I am using an USB-RS232 adapter that uses the PL2303 chip with the AOS USBCOM.SYS driver. You can find the adapter on Amazon by searching for
BENFEI USB to Serial Adapter, USB to RS-232 Male (9-pin) DB9 Serial Cable
It costs about $10
That adapter works fine with my own, very simple, program that talks to a IBM 6094-20 lighted keyboard. The program sends and receives data through the COM port, however the device does not use the RS232 control signals DTR, DSR, CTS, RTS
That same adapter does not work when trying to connect the DOS program LapLink through a COM port assigned to the adapter to another computer. LapLink reports that the COM port does not exist, while the OS/2 MODE command says that it does. However LapLink also refuses to recognize any COM port on my Quatech 8 port serial card - I suspect that problem is related to the interrupts LapLink expects to be with a specific COM port and the fact that the 8 port serial card is a PCI card and the interrupts that are assigned at boot up do not match the standard COM1-COM4 interrupts.
I also have a graphics tablet (ACECAD) which will not work when connected to the USB-RS232 adapter, or when it is connected to a port on the QuaTech 8 port serial card - but will work when connected to a serial port on the motherboard. I am guessing it is the same interrupt issue.
So if you are getting an error message from OS/2 when you issue a MODE command in a Command Prompt window on a COM port provided by the USB-RS232 adapter, then I am guessing you have an issue between the adapter and the driver. It looks like you are using COM5 for your USB-RS232 adapter, so the command would be MODE COM5. If the MODE command returns OK but your application says the COM port does not exist then you have a different issue. I tried various combinations of switches/parameters with USBCOM.SYS and no combination would make LapLink work with the USB-RS232 adapter. (I tried LapLink simply because I know it does all sorts of interesting things with a COM port and it was handy.)
If this is possible for you, have you thought about trying to connect to a COM port on your motherboard - assuming you are using a desktop computer and the motherboard has a COM port header?