but they told me they can't.

I hope that someday we can have an open source clone of OS/2, but that something that is going to take time and we require a lot of help (If you want to help coding, documenting, testing you are welcome). OSFree ( is trying to build this clone but require more resources and developers.  From the other side, any GPL software that can be included on eComStation will also be a step further on this dream.


3, the desktop looks plain and can't attract new comers.

I was told the same thing from someone that didn't use OS/2 and booted eCS CD for the first time. It is like the desktop looks like too old school. Since I'm used to it maybe I can not notice it, but I also think that a design update on the GUI is necessary. Plus  I always liked the idea of the "navigator" that the other OSes has.

Article Discussions / Re: OS2World Wiki is back
« on: March 15, 2013, 02:15:33 pm »
Thanks for the feedback Scott. I appreciate it.

Applications / Java Applications
« on: March 12, 2013, 03:44:00 am »
I was testing ProjectLibre and seems to work fine.

ProjectLibre 1.5.4
Open source replacement of Microsoft Project, based in OpenProj.

Article Discussions / OS2World Wiki is back
« on: March 11, 2013, 11:24:40 pm »

I noticed that are several OS/2-eCS related articles that can not fit on the EDM/2 wiki, since are not development related, and that requires a new home.

That's why I'm starting some efforts on the Wiki.

Everybody is welcome to help. Once you register on you can log on the wiki and help to improve it.

Programming / Re: A little help with OS/2 Warp Architecture Components
« on: March 11, 2013, 03:41:52 am »
Thanks Daniel

With the inspiration of the graphics I had modified the components architecture view.

What do you think?

Utilities / Re: Redirect LPT1 port
« on: March 08, 2013, 04:19:36 pm »
Hi Martin, welcome to OS2World.

I'm not understanding if the OS/2 application you have is printing directly to LPT1, or does it asks for a printer installed in OS/2.


General Discussion / Re: #OS2World IRC Channel
« on: March 07, 2013, 05:44:26 pm »
Even that IRC may not be a hot service on the internet today, I still value the group chat in real time. But possible we don't have a critical mass to put efforts on IRC services.

General Discussion / Re: #OS2World IRC Channel
« on: March 07, 2013, 05:40:59 pm »
I generally connect  to five channels I connect when I log on to IRC:

- irc://freenode/netlabs  I think is the IRC active OS/2-eCS channel. 22 users aprox.
- irc://efnet/osfree there is some kind of activity from time to time.  (5 users aprox.)
- irc://efnet/os2<censored> is also active from time to time, but there is no more <censored> on it :)  (10 users aprox)
- irc://efnet/os2russian has activity from the Russians kernel developers. (it is all in russian).  (10 users aprox)
- irc://efnet/os2world,  Now we have two on it :)

About irc:// I list some of the channels, it seems very empty today.
===   #osfree 1
===   #ecs 5 -  eComStation international channel - eCS Demo CD
===   #ecomstation 2
===   #eCSru 2  - eCS - òÕÓÓËÏÑÚÙÞÎÙÊ ËÁÎÁÌ

I will follow irc:// too, just to see if the discussion rises there.

It seems that IRC does not have

Programming / Re: A little help with OS/2 Warp Architecture Components
« on: March 07, 2013, 02:06:53 pm »
hi Daniel

Yes, I was trying to build this graphics some days ago since I wasn't able to find any high level architecture/component graphics on the internet.

Maybe you are right, possible a ring level is not an adequate for a architecture component graphic. I will remove the rings of this graphic just to focus on components.

Send me over the scans for inspiration, I really need to have some more references.


Programming / Re: A little help with OS/2 Warp Architecture Components
« on: March 07, 2013, 01:10:08 am »
Hi Dave, thanks for the reply.

About the rings I was using this reference from "OS/2 Architecture - A Programmer's Overview (Scott E. Garfinkle, 2000)"

It says:
"Ring 0: Kernel, Device Drivers, Filesystems
Ring 1: Not used
Ring 2: "IOPL" -- mostly print and video
Ring 3: Everything else"

That's why I was drawing it that way.

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