- Found an article on ebay: Pentium 90... would be perfect for a retro machine running OS/2 Warp 4.x, I thought.
(First I only saw the computer case.. wich I also have a 486er machine of, but then I investigated further, as the guy selling the thing gave no infos at all about that thing..)
The case says Intel Pentium, and the back says Model 90.. so chances are that this is a P90... might be even with a P90 fdiv bug..

But I love this ultra rare case.. and want it!

- It is a Highscreen Sky Tower 500.
The case also includes a Colorado 250 tape drive, a SCSI ISA card, PCI graphics card, an ISA sound card, 3.5 inch and 5 1/4 inch floppy drive, numerous software (not specified, just pictures of floppy disks), and a CRT monitor.
I wrote this seller.. as I wanted to know, atleast, which CPU this is, how much RAM is installed, mainboard type, etc
And he appears to have no clue.. he offered me to take more pictures from inside the case and for me to visit by. (too far away from me unfortunately)
Appears like he does not know what he has there.
But pricing is a bit hard, imho...
Bidding starts at 300 EUR (333,80 Dolar), (immediate buy at 450 EUR (500,70 Dollar)), no bids yet.
Since this is kind of buying a cat in a sack, I do not know... whats your opinion?
And what is this fdiv P90 bug? I heard about it back then. And all I remember, is that a specific calculation always gives a wrong value. But how badly does that impact usability of that machine/CPU, if at all?