Author Topic: Desktop weirdness  (Read 22954 times)

Andreas Schnellbacher

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Re: Desktop weirdness
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2021, 09:02:24 pm »
I have no idea how to fix what checkini reports, except the method I've described.

Additionally: 4 blocks are too large for safe processing. I keep mine at 2 - 3 blocks. I once had 5 or 6 blocks and strange WPS behavior occurred. I regularly clean with checkini and cleanini. Both have several options. For cleanini I use a config file.

Doug Bissett

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Re: Desktop weirdness
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2021, 10:11:04 pm »
have no idea how to fix what checkini reports, except the method I've described.

Additionally: 4 blocks are too large for safe processing. I keep mine at 2 - 3 blocks. I once had 5 or 6 blocks and strange WPS behavior occurred. I regularly clean with checkini and cleanini. Both have several options. For cleanini I use a config file.

It may be academic now. As I feared, the original problem is now preventing him from booting any boot system, and he managed to screw up his biggest drive, which now needs to be restored (CHKDSK just says it can't fix it).

He does use cleanini, once per month, but it doesn't fix everything (and it seems that he ignores warnings and error messages). I wasn't able to do my yearly visit, to make sure that he got it right (and, I was going to install ArcaOS 5.0.6 for him). If I was able to use the Helpdesk, I probably could have got to it before disaster struck. My brother hasn't taken much interest in computers, other than to use them. The internal workings are a mystery to him.

Doug Bissett

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Re: Desktop weirdness
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2021, 11:09:09 pm »
This problem just got a whole lot more interesting. It attacked me, this morning.

Cleanini, and CHECKINI, did nothing to fix the problem, although CHECKINI did identify bad startup folders (the ones that were popping up).

What I did, was download the latest VLC2, from HOBBES. I extracted the ZIP file into a working directory. Then, I did a copy over top of the old VLC2. It replaced it as usual. Then, I rebooted, and I had the problem. In my case, it popped up a lot of folders containing *.mo files. Since I now know where this came from (VLC2, in my case). I deleted the whole directory, and ran cleanini, which cleaned that stuff out of the ini files. Next, I did a reboot, which had no problem.

Okay, I copied the same directory back in (there was no problem identified with the directory in the working directory, and it doesn't cause the popups). After reboot, the problem is back, so I deleted the VLC2 directory, and rebooted. No problem. I ran cleanini again, and it removed the VLC2 stuff.

I don't believe that VLC2 has a problem. It seems to be the copy that is causing it, but I need to do more testing. For now, VLC2 is not installed.

FTR, I did do cleanini yesterday, as part of my weekly backup.

Doug Bissett

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Re: Desktop weirdness
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2021, 10:52:18 pm »
Cleanini, and CHECKINI, did nothing to fix the problem, although CHECKINI did identify bad startup folders (the ones that were popping up).

Okay, it seems that something more needs to be cleaned from the INI files, to reduce the possibility that this will happen. It is being looked at.

If you do experience the problem, you may be able to fix it (I did). WARNING: the following instructions can lead to disaster, if you get it wrong. BACKUP first (but don't replace a possibly good backup).

Open the registry editor. Drill down to: HINI_USER_PROFILE\PM_Workplace:Startup

There should normally be only one entry. <A Hex number>="Y"

If there is more than one (I had 3), you need to figure out which one is the good one (in my case, it was the last one). In ArcaOS, there is OO.EXE (I think this is available elsewhere) which will show some information about the entries. It does require a modification to the listed hex numbers (which are folder IDs). If the number is 1F0, you need to use 301F0, if it is 8792, you need to use 38792. In my case, the last number is 8792, so:
Code: [Select]
[C:\DESKTOP]OO /i 38792
38792  <WP_START>  WPStartup  "C:\Desktop\Computer\Startup"
The key here is "C:\Desktop\Computer\Startup". That one is the proper startup folder. I had two others that showed different things. Only one of them actually opened as a startup folder. The other was a *.CMD file. When you find out which one is the proper entry, right mouse click on the others, and Delete them. Close the registry editor, and reboot. The problem should be gone. If not, it is possible that the INI file got auto saved, before you got it rebooted. try again.

Andreas Schnellbacher

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Re: Desktop weirdness
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2021, 12:08:26 am »
That is what I and Rich described.

About the templates: You can get rid of doubled ones by deleting the whole contents of the templates folder, eventually together with checkini and cleanini.  The contents will be recreated because of existing ini entries. I mixed that up with Stevens Nowhere tools in my initial posting.

Doug Bissett

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Re: Desktop weirdness
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2021, 07:07:08 am »
That is what I and Rich described.

Pretty much. You did miss the part where the power supply quit working part way through trying to figure out what was going on. That complicated the whole thing somewhat.   8)

Templates seem to be okay, so far.