Author Topic: Squid Cache  (Read 25165 times)

Paul Smedley

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Squid Cache
« on: January 18, 2022, 09:46:31 am »
Hi All,

Lewis asked for an update to squid cache (,  so  I built v5.3  this morning.

Note this has only been very lightly tested.

Feedback appreciated :)



Harald Kamm

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Re: Squid Cache
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2022, 07:00:30 am »
Hi Paul, thank you very much for having ported Squid 5.3! I would have liked to test it: "SYS1804: The system cannot find the file GSSAPI." After having installed all the Heimdal / Kerbors stuff Squid traps:

 Exception Report - created 2022/01/21 06:56:32

 LIBC: Killed by SIGILL

 Hostname:         hal
 OS2/eCS Version:  2.45
 # of Processors:  1
 Physical Memory:  2046 mb
 Virt Addr Limit:  1536 mb
 Exceptq Version:  7.11.5-shl BETA8 (Jun  1 2020 18:37:02)


 Exception C000001C - Illegal Instruction

 Process:  L:\SQUID\SBIN\SQUID.EXE (01/18/2022 06:20:10 7,628,584)
 PID:      4A74 (19060)
 TID:      01 (1)
 Priority: 200

 Filename: L:\SQUID\SBIN\SQUID.EXE (01/18/2022 06:20:10 7,628,584)
 Address:  005B:000D7A99 (0001:000C7A99)

So may be some hint on the requirements would be useful :-)

Best, Harald

Dave Yeo

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Re: Squid Cache
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2022, 08:13:09 am »
Hi Harald, SIGILL is a bad instruction, usually from targeting a newer processor then the one you're using. What CPU do you have? And what is the failing opcode, be the section "Failing instruction" in your trp report just below the part you quoted.

David McKenna

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Re: Squid Cache
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2022, 02:53:15 am »
Hi Paul,

 Well, I tried, but just could not get this thing to work. It seems to run OK, except for some errors in the log file (attached), but doesn't add anything to the access log. SeaMonkey just hangs forever if I set it up to use squid, but confess I may not understand how to set it up properly - instructions on the net are all for Windows and Linux and do not seem even remotely related to this port. Another thing I found is it only works if the 'squid' directory is copied to the root of the 'UNIXROOT' drive. Anywhere else and it says it can't find the squid.conf file (is the location hardcoded?) - not even %ETC%, or %UNIXROOT%\etc. I'm stumped...


David McKenna

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Re: Squid Cache
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2022, 03:04:25 am »
 Forgot to mention - when first running squid it would give an error that it could not determine the hostname of the computer (even though I have SET HOSTNAME=NETMACHINE in CONFIG.SYS) and close, so I added 'visible_hostname=NETMACHINE' to squid.conf to take care of that...


Dave Yeo

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Re: Squid Cache
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2022, 03:59:23 am »
Hi David, setting it up in SeaMonkey should be a matter of going to Preferences-->Advanced-->Proxies and choosing Manual Proxy Configuration and entering your address, was what I used for squid along with the port number, 3128? It's set in squid.conf.
Might need to add your hostname to squid.conf, I had,
Code: [Select]
# Automatically detect the system host name
visible_hostname bluelion-40654
During the bluelion days.

Dariusz Piatkowski

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Re: Squid Cache
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2022, 05:20:53 am »
Guys...I'm curious: what's the purspose of setting up Squid on a client machine?

If I understood it's intended purpose correctly, it's meant to be a caching proxy primarily for server environments where the clients which are connecting to the server may fetch the very same data, and when that's coming from the caching proxy instead, it makes the response that much quicker, thus providing scalability, etc.

So when deployed on a client I'm thinking there is a very limitted benefit, no?

I haven't tried it, so no actual metrics to toss into the YEY or NAY side.


Dave Yeo

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Re: Squid Cache
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2022, 06:08:11 am »
In theory, on a client, especially one with a bad/slow connection, using the cache speeds things up as many responses come from the cache instead of over the internet. It was why I used squid when I was on dial up. In practice I found less and less benefit as things went to HTTPS as it is hard to cache encrypted content and stopped using it.

Harald Kamm

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Re: Squid Cache
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2022, 10:15:38 am »
Hi Dave,

thank you very much.

Hi Harald, SIGILL is a bad instruction, usually from targeting a newer processor then the one you're using. What CPU do you have? And what is the failing opcode, be the section "Failing instruction" in your trp report just below the part you quoted.

It's quite an outdated cpu, an Intel Xeon 2 GHz.

 Failing Instruction

 000D7A91  FCOMI  ST, ST(2)          (dbf2)
 000D7A93  FSTP   ST(2)              (ddda)
 000D7A95  JA     0xd7b10            (77 79)
 000D7A97  FMULP                     (dec9)
 000D7A99 >FISTTP QWORD [EBP-0x100]  (dd8d 00ffffff)
 000D7A9F  MOV    EAX, [EBP-0x100]   (8b85 00ffffff)
 000D7AA5  MOV    EDX, [EBP-0xfc]    (8b95 04ffffff)
 000D7AAB  ADD    ESP, 0x10c         (81c4 0c010000)

Best, Harald

David McKenna

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Re: Squid Cache
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2022, 02:50:15 pm »

  I tried and port 3128 (also, localhost and but nothing seems to work. I also tried running curl from the command line, that too did not work. Could very well be user error though...


 I agree it probably is not very useful for a client, but I wanted to try it out as potentially useful on my server, both for clients and possibly a reverse proxy for a website (supposedly squid can do that). But I gotta figure out how to use it first :-)


Dave Yeo

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Re: Squid Cache
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2022, 05:12:14 pm »
Hi Harald, unluckily given Intel's crappy naming, Xeon doesn't say much besides being the high end of whatever Intel was making. Seems "000D7A99 >FISTTP QWORD " is SSE3 and I guess your CPU doesn't support it and is pre-Prescott if I understand it right.
Attached is cpuinfo.exe, that'll list your CPU characteristics if you want to post them.
Paul can comment on whether this was assembly or C code.

Dave Yeo

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Re: Squid Cache
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2022, 05:45:13 pm »
Tried it, seems to just sit there forever trying to load a page. In the log I see,
Code: [Select]
2022/01/22 08:29:29 kid1| ERROR: loading file '/squid/share/errors/templates/ERR_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN': (2) No such file or directory
2022/01/22 08:29:29 kid1| WARNING: failed to find or read error text file ERR_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN

Which is missing. Have to try an older browser in case it is SeaMonkey/Firefox (tried both) that is broken.

Edit: seems to be stuck listening at, which won't work, there's other invalid arguments even using  my old working squid.conf (almost the same), attaching log.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2022, 06:00:25 pm by Dave Yeo »

David McKenna

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Re: Squid Cache
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2022, 06:24:13 pm »
Hi Dave,

  Yes, I got that file missing error too, and was able to get rid of it by replacing the 'errors' directory under \squid\share with the one from the squid 5.3 tarball. A packaging mistake I presume...

  Also, the 'ipcacheAddEntryFromHosts: Bad IP address 'fe80::1%lo0' I got rid of by changing 'fe80::1%lo0' in my Hosts file to 'fe80::1' - probably not needed at all anyway.

 Everything else I see in my log is identical to yours, and I agree that  'DNS Socket created at, FD 9' doesn't smell right. Also don't like the lines that say 'invalid argument' and 'Socket operation on non-Socket'...


Dave Yeo

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Re: Squid Cache
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2022, 06:44:09 pm »
Tried my old squid, which is working fine as I'm posting this using it. The log also has :DNS Socket created at, FD 9" but works. Here's the log for comparison, no invalid arguments, the cache was dirty after 4 years :)

Harald Kamm

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Re: Squid Cache
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2022, 08:42:18 am »
Hi Harald, unluckily given Intel's crappy naming, Xeon doesn't say much besides being the high end of whatever Intel was making.

Hi Dave,

yes, of course. Here is the output of cpuinfo:

vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family   : 15
model      : 2
stepping   : 4
flags      : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm
cpu MHz      : 1991.393
model name   : Intel(R) XEON(TM) CPU 2.00GHz

Best, Harald