Hi Paul
No TRP file - don't get these when the system locks solid, no popuplog.os2 entry either. Yes, I have the Silent Exit version of libcn0.dll installed but it has not produced any TRP files for silent exits so far.
This is a url that causes the above problem
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SomJLPR3Fk&pp=ygUKYWwgc3Rld2FydA%3D%3DI've had a rummage through the mainboard BIOS and turned SMT (AMD HyperThreading) back on - turned off to see if that was causing problems. Now dooble loads youtube.com without exiting/hanging/locking system solid.
Had a lot of fun importing the dooble_accepted_or_blocked_domains.txt file as dooble locked solid requiring reboot, worked on the 3rd attempt - no idea why...
Had another try with the above url, page almost loaded and playback almost started then dooble did a silent exit. However, we got a TRP this time attached as 66e19bff-003b_15-DOOBLE-exceptq.txt