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Topics - David Graser

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Graphics and Window Design / [MOVED] Martin, a suggestion
« on: January 02, 2025, 07:04:36 pm »
Martin, I have a suggestion.

I think it would be nice if you created a new forum catagory under the Technical column called Graphics and Window Design, and move the David's Doodles, Dynamic Icons and the Bigicons topics to it.

It would make it easier for those looking for some any of the graphics or icons to find them.

Storage / How to properly setup a working FAT32 USB stick?
« on: March 01, 2024, 03:34:23 pm »
I can no longer get newly bought USB flash drives to work under ArcaOS 5.1.  In the past, I used the reformat.exe tool from the Essentials Package.  Its license expired.  I have tried formatting with ArcaOS and DFSee to no avail. I always get unknown drive after formatting in Windows or DFSee.  I have to admit I am guessing when using DFSee to format the drives.   What I find strange is both Windows and DFSee recognize it as a fat32 drive, but ArcaOS does not.

My question is what are the proper steps to get properly formatted FAT32 working drives under ArcaOS?

Utilities / Almost forgotten and lost software
« on: January 14, 2024, 09:32:11 pm »
Also, lost software.  No longer at hobbes and and other sites.

OS/2 API Trace is a freeware application written by an IBM software engineer with extensive experience in OS/2 kernel and Presentation Manager development.

OS/2 API Trace allows you to trace the 16-bit and 32-bit OS/2 APIs used by any application running on any 32-bit version of OS/2 (2.0 or later) without requiring the application's source code or requiring the application to be recompiled/relinked. Simply enable the application for tracing and run it, and the OS/2 API calls (and optionally their parameters) made by the application are logged to a text file that is already formatted and in English. OS/2 API Trace also allows tracing to be customized, controlled, and summarized.

Found at site above, but for how much longer.

Applications / ArcaOS is the best multitasking system there is
« on: November 30, 2023, 06:01:59 am »
While developing and testing the BigIcons, I took advantage of the systems mutitasking environment.  I had XPager set up for 5  desktops or rooms or whatever you want to call them.  I had FM/2 opened in the first, the second desktop ready to use another instance of FM/2 or PMView when needed, PMView in the third, Small (a text editor I purchased over 20 years ago in the fourth, with the 5th used to open folders and properties to get and check info, along with restarting the desktop.

I discovered you can only restart the desktop approximately 10 times before XPager disappears and the system has to be rebooted.  I can't imagine trying to do what I did under Windows.  What I did in 2 weeks, it would have be months under Windows.  As it was, I worked around 10 hours or more each day to get it to the presently level.  The wife wasn't happy.

Graphics and Window Design / Bigicons
« on: November 27, 2023, 04:44:33 am »
I decided to do a test to see how well the new icons are looking.

I copied my new icons to drive:\sys\icons

The new folder name is DGYellowIcons

I changed the bigicons path in the config.sys file to

I opened the System Setup folder
Selected the WPShell icon

Selected the last tab for Icon Size

I then selected Use custom icons and and Dynamic setting it to 56, closed and rebooted.

Nothing changed.  The text was still named bigicons.txt.  I then changed it to dgyellowicons.txt, rebooted and still no change.  I was wonder if this feature was ever tested.  I also rename my dgyellowicons folder to bigicons to see if that helped which it did not.

Rich, any ideas?  There are now over 400 :png icons and with lots more to do.

Note:  There were some items in the txt file I had no clue what they were.  I used the ; to comment them out for now.

I have attached the txt to see if it is the problem.

Applications / hard hangs
« on: June 16, 2021, 06:18:00 pm »
I noticed and have had these problems for some time.  It must be the programs.

PMview with multiple instances and working with lots of graphics sometimes hangs the system requiring a hard shutdown.

This also occurs with FM/2.  Sometimes when I open an archive file and start to drag a file to add to the archive, the system locks up requiring another hard boot.

Hardware / usbdrv233
« on: March 25, 2020, 12:24:17 am »
I installed usbdrv233 and rebooted and noticed I no longer had access to my removable USB drives.  The clue was the "an removable media monitor" disappeared.  This has happened before.  The problem is the new usbcalls.dll.  When I copy ver 3.32 usbcalls.dll over the 3.33 version and reboot, the removable media monitor is back and my usb drives are recognized.   

Web applications / PMMail version
« on: March 22, 2020, 04:53:20 pm »
I would like to compliment Neil, Doug, and Gregg on the new improvements.  It is working great.  The new setting pages look good..

I have one question.  On my Yahoo ATT email server, I created a folder called Archive.  I put all my important emails in so they don't get deleted.  I created a folder in PMMail called Archive.  How do I get PMMail to download the archive to my PMMail archive folder?

Applications / YUM
« on: March 22, 2020, 03:27:32 pm »
I was adding a RPM package (lzlib) when all the sudden I received a VX-REXX error code 009,  This has happened before.  When it happens, all the installed and uninstalled packages disappear from YUM.  I could not get them to show again.  The first time it happened, I reinstalled ArcaOS to get YUM working again.  This time, I  tried installing an archived desktop.  The archive worked and brought all the packages back to YUM.  I could see them again.  It also eliminated the error messages.

When this error happens, it continues to happen.  Anytime YUM is started, I continue to get this error code.

Has anyone else seen this?

Applications / BS_Info v2.2 and AVxCat
« on: August 24, 2019, 05:34:07 am »
I just wanted to thank both Rolf Gachnang and Remy for two nice pieces of software.  Rolf has greatly improved on BS_Info since the earlier versions making it more stable with more information selections.

Remy has made it so easy to locate and update the necessary packages which make it so easy to set up after installation.  In the AVxCat parameters, by clicking on the external program description on the left, it downloads that necessary package.  It may have always been there, but I just discovered it for myself.

This thank you applies to all you programmers for without you all, we would not have a platform that a lot of us still enjoy using.

Applications / latest fontconfig
« on: June 06, 2019, 03:42:13 am »
I had to back level to an earlier fontconf ( custom library using YUM.  The latest downloaded version (2.13.1-2) does not allow any version of  FireFox work.  Fortunately, I caught this right after I used YUM to upgraded to the latest version. The latest version kept trapping FF.

Applications / How to make FireFox appear as a windows browser?
« on: March 15, 2019, 11:44:35 pm »
Sites such as Netflix require a Windows or Apple browser.  How can I make our browser appear as a windows browser when accessing these sites?

I am wondering if the site will allow video play if it thinks this browser is a Windows browser.

Hardware / WiFiBlast
« on: March 06, 2019, 01:57:10 pm »
I found this piece of hardware.

It is cheap (approx $35) and has enabled me to use my wireless on my notebook. under ArcaOS.  Can be used as a network adaptor.   Wherever I plug my notebook in, i also plug in the WiFiBlast and then plug a short ethernet cord from it to my notebook,  instead of running 30 feet of ethernet cord.   I set it up under Windows.  It has been working great. 

Note:  the ethernet cable is only around a 1-1/2 foot long.  You may have to replace with a longer cable.  The wireless  initially has to be set up under windows.

Applications / 3d launch pad
« on: January 13, 2019, 03:56:29 am »
Andrey Vasilkin's 3D lauch pad is really a nice addition to ArcaOS.  One can run multiple launch pads from various sides of the screen. Use Xcenter widgets for various monitoring and use the 3D launch pad for various programs.  Thanks Andrey!


Applications / DLLs not found in libpath
« on: October 19, 2018, 09:46:16 am »
Checking some of the programs found in ArcaOS 5.03 or that I install and use, I noticed some would say that a dll was not found in libpath when tested with PMDLL.  I do not know how important that is for the  program to work properly.  To fix this, I just make another directory called copied_dlls on the drive root, added it to the libpath statement in my config.sys, and copied these dlls to it and the errors PMDLL showed went away.



XWP 1.0.12 GA

Lucide 1.41.b10

Warpin 1.22

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