Author Topic: Advance Notice - OS/2 - eCS User Meeting Cologne 30.11.2013  (Read 26870 times)

Sigurd Fastenrath

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this is an Advance Notice of the private initiative to host an OS/2 and eCS User Meeting in 2013, in Cologne, Germany.

As Thomas Müller and me have not been able to participate in Warpstock Europe for the last times we decided to meet each other to talk and share experience about OS/2 Warp and eCS, especially on modern hardware.

As it makes more fun the more users would participate, we decided to book a room on our cost in case some more users would like to participate.

The figures are:

- Date: 30th of November 2013, Saturday, from about 11 in the morning till 20 in the evening (or longer if needed ;-)  )

- Place: the youth hostel where Warpstock 2006 was hosted -

- We already arranged the room "Lille" there, where about 30 people will have seats and tables. There is WLAN access and a Flip Chart as well. Thomas and me fully pay the rent, so even if there will be no one else participating it will be no loss for us (But hopefully some will show up)..

- Therefore there is no need to pay for entrance nor need to registrate. We want to have the organisation work as less as possible. You "just" have to pay for your journey, the stuff you might want to drink or eat and the room you might want to rent in case you want to stay overnight. Even though it might be a good idea if those, who already decided to take part could inform us - we do not expect more than 30 people to come - but if so we would have a problem as there are no other, bigger rooms free that day. But I guess even more than 30 people can use the room. :-)

- There is no "program" planned, it is just to share experiences and so on

- I would like to offer free of charge installation help if needed for OS/2 or eCS on Netbooks, Tablets and Laptops - if I have the ability to. If you would like to have help it may be a good idea to send me an email before so I can be prepared for this.

- This is not planed to compete with Mensys, Warpstock, User groups or whatever, it is just a privat initiative - and everyone interested in this is invited to come!

- IMPORTANT: As everything is already fixed it is about 99% that it will take place and will happen - but I have to wait for the hirecontract that will arrive the coming week to sign it and send it back. So - if you plan to come please wait untill I have the hire contract signed - I will report this as soon as it will happen, I think till the end of next week.

- If you want to stay overnight the youth hostel gives you the possibility to, but there is a limited amount of rooms. You have to book and arrange this by yourself, the link above shows you the way. But I would advice you to wait with this at least till the end of next week, when the hire contract is finally fixed

- Thomas and me appriciate all hints, critics and suggestions you might have regarding this idea, please feel free to state them i.e. here with this topic. In theory there is the possibility to give a presentation as well - if someone would like to do so - as a Beamer can be rent for 25 Euro.

-> And - if you like - at that date the anual famous Cologne christmas markets have already started so you might take the chance to visit them in the evening as well.

We will report as soon as there are more news.

Thomas and Sigurd
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 12:04:06 pm by Sigurd Fastenrath »

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Re: Advance Notice - OS/2 - eCS User Meeting Cologne 30.11.2013
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2013, 04:36:17 pm »
Excellent initiative Sigurd.

I won't be there, it is too far away, but please take pictures, record videos, write about it, let us know everything !!!

Martin Iturbide
OS2World NewsMaster
... just share the dream.

Sigurd Fastenrath

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Re: Advance Notice - OS/2 - eCS User Meeting Cologne 30.11.2013
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2013, 12:38:05 pm »
The rent contract is signed today - so green light  :)

Some more informations:
If someone would like to give a presentation - please do email us because we need to control and organize this a bit. Thanks!

Regarding rooms: If you plan to stay overnight the Internet search field does only show "one bed in 4 bed room", but that is not true for visitors of our event. We would like to advice you to book via phone as if you mention our meeting you will have the possibility to book single or double rooms, if you like and as long as those are availiable. :)

Stay tuned for more.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 12:48:25 pm by Sigurd Fastenrath »


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Re: Advance Notice - OS/2 - eCS User Meeting Cologne 30.11.2013
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2013, 09:14:06 pm »
90% certain I will be there, at least in the afternoon.

Sigurd Fastenrath

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Presentation/Workshop planned!
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2013, 08:15:25 am »

even though we do not plan to have a strict program I decided to offer a presentation/workshop regarding my experience in Installation of OS/2 and eCS on modern hardware.

Topic:  Mission possible - the Klon wars

Time: starting at 14 o'clock
Duration: about 90 minutes (with a break, just as we like)

I plan to show the installation of OS/2 and eCS 2.2 on modern hardware using AirBoot Manager and DFSEE with the Cloning method. It is an (realtiv) easy and very fast way to install and avoid the problems of the "usual" installation method. Installing AirBoot Manager gives the opportunity to install next to Windows7/8 or other operating systems. I will discuss the Pros and Cons of this method, as well as the shortcommings and problems with eCS 2.2 with hardware.

I will demonstrate it on this hardware:

- eCS 2.2 on a fanless Intel Atom Mini PC
- OS/2 Warp 4.5 and eCs 2.2 on the Lenovo X200t Laptop with Digitizer support
- OS/2 Warp 4.5 on the Samsung Serie 7 Slate PC with Digitizer and Finger support

It is planned not to be a monologue, I would like to got through this together with the audience more like a workshop.
Questions and suggestions are welcome!!

The language will be German, in case we will have foreign visitors I will try to use English in addition. There will be no handout nor presentation material, you have to make your notes on your own :-) - so we have less work with this.

Is there a demand for such a presentation/workshop? Please let us know your opinion - Thank you very much!

Sigurd Fastenrath

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Preview on one of the coming attractions :-)
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2013, 09:47:39 am »


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Re: Advance Notice - OS/2 - eCS User Meeting Cologne 30.11.2013
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2013, 04:45:28 pm »
It is a great initiative Sigurd! I would like to join at the end of November.
Finally I enabled the network card of my laptop!

Sigurd Fastenrath

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Re: Advance Notice - OS/2 - eCS User Meeting Cologne 30.11.2013
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2013, 07:58:42 am »
It is a great initiative Sigurd! I would like to join at the end of November.
Finally I enabled the network card of my laptop!

Danke - Thanks! The feedback is far better than expected, we are very delighted about this! And it seems that there will be at least one (or more :-) ) developer as well.

I might get the X230t ready to use with Touch and Pen as well, as Wim Brul thankworthy once again will take over the driver development!

And yes - we will show something really exciting and new (!) at the meeting there, most of the OS/2 or eCS users have never seen before on the this plattform! Something, that really might suprise people and opens new opportunities :-) (No, this is not a joke nor advertisement)

Stay tuned for more!
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 08:03:02 am by Sigurd Fastenrath »

Sigurd Fastenrath

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OS/2 - eCS User Meeting Cologne 30.11.2013
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2013, 10:29:17 am »

as time is getting closer we would like to know if and how many people plan to visit this event. So it would be great to have a noncommittal information from those who plan to come - thank you very much in advance!

What we will have there:

- X200T , X230T and Samung Serie 7 Slate will be shown and can be tested by attendes :-) -> eCS on modern hardware
- a Presentation will be held about Installing eCS via Cloning with DFSEE
- WebCam Support will be shown
- time to meet and greet other OS/2 Users
- fun


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Re: OS/2 - eCS User Meeting Cologne 30.11.2013
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2013, 09:10:16 pm »

as time is getting closer we would like to know if and how many people plan to visit this event. So it would be great to have a noncommittal information from those who plan to come - thank you very much in advance!

What we will have there:

- X200T , X230T and Samung Serie 7 Slate will be shown and can be tested by attendes :-) -> eCS on modern hardware
- a Presentation will be held about Installing eCS via Cloning with DFSEE
- WebCam Support will be shown
- time to meet and greet other OS/2 Users
- fun

Hi Sigurd, I can't partecipate at your great initiative in Cologne. Did you arrange something for the recordings?

Thank you.

Sigurd Fastenrath

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Re: Advance Notice - OS/2 - eCS User Meeting Cologne 30.11.2013
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2013, 07:39:00 am »

as it is to much work for us to establish a "Live Video" from the event (but Thomas Müller and me thought about it, but please keep in mind it is "just" an User meeting made by some amateurs) we decided to record parts of the session and the whole day with a video cam and will publish a video afterwards somewhere for download and may be on youtube.

We will try to post - if there are any - some news during the meeting in the forums and may try to join some kind of chat (jabber or whatever) but we do not have a clue about it as we both do not use this usually. But if - we will notice it in the Forums.

It is a pitty that you can not participate, but we try to spread all the informations some might want to have (how many attendends and so on and so on)

Andi B.

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Re: Advance Notice - OS/2 - eCS User Meeting Cologne 30.11.2013
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2013, 12:21:42 pm »
Just fire up Seamonkey and put irc:// (and irc:// and/or irc:// into the address field and one of the participants should hang around there and follow discussion.