It displays fine with no issue. Remy said something about a Captcha, but I don't see one - maybe the blocker I use blocks it? Also, I wonder if the user agent has an effect - I'm using 'Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; OS/2 i386) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.126 Safari/537.36', a slight modification of the default.
The priority change is definitely what helps here - without it I get the usual hangs and silent exits regularly. Much rarer with the priority change - any idea why that might be? Related to the processor optimization maybe? Or an interaction between that and the processor I'm using? Wish I knew more about the settings too - maybe it can be tweaked even more....
The forum about athena has a security check before going into the site.
I put a screenshot (taken under firefox which is slow with this process) of the expected display during this security check (there is a turning circle which should change to a checkbox to confirm been human and not a robot. once it is accepted (sometimes, it requires to reply more than one time), the request is routed to the site.
This process is part of
cloudflare security check (see bottom of the screenshot) to prevent cyber attacks and is more and more used by web sites
Sometimes, it didn't display (may be number of ip country issuer or host ip request dependent !)
- Cloudflare Captcha differs from those of google when clicking on getting free, you go through the verification !
- Google captcha:
I found a link to test them reCaptcha (v2, v3) (tested v2 which is very slow and not sure to go through...
V3 score is correct.