I guess I had already posted in the past.
I want to have some wiki pages with the OS/2 release history, just like Wikipedia has with all the Windows releases. -- call it envy if you want to

So, I started with IBM OS/2 1.0 and move forward from it.
I have this page "
IBM OS/2 1.0" and the idea is that you can move forward by clicking "Preceded by" until you get to IBM OS/2 Warp 4.52. In crazy attempt I'm also trying to document the boxes of each release in different languages. (part numbers, contents, pictures, etc).
As a "draft" attempt I'm also have "
IBM OS/2 LAN Server 1.0" until I get to "OS/2 Warp Server for e-Business 4.52".
I have some doubts while trying to consolidate the history and I want to ask a few things and also know your feedback.
(questions will follow)