I have a problem, finishing instalation of AOS5.1 in UEFI-mode. After several reboots, installation went find until suddeny another reboot was required, but the reboot-button had no effect - and autreboot also didn't work.
I rebooted the "normal way", but the problem remained the same. tried several times
Startup.cmd leaves me with "install.exe allcopy2-pg /LogsC:\var\log /Fonts=M".
Even after trying an update-installation i come to the same result...
I get the message: CALL NOCDBOOT.cmd R: Sys1041: The name NOCDBoot.cmd is not recognized as an internal or external command, ioerable program or batch file. 6 *-* 'CALL NOCDBOOT.CMD R:'; +++ RC(1041)
then: the before mentioned startup-cmd appears.
then: just [C:sys\install\gui]
How can I finish the installation process?