Author Topic: Copy/Replace file dialog in OS/2  (Read 6700 times)


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Copy/Replace file dialog in OS/2
« on: October 22, 2018, 09:46:23 pm »
I'm reading all the as2ezine, some other os/2 forum/wiki in Internet, same old magazines and everywhere I found described many software for os/2 GUI enhancement/replacement (Object Desktop, XWorkplace, xit, styler2, ecc) but nothing that enhance the default copy/raplace file dialog and that add a progress bar. Someone had found something?
I think is very boring waiting for files copy with the big os/2 file copy dialog that occupy most of the screen... :-\

Roderick Klein

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Re: Copy/Replace file dialog in OS/2
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2018, 10:28:06 pm »
To my understanding there is no replacement for the copy move dialog. And I agree the standard OS/2 version is pretty old looking. It provides no information how far the a copy or move has progressed for example.

I do know eCo software was working on a replacement for a copy/move dialog. But I do not know the status.


Andreas Schnellbacher

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Re: Copy/Replace file dialog in OS/2
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2018, 10:29:45 pm »
Search for File Open Container (FOC) for a general replacement. Also XWorkplace (XWP) provides a similar improvement.

Doug Clark

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Re: Copy/Replace file dialog in OS/2
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2018, 02:31:19 am »
I agree with you that the lack of a progress indicator during a WPS file copy is a shortcoming.

When copying large files, or a large group of files I use Larsen Commander, which provides a very nice progress indicator. Larsen is shareware.

Another shortcoming of the WPS is lack of direct editing in details view of extended attributes, such as subject or author. I use FM2 for that. Although I wish FM2 had a search feature that would highlight all the files that contained a certain string in a selected EA.  The WPS details view allows you to select/filter on EAs but it is kind of a pain to use. FM2 is freeware.

Both Larsen and FM2 provide a whole bunch of other features that you really need when working with files.

Andy Willis

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Re: Copy/Replace file dialog in OS/2
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2018, 04:02:51 am »
When copying large files, or a large group of files I use Larsen Commander, which provides a very nice progress indicator. Larsen is shareware.

Larsen is now Open Source for OS/2.
I think this is the latest version: