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Messages - Dave Yeo

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General Discussion / Re: PMfax
« on: April 25, 2024, 10:36:04 pm »
You could try reming the com.sys lines in config.sys and removing the /m:3 from usbcom.sys for testing purposes.
I used to run a USR robotics USB modem, model #5637, worked fine until there was a thunderstorm. It was fragile and  storms killed 2 of them.

General Discussion / Re: PMfax
« on: April 25, 2024, 09:25:51 pm »
Try mode com1, mode com2 etc to see which com ports are installed. Seems I remember someone having problems as the com port was a higher then expected number.

Applications / Re: Nomacs Image Viewer
« on: April 24, 2024, 07:47:47 am »
Jasper-libs-2.0.22-1.c00 is in netlabs-rel but contains jasper.dll, not jasper1.dll

Programming / Re: Dive: Why does not this work
« on: April 22, 2024, 05:26:38 pm »
I wonder then, how SDL work then. There is not one mention of WM_VRN*. It just blits the whole SDL surface to the buffer (no direct VRAM access).

Cairo does the same. A comment in the code,
Code: [Select]
* This function uses DIVE to write those portions of the surface identified
* by @rect directly to the screen buffer.  It only supports 32- or 24-bit
* full-color video modes.  To avoid painting overlapping or child windows,
* it must perform all of the visible-region calculations that GPI normally
* handles.  Despite this, it provides a significant improvement in speed
* compared to using GPI functions.

Programming / Re: Dive: Why does not this work
« on: April 20, 2024, 04:35:29 pm »
Code from Mozilla (widget\os2\nswindow.cpp #405), for querying whether the shadow buffer is enabled
Code: [Select]
  // Don't use DIVE if the Panorama video driver is in use
  // unless its shadow buffer is turned off.
  HMODULE hmod;
  if (!DosQueryModuleHandle("PANOGREX", &hmod)) {
    char      str[8];
    if (PrfQueryProfileString(HINI_USERPROFILE, "PANORAMA", "VBEShadowBuffer",
                              0, str, sizeof(str)) && !strcmp(str, "0")) {
      sUseDive = TRUE;
      printf("Video driver is Panorama - shadow-buffer is disabled\n");
      printf("DIVE is disabled - Panorama's shadow-buffer is enabled\n");


  sUseDive = TRUE;

Multimedia / Re: mplayer - just stopped working...sort of...
« on: April 15, 2024, 06:35:00 pm »
You can always use sh.exe to get around the command line limit. Create, paste the command line in and do "sh" use / instead of \

Games / Re: Minecraft
« on: April 12, 2024, 04:13:08 pm »
Hi Jochen,

  This last version does open the browser on the register page - thanks!


Same, opens fine.

Games / Re: Minecraft
« on: April 11, 2024, 06:51:41 pm »
Looking at the documentation, I guess you need to pass one as the execFlag parameter instead of zero.
Edit: Remember to test both with the browser running and not running.
Edit2: or perhaps DosStartSession() would be better to use.

Games / Re: Minecraft
« on: April 11, 2024, 06:40:47 pm »
Tested again, this time with the browser shutdown. It worked, bringing up Once SeaMonkey was running, tried again, new window with about: once again came up.
Noticed that when I started ClassicCube from a command prompt, the prompt output was,
Code: [Select]
Starting ClassiCube 1.3.6 ..
Adding (type 0)
Fetching (GET)
HTTP: result 0 (http 200) in 322 ms (94 bytes)
Going back to sleep...
Going back to sleep...
DIVE is disabled - Panorama's shadow-buffer is enabled
[calBackendLoader] Using libical backend at Z:\mozprofiles\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles\\extensions\{e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}\components\libical-manifest
DIVE is disabled - Panorama's shadow-buffer is enabled
Closing ClassicCube left the cmd prompt looking like it was still open and when I pressed CTRL-C, not only did ClassicCube finish closing, so did SeaMonkey.
On the command line, entering "seamonkey" works as expected, new window opens with the page loaded.
Seems like DosExecPgm needs something like "start" to have a new instance of the browser.

Setup & Installation / Re: Install Arca OS via USB stick
« on: April 11, 2024, 04:19:31 pm »
Thanks all, unfortunately, I don't have the .7z file anymore, just the ISO. It's bought and paid for, but it was a couple of years ago now, so I can't re-download it. So I guess the tools I need to make an installer aren't freely available? If not, I'll try Arca Noae.



You need the correct version of dfsanwin.exe, not a another copy of the ISO. I'd suggest writing Arca Noae and asking where to download it from. Usually it is available from the same place the ISO is, but it has been a while since your version was released.

Games / Re: Minecraft
« on: April 11, 2024, 04:08:36 pm »
Testing here, it opened SM fine, but only about: came up, like you're not passing the URL to the browser.

Programming / Re: ArcaOS - Recreate a complete build environment?
« on: April 10, 2024, 04:56:14 pm »
You can also create a file in $PREFIX/share, usually /usr/local/share/ Mine for Mozilla, or IIRC, where %CONFIG_SITE% points.
Code: [Select]
export CFLAGS=-Zomf
export CXXFLAGS=-Zomf
export ASFLAGS=-Zomf
export 'CPPFLAGS=-idirafter w:/usr/include/os2tk45'
export 'LIBS=-lcx -Zomf'

The -idirafter is to search the toolkit for includes after the usual locations such as /@unixroot/usr/include.

Programming / Re: ArcaOS - Recreate a complete build environment?
« on: April 10, 2024, 04:44:34 pm »
This thread is immensely useful and a great complement (or replacement) to BitWise Works wiki page on how to build qt5 (

Considering there's an official developer page through EDM2, perhaps the very first article should be "how to get started", with this information? Also, should anyone have a script to automate some of this yak shaving setup, it could reduce the friction that many hobbyist developers have to face when approaching OS/2 development...

If I'm not wrong most of it is already covered in some other places of these forums. Yet I must say I'm doing much research (in my almost zero spare time) to try and get up-and-running in as few steps as possible.

I'll try to gather and organize as much information as possible and try to contribute to what has already been written. Ad EDM/2 column would be really useful (provided it doesn't already exist!).


Quoting myself because I came across an interesting problem.
If I try to set variables like CFLAGS like this

Code: [Select]
set CFLAGS=-O2 -g

configure and autoreconf work correctly. But I can't set options like -march or -mtune. If I try to set these in double quotes as in

Code: [Select]
set CFLAGS="-O2 -g -march=generic"

even after autoreconf, configure fails giving me troubles in gcc, gxx and cpp - even if I tweak the script.
How can I include -march / -mtune and similar options?
This happens also if I try to use export directive in a shell script...


Code: [Select]
sh configure 'CFLAGS=-O2 -g -march=generic' 'LDFLAGS=-Zomf -Zhigh-mem'

Games / Re: Minecraft
« on: April 09, 2024, 01:19:34 am »
Hi David

Getting around 10fps, and can move the view by moving the mouse. ...
I think I have your same experience, with the exception of moving with the mouse. How do you know it is moving, does the image/background moves?

Do you use SNAP or Panorama. In my case I used Panorama on real hardware.


Hi Martin, here the background/view changes when I move the mouse. Using Panorama on real hardware

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