Dear All,
I just want to let you know about my effort to install OS/2 (eCS v.2.1) on a new Thinkpad X250. Goal was to transfer my existing system from Thinkpad X200 to new X250, dual boot Win & OS/2 via AirBoot. On X200 I have working installation with latest drivers from Arca Noae. Not working on the X200 are Bluetooth and built in camera. Everything else including Ethernet, WiFi and USB are working fine.
Installation on X250 from USB-CD/DVD-ROM failed. eCS v2.1 startet up to maintenance screen bot no HDD was found. eCS v2.2 BetaII even did not start up from CD/DVD-ROM.
By suggestion from Sigurd I tried to clone my existing system using DFSee.

This finally worked after some trouble with partition alignment.
Status now on X250 is a working eCS v.2.1 with ACPI showing 4 cores, full support of native screen resolution via PANORAMA, working USB (mouse and thumb drive tested as well as USB keyboard in docking station) after disabling USB3.0 in BIOS. Not working at this time is network (neither Ethernet nor WiFi). It will need more investigation what might be possible there.
If there is any progress I will let you know.
Greeting from Potsdam / Germany,