« on: September 04, 2024, 12:13:49 am »
I went thru all the examples in \QT6.2\EXAMPLES from the GCC14 version of QT6.2.9, and here is a list of items I found that did not work:
Nothing in the \DBUS, \MULTIMEDIA, \MULTIMEDIAWIDGETS and \TOUCH directories worked (no surprise - I don't have a touch screen)
\CORELIB\SERIALIZATION folder, the 'cbordump' and 'convert' apps give a blank screen - not sure what they are supposed to do.
\DESIGNER folder 'WorldTimerClockBuilder' gives an 'unable to create a widget' error
\NETWORK folder, 'http' gives a SIGSEV trap - I have an exceptq log if you want it. 'torrent' runs, but does not find torrents I know are there.
\QMLTEST folder, No 'tst_*.qml' file found to test.
\WEBENGINEQUICK folder, 'lifecycle' gives a 'select:socket operation on non-socket' error. So does 'minimal'.
\WEBENGINEWIDGETS folder, 'html2pdf' doesn't work. 'markdowneditor' error: 'load glyph failed' displays garbled text. 'spellchecker' gives 'socket operation on non-socket' error. So does 'videoplayer'.
\WIDGETS folder, \TOOLS folder, 'echoplugin' gives error: 'could not load plugin'.
The \QUICK directory has the same trouble as earlier builds - examples without subdirectories work, but those with a subdirectory (usually ending with a 'shared' directory) don't. I tried moving the shared directory up to the main sub-directory but it didn't help this time. I also noticed that the 'qmldir' files seems to be slightly different than before - need to experiment with these some more. In any case I don't think there is any problem with 'Quick' operation, just the packaging of the examples.
Everything else worked, but I did have a bunch of entries in my POPUPLOG file that look very similar, so will attach here. Not sure what caused them. Only had 1 exceptq trap file (for the 'http' example).