Author Topic: ArcaOS install - can't create partition  (Read 9769 times)


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ArcaOS install - can't create partition
« on: May 28, 2017, 03:02:53 am »
Before I submit a bug report, I thought I would ask here to see if anyone has any thoughts on this.

I have a Windows 10 system on a Lenovo T410 laptop with:

 1 partition of 9,097 MB (Type 27) Primary Startable
 1 partition pf 95,336 MB          Primary
   Free space of 199,998 MB

The free space was created by shrinking the Windows C; disk using the Windows 10 disk manager.

For the ArcaOS install, I chose the single volume with default options.

On the Simple Installation page, there was no Target Volume listed. If I click on Check Volumes, I get one volume listed "Z: (FAT). That didn't seem right, so clicked on Manage Volumes. I get "Disk 1 reports a corrupt partition table". The first time I got here, it reported LVM errors and asked if I wanted to fix this, so I said yes, and when it finished, restarted the install. Now it still says there is a partition table error but doesn't ask if I want to fix, but if I click OK, it takes me to the display of the three partitions I listed above.

I select the free space item, and click on Create New. I've tried every combination of options, all get "Operation is not allowed LVM error 8"

The Windows 10 system still boots fine, so whatever error ArcaOS is seeing, it isn't impacting the Windows 10 system.

Thanks for any ideas on how to get past this!


Dave Yeo

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Re: ArcaOS install - can't create partition
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2017, 03:22:15 am »
Probably using the Windows 10 disk manager to shrink the partition left the partition table in a OS/2 unfriendly state. Should always use OS/2 tools for resizing etc. You could try using dfsee to fix them.

Eugene Gorbunoff

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Re: ArcaOS install - can't create partition
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2017, 11:22:58 am »
1) To install Windows and OS/2 to one harddrive, you should format all partitions from OS/2. Then install Windows, then install OS/2.
It is recommended install OS/2 to new harddrive always.

2) If ArcaOS installer refuses to install and offers "Fix partition", again and again, then
* convert GPT to MBR (if necessary)
* try remove existing windows partitions using shareware Windows disk tools (Arconis, Paragon)

David Hart

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Re: ArcaOS install - can't create partition
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2017, 12:38:48 am »
In order for me to install eCS and ArcaOS on the same box, I ended up unplugging the Windows drive (Master) and then added a second drive I had  lying around and installed (both eCS prior and later did the same for ArcaOS on a 3rd drive).  I also had a FAT32 partition to share some data when booting between OS's.

After I got ArcaOS installed.  Then I plugged the SATA cable back to the Windows drive.  Windows 7 booted fine.  To get to the other OS's I used the BIOS boot manager to select the other drive.  This works fine but it is an extra step to boot to it.

I don't know if it is possible to load Air-Boot onto the Windows drive because the only way I know how to install it is through the ArcaOS volume manager and that wont do anything with the Windows drive.  If there is another way to install Air-Boot through the Windows side, then maybe that would work to boot to Windows and the other OS's.  When I boot to the second drive, AIr-Boot does scan all the drives and it will show the Windows drive.

Once you get to the point of actually doing the install, you may run into issues recognizing sound card and network card.  Seems like less of these cards are recognized in ArcaOS and an older network card that works on eCS 2.2 does not work in ArcaOS (and this particular card caused the WinOS2 to fail to start.  Removing that card from the configuration fixed WinOS2 issue).


Rene Hvidsoe

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Re: ArcaOS install - can't create partition
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2017, 05:36:01 pm »
Hi ,

Have you tried to manually to start disc checker and see if it detect any issues ? 

Use the System Management from install media and use the tools from there or as David suggested use DFSEE ,

You need to get rid of the error before you can make any changes  to the disc.



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Re: ArcaOS install - can't create partition
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2017, 02:43:44 am »
Thanks for the pointer to DFSee, that allowed me to get past the disk issue.