Hey Andi,
I've tried FreeRDP to connect to different Linux boxes. It works but using FreeRDP the Linux host uses EN keyboard layout. All my Linux boxes does have German keyboards attached and work as expected when I'm sitting in front of them. My OS/2 system has a German keyboard too. But when I connect from my OS/2 system a Linux host via FreeRDP they get the English keys instead the German ones...
So I picked this up from an on-line FreeRDP User Manual (
https://sysadminmosaic.ru/_media/freerdp/freerdp-user-manual.pdf), and while it's specficially calling out the use of xfreerdp, perhaps it works on our port as well:
xfreerdp .../kbd:0x409
where "/kbd:0x409" is they remote session keyboard layout you want to use, and in the case of non-EN setups you can use one of these:
Keyboard Layouts
0x00000401 Arabic (101)
0x00000402 Bulgarian
0x00000404 Chinese (Traditional) - US Keyboard
0x00000405 Czech
0x00000406 Danish
0x00000407 German
0x00000408 Greek
0x00000409 US
Looking at our port, I see the following option showing up:
Keyboard related options:* layout: set the
keybouard layout announced to the server*
lang: set the keyboard language identifier
sent to the server* fn-key: Function key
value* pipe: Name of a named pipe that can
be used to type text into the RDP session
So it would at least appear like you should be able to set this. Give it a try and see if that helps?