Still not working is <Alt Gr> <e> EURO character and even worse @ (Alt Gr + q). Or better said I've not found a way to insert these. The way with <Alt> + number keys don't work too. No clue if this is a general limitation of rdp or some setting or....
I see my old comment in the source code:
/* Support for the AltGr key on a German keyboard
(Request from Herwig Bauernfeind). */
Then the following scheme is executed: 1. The current country for OS/2 is recognized. 2. If it is Germany (code 49) and the Right Alt (AltGr) key is pressed, then the remote system is sent a press of two keys: Left Ctrl and Right Alt (AltGr).
I think it worked then because that part of the code hadn't changed for a very long time. Could you (or somebody from German here) verify that it doesn't work if you connect to Windows?
And please try the following (it doesn't matter whether it's with Linux or Windows): take this test version:
http://os2.snc.ru/pub/freerdp/test/freerdp-wpi-20250214.zipConnect to the remote system, press and release the AltGr key, and look at the console. If everything is ok, you should see lines like this:
!TEST! country: 49, codepage: 850
!TEST! Right Alt (pressed) -> Ctrl (0x1D) + Right Alt
!TEST! Right Alt (released) -> Ctrl (0x1D) + Right Alt
If you only see the first line with a different country code, please let me know.