Hi Paul,
Thanks for the ports! I tried scribus and get the same messages you do at startup - maybe a packaging issue? It seems to want icons in /scribus/share/scribus/icons/1_5_1 which doesn't exist. I also get a lot of missing icon errors when testing. There is a prefernce setting under 'user interface' where 1.5.1 is a choice, but changing it only brings more messages.
The biggest problem I have with it is I can't choose anything in the 'C:' drive in any dialog - it always comes up blank. Any other drive is fully populated. Of course 'C:' is where everything I need is (and is the unixroot). So I can't set scribus up to use anything on 'C:'.
The splash screen is oddly truncated at the top and right, as are all menu item dropdowns (similar to what I saw in focuswriter). Also drop down box dialogs are offset also like in focuswriter.
I tried basic functions like adding text frames, image frames, render frames and some free-hand drawing and they all worked, but can't choose anything on 'C:' to put in some of them. Typing and drawing seem to work fine.
It's a great start - hope to see it progress!
BTW - I finally figured out where the focuswriter conf file was (/Home/.config/GottCode) and deleted it, then Focuswriter would start. Themes and symbols now work, but if I choose 'typing sounds' in settings, it crashes and will not start again until I delete the conf file. So the 'typing sounds' setting is what was causing my crash.
I'll keep testing...
P.S. - hope you get over the covid quickly - I had it about 2 months ago and was bedridden for 3 days and out of it for a week after that... take care of yourself!