Hi Roderick,
I already send an email this morning to you as well Ian :-)
I send it to your gmail address.
ok, checked my gmail account, mostly full of rubbish as I rarely look at it, you are better off emailing me at ian@ the os2site.com website

Have a lot to think about at present but limited time to do so.
Thinking it might be easier if I got paid hosting but that limits options as to software that I can use. I think I will have to maybe go the linux route locally for os2site.com and mirror that to an external host, either way Roderick, your version of os2site.com would then be able to be updated regularly though the preference is for your version to pull the updates from my version.
Martin, yes, I would keep the last version of hobbes that I have mirrored before I moved, the last version of hobbes as it would be the day before it is closed down, and a version that you would be free to update, modify etc.
I would simply add a date to the older versions of hobbes at
https://www.os2site.com/mirrors/ so there would be a hobbes_2021 and hobbes_2024. Gives you an option to have the new location called Martin if you like

Webservers have this wonderful thing called 'rewrite rules'.