/D for debug, sometimes it helps or at least a better error report.
If you have no experience with Linux, I don't know if you should go that route. You need to figure out what device(s) you have and use a terminal to do something like sudo fsck /dev/sda1 or use fsck.jfs if I remember correctly.
With Gparted, it might give you an idea of the problem but you can break your partitioning as far as OS/2 is concerned, really easy. Not all distributions have JFS support either
Have you looked at DFSee? There's an option to install to a minimal Linux USB stick or if you get your USB Linux stick booting, running DFsee from it.
Good luck and after consider back up plans. I have a USB hard drive, use rsync to back up my data and use zip to zip up my boot partition.
BTW, is it a hard drive or SSD that is giving you problems?