Hi Doug,
Ian, you have a great site, but general access is a bit awkward, although not difficult. I think your site could be used as a template for any changes at HOBBES, but I still question whether such changes are actually necessary (some cleanup would be nice).
It's awkward on purpose unfortunately.
The simplicity of hobbes is its beauty and as much as I wish to say add things like directories to store older versions to tidy up current directories, I'm worried that will mean a human needs to look after it, that's the hard bit, getting someone who understands the software, our naming convention etc. We could send them a list of files once a year or blue moon of files to archive off, possibly.
While we discuss backups, and mirrors, I assume that you have a good backup plan in place, but what happens if a small asteroid clobbers your residence? Is there anyone mirroring your site? (I know it is "forbidden", but exceptions can be made). It would be a shame to lose your site too.
The executor of my will is on the other side of Australia, as is my backup server I left in Melbourne that mirrors my main server every week.
In the event of my death (possibly by asteroid strike) then a short 'item' will be posted on os2world.com if still running, and in the OS/2 newsgroups as well as a couple of other places asking for expressions of interest in becoming the new owner of the os2site.com server(s), if both servers survive then the preference is that each one goes to individuals/entities at different locals.
The Australian National Library also has an almost complete copy of os2site.com and all my Digital Equipment Corporation software and information.
By the time the post is made, any of my current users would have copies of there data from the server, and that data removed.
There are also rotating local backups to 1TB USB drives where I am currently located, and two spare servers which are DSync'ed when I remember to do so.
If both servers and all backups are destroyed, I think anyone else in the world that survives will have other things to worry about

Bit overboard I know, just something that's evolved.
[edited for speeling]
Others can mirror os2site.com but it would have to start with me sending them DVD's to preload, otherwise that's a lot of data to download depending on if they want all the IBM ftp stuff as well.
[Added as an idea]